Chapter 67

Yuan also smiled: "So, my little cousin is definitely a talent in psychiatry and psychology, so he has such insight into people's hearts."

Chen Moqian twitched the corners of his mouth. He has been like this since he was a child. Whenever he asks him for something, he will definitely praise him first. He looks like "I've praised him so much, how dare you refuse me".

"what's up?"

Yuan also sat down on the sofa and said slowly: "A daughter of one of my clients fell ill when she was seven years old. Most of the time, her mental state is normal, but when she is stimulated, her intelligence and behavior will become three or five years old. Although there is treatment, the effect is not obvious, and once it is cured, the next time it is stimulated, it will still recur."

Chen Moqian listened: "The probability is schizophrenia."

"Can you cure it?"

"I need to see the medical records first."

Does this mean willing to try?Yuan also immediately cheered up: "I'll send you the customer's contact information."

"it is good."

He promised so readily, Yuan also became a little skeptical, and blinked: "Are you really willing to treat? They all said that you have your own set of principles, and you don't treat patients lightly."

Chen Moqian turned off the gas stove, faced the city lights outside the window, seemed to see her smiling face, and said slowly: "You have already spoken, can I still refuse?"

He has principles, but principles don't count in front of her.

Yuan was also startled, and then felt warm: "Little cousin has always been the best to me since I was a child."

After chatting a few more words about recent life, the two ended the call.

Chen Moqian ate alone, and then called Chairman Cheng according to the contact information Yuanye gave him.

Chairman Cheng was very surprised, he didn't expect Yuan Ye to actually invite this great god, and quickly sent the medical records.

Chen Moqian was indeed aloof in front of outsiders, so he took the medical records and told them to read it before replying, and ended the contact.

In any case, with Chen Moqian here, there is hope that Nianxiang will recover from his illness. Chairman Cheng was in a good mood that night, and he even played with Nianxiang for an hour.

The secretary came to Cheng's house with a stack of documents in his arms: "Chairman, Mr. Wang asked me to send these, please take a look at them some time."

"Leave it alone." Chairman Cheng was playing with Nianxiang to guess the left hand and the right hand, and just answered casually.

The secretary was about to leave, but after thinking about it, he reminded: "Mr. Wang said that there is an investment plan in it, which he thinks can be considered. It is the Longevity Mountain project led by Gao Qiao and invested by Yongyu."

Chairman Cheng caught the key word in his ears and looked over: "Gaoqiao?"


Chairman Cheng immediately said, "Let me have a look."

After handing over the plan, he turned all the way to the last page, and sure enough, he saw the name of the person in charge.

"Jiang Yuan too."

The woman who appeared suddenly at the Shunkang Spiritual Center today introduced herself as Jiang Yuanye, the deputy director of the commercial department of Takahashi Group.

Chairman Cheng's old eyes sank, and he understood something.

The next day, the secretary knocked on the door of her vice minister's office, smiling all over her face: "Deputy Jiang, as you expected, Chairman Cheng invited you to have lunch!"

Yuan also curled her hair with her fingers, and smiled slightly: "It seems that the chairman has seen our plan, so let's take the contract to the banquet this time."

The dinner was set at a well-known teahouse in Jincheng. Although it was a teahouse, there were also dinners in an antique-style building. The kite was led by the waiter through the wooden corridor to the box reserved by Chairman Cheng. Chairman Cheng was already present. She apologized: "Sorry, I'm late, there is a little traffic jam on the road."

Chairman Cheng didn't care: "I'm the one who arrived early. Sit down, Deputy Jiang."

Yuan also sat down opposite him, and he took the initiative to mention: "Dr. Chen contacted me last night and asked for the medical records that I think about."

Yuan also nodded: "It can be regarded as a hope."

"Although Dr. Chen is young, he is already well-known in the field of psychiatry. If he is willing to treat and think about it, he will have a great possibility of recovery." Chairman Cheng said.

Yuan also answered: "Since Dr. Chen is going to leave the medical records that I think about, I think he should be able to treat and think about it. Chairman Cheng, please rest assured."

Chairman Cheng just smiled: "But if I don't agree to the investment, Dr. Chen probably won't agree to the treatment, think about it?"

After a pause, Yuan also frowned: "Why did Chairman Cheng say that?"

"I called the hospital's surveillance, and the person who used magic tricks to think about going downstairs is your secretary." Chairman Cheng leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, pointed at the little secretary, and the little secretary's face changed slightly. The son is white.

"You pretended to meet me in the hospital, and then introduced Dr. Chen to me. Isn't your ultimate goal just to get me to nod on the Long Live Mountain project?"

It was still found.Yuan Ye is actually not that surprised, this is an old man in the shopping mall, how can she hide her tricks from him, she put away her smile, and said seriously: "I'm sorry that I deceived you in some ways, but my sincerity It's true, I never thought of using Dr. Chen to blackmail you into signing the contract."

Chairman Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

"Yes, I will never interfere with my cousin's right to choose a patient. If he reads the medical records and thinks about it, if he is willing to treat him, even if you don't sign a contract with me, I won't say anything." Saying, "Think about it, she is a very good girl, she still has a long life, and I hope she can recover well."

Chairman Cheng took a sip of tea and made it clear that he didn't believe it. Yuan also had a "conviction" in his heart, so his attitude was indifferent: "I'm not that optimistic about the Longevity Mountain project."

Yuan also pursed her lips: "There is no 100% perfect project in this world. Fortunately, the Longevity Mountain project is still in its infancy. Chairman Cheng feels that if there are any problems, just raise them, and everything can be changed in time."

"Don't worry about it. Deputy Director Jiang is so smart and capable. He will definitely find a more suitable investor than HD. This meal is my gratitude to Deputy Director Jiang for introducing Dr. Chen. I still have something to do. Let's go first. You guys are slow." use."

Chairman Cheng left as soon as he said he would, without giving Yuan Ye a chance to say a word, and went straight out of the box.

The little secretary was inexperienced, and was already a little panicked: "What should I do with Deputy Jiang? Did we offend Chairman Cheng?"

"It's not enough to offend, but it did piss him off." Yuan also sighed, she underestimated Cheng Nianxiang's weight in Chairman Cheng's heart, that's not allowed to offend at all, she used his daughter, just for this , he will no longer give her a good face.

Looking at the delicious and rare dishes on the table, Yuan also took a deep breath and picked up the chopsticks: "Forget it, eat first, don't waste it."

The secretary asked stupidly, "Are you done eating?"

Yuan also didn't know what to eat: "The beggar came to the door to apologize."

Chairman Cheng stepped out of the box, intending to leave the restaurant directly, but at the corner of the corridor, he was stopped by a young man.

He said politely, "Chairman Cheng, hello."

This person looks familiar, Chairman Cheng thought for a while and remembered: "You are Mr. Wei's assistant, right?"

Li Yi smiled: "I'm honored that Chairman Cheng still remembers me."

He is always by Yuchi's side, he has seen him a few times, but if he is here now, does it mean: "Boss Yu is here too?"

Li Yi pushed open the door beside him, which was also a box: "Here. If Chairman Cheng is not in a hurry, Mr. Wei has already brewed a pot of good tea and is waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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