Chapter 68

Yuchi invited, although he didn't know why, Chairman Cheng had no reason to refuse, so he went in anyway.

"I didn't expect to meet Mr. Wei here by chance."

Wisps of white smoke came out from the spout of the charcoal-fired kettle, and the fragrance of tea lingered. Yuchi sat in front of the tea table. From the window behind him, he could see the corners of the gray brick wall and the old wooden door, like an old photo exuding the fragrance of old things. Breath, only a vine growing from the wall and him with gentle eyebrows and eyes embellished this vivid picture.

"The tea here is very good, Chairman Cheng can try it." Yuchi made a gesture of please sit down, and at the same time put a cup of tea in front of him.

Chairman Cheng didn't have a deep relationship with this upstart in the shopping mall, so he didn't understand what he meant for a while, so he sat down with the idea of ​​​​being safe when he came, took a sip from his teacup, relaxed his expression, and praised: "It's really good, It's like being soaked in mountain spring water."

Yuchi said softly: "Chairman Cheng knows more about tea, and he knows it when he tastes it. I only found out it was mountain spring water after I asked the boss."

"When I was young, I liked drinking coffee more. I thought coffee was refreshing, but my wife was afraid that coffee would hurt my health, so she insisted on making me drink tea, and even helped me find all kinds of tea. I couldn't bear to let her down. It becomes a habit after drinking." Chairman Cheng sighed and smiled.

Yuchi listened: "Chairman Cheng and his wife are deeply in love with each other. God is ruthless and took his wife away early. Fortunately, he left a daughter to accompany you."

Chairman Cheng was even more vigilant, they had no business contacts, they only met in a few public places, they were nodding acquaintances. Why?
Yuchi used a handkerchief to insulate the handle of the hot kettle, poured hot water into the teacup, and the smoke rose, and his handsome features were blurred: "I heard that your daughter's health is not good, it just so happens that I If you know a doctor, you can introduce him to Chairman Cheng."

Chairman Cheng was taken aback. Li Yi had already placed a business card in front of him. It was a thin card with simple black characters on a white background, and only his name and phone number were written on it.

He frowned: "President Wei's kindness, I appreciate it, but..."

"His surname is Qin, Qin Zibai." Yuchi's black eyes were as quiet and deep as a pool of water, "he is no more famous than the Dr. Chen introduced by others. Chairman Cheng may have never heard of him, but he is really good. I I can vouch for him."

Not only did he know that his wife died early, but also that his daughter was suffering from a disease. He even knew that someone introduced him to a doctor whose surname was Chen.

Chairman Cheng stared fixedly at this noble-looking man. He was a generation younger than him, but he was very peaceful and natural in front of him. He knew that he had this capital, after all, he was the head of the Wei family, but even so , he knows too much.

Or in other words, he knew too much that he shouldn't, as if he had investigated it on purpose.

It's hard to convince him that he has no purpose.

He always likes to get straight to the point, and asked directly: "Mr. Wei, why are you helping me like this?"

"Chairman Cheng has one more chance to heal your daughter. Can we also give others a chance?" Yuchi put a cup of tea in front of him, and the bottom of the cup touched the glass tabletop, making a small sound.

"For example, the Long Live Mountain project."

Chairman Cheng was shocked suddenly.

He had guessed many reasons why President Wei could invite him, maybe it was a business negotiation, maybe it was a personal exchange, but he didn't expect that he would be a lobbyist for someone else, it was really unexpected.

Let him give the Wansui Mountain project a chance, then, is he aiming at the Takahashi Group that undertakes this project, or is he aiming at Jiang Yuan who is in charge of this project?

He was in a complicated mood and was hesitant, Yuchi reminded softly: "The tea is getting cold, Chairman Cheng."

Yuan also finished lunch with the secretary, walked out of the teahouse, accidentally caught a glimpse of a familiar car passing by on the street, she frowned, feeling puzzled.

Back in Takahashi, Tobi was busy until three o'clock in the afternoon before taking a break to get up and make coffee in the tea room.

As soon as she walked out of the office, she ran into Huo Yan. She was about to say hello, but before she could speak, Huo Yan said, "Chairman Cheng of DH Group contacted me personally just now."

Yuan was also taken aback.

Huo Yan continued: "He expressed his willingness to invest in the Long Live Mountain project, 35%."

Changed your mind?Kite also clenched the water glass, not only changed her mind, but also increased her investment. In her plan, it was clearly stated that HD was only responsible for 30% of the project.

She couldn't figure it out for a while, what made Chairman Cheng turn from rejecting her, or even rejecting her, to actively accepting her and increasing his willingness to cooperate?
It couldn't be her little cousin who cured Cheng Nianxiang all at once, right?Or is it because Chairman Cheng has lost his memory and forgot that she lied to him?

And why is this scene so familiar?At the beginning, Mr. Xu of Yongyu seemed to have changed from "no" to "yes".

In the afternoon, when she accidentally saw the black car at the gate of the tea house, it suddenly appeared in her mind. The small details that were not necessary to pay attention to at first, now spread like sesame oil into the water, and slowly gathered into a ball, becoming a clear picture. cognition.

It's him, it must be him.

Yuan also raised the corner of her mouth and made a smile: "Then I have to draw up the contract again."

Huo Yan praised her: "It's good to be able to say that Chairman Cheng invests, I'm not mistaken about you."

Yuan, as usual, boasted that Mr. Huo was a good leader, then turned around and went back to her office, and put the empty cup on the table.

After get off work, Yuan also drove to Wei's Group, found a place to park where he would not be fined, then stood at the entrance of a restaurant, looking at the gate of the building.

Maybe someone who knew her and knew her identity discovered her and told Yuchi about it, so after waiting for so long, Yuchi's figure appeared at the door and directly cast his gaze in her direction.

Ibis smiled at him too.

Yuchi walked towards her alone, his steps were like the wind, he didn't even breathe in front of her, he just looked at her and asked, "Why don't you go in and find me?"

Yuan also took it for granted: "Mr. Wei can wait for me at the gate of Gaoqiao three times, why can't I wait for Mr. Wei once?"

Yuchi looked at her, then looked up at the signboard of the restaurant behind her, and asked, "Have you eaten? The taste of this restaurant is not bad."

Yuan also tilted her head: "What's the matter? Mr. Wei didn't eat enough at Jingtaixuan at noon?"

Jingtaixuan is the name of that teahouse, Yuchi asked back: "You don't need to eat dinner after lunch?"

"So you admit that you were at Jingtaixuan at noon?"

"I never denied it."

This is Mr. Wei's style, always so righteous.

Yuan also looked at his handsome face: "You also said that Chairman Cheng signed the contract with Takahashi?"

Yuchi paused, and said, "I just introduced him to a doctor."

Yuan also laughed, and said lightly: "I also introduced him to a doctor, but he still refused to sign a contract with me. Sure enough, Mr. Wei has a bigger face. Not only Mr. Xu wants to listen to you, but even Chairman Cheng I want to listen to you."

(End of this chapter)

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