He is delusional

Chapter 92 We Are Cousins

Chapter 92 We Are Cousins

There was a smile in her voice, and the corner of Chen Moqian's mouth was slightly raised.

The little nurse who peeped at him not far away felt that he should be in a good mood now, and it was the best time, so she puffed up and ran over quickly: "Doctor Chen!"

Chen Moqian turned around while holding the phone: "Huh?"

The little nurse blushed: "I, I heard that you often stay up late to read cases and write papers. People who stay up late tend to have bad throats. I just bought too many throat lozenges and I will give you a box."

As she spoke, she handed over a box of throat lozenges with both hands, her eyes flickering with anticipation.

Chen Moqian took a look, but Momo refused: "Thank you, no need."

The little nurse persevered, and passed it forward again: "Take it, this brand of throat lozenges is very good."

"Thank you, but I don't eat candy."

But the little nurse directly stuffed the candy into the big pocket of his white coat, then turned around and ran, shouting as she ran, "I'll bring you another flavor next time!"

A trace of impatience flashed across Chen Moqian's eyebrows.

Before he hung up the phone, Yuan heard it all, and was overjoyed: "The little girl is very lively and has a nice voice, she must be very cute, how about little cousin?"

Chen Moqian said indifferently: "Because others like me, thinking about liking the other party is a lack of love and a pleasing personality. I am not."

...As expected of a Master of Psychiatry, Yuan couldn't beat him, and heard someone knocking on the door, so she hurriedly ended the call: "Anyway, please remember to check for me. When you come to Jincheng, I'll treat you to dinner, bye."

Chen Moqian took the phone away, looked at Yuan Ye's call avatar, and automatically returned to the desktop with a "beep--".

He put away his cell phone, reached for the box of throat lozenges in his pocket, took it out to have a look, then threw it into the trash can, with indifferent eyes.

After getting off work in the evening, Yuan also went to the small treasury. It was the small treasury's business hours, and there were already many customers present. She knew where Gu Jiu liked to sit, so she walked over and saw him.

Strangely enough, he was the only one.

Not bringing a woman or asking a dancer to sit with you, it's not like Gu Sanshao's style, Yuan also sat down and said: "I thought you were planning to bring Nanyin to show me."

Gu Jiu rolled his peachy eyes and smiled: "We brothers and sisters get together, what kind of woman should we bring?"

Kite also hehe, as if she had never brought it before.

She snapped her fingers with the bartender. She was also a regular customer. The bartender knew her taste, nodded with a smile, and quickly made a glass of wine for the waiter to deliver to her.

"Are you serious this time?" He asked Nanyin.

"Well, sometimes an attractive man like me is very distressed. Everyone likes me, and it's not easy for me to refuse people. I can only try them all. If it suits me, I will seriously consider it."

Yuan also despises: "My little cousin said that you lack love."

"Your little cousin?" Gu Jiu remembered that it was the youngest son of the Chen family, and he had seen it before, "I wanted to ask before, a cousin is just a cousin, why do you need to add 'little'?"

"I have two cousins, both called cousins ​​are easy to be confused, so I call them big cousin and little cousin.

Gu Jiu took a sip of the wine in his mouth, tasted it for a while, and then swallowed it down: "Well, I also saw pictures of you bathing in a tub when you were young."

Yuan also chirped: "How old were we at that time, there is no distinction between male and female."

Gu Jiu raised his eyebrows and thought, the more he thought about it, the more interesting he felt: "Do you remember that time we went to Qingcheng to climb the mountain together? Your little cousin had a weird attitude towards me. After I came back, I wondered if he liked it. you?"

What words!Yuan also wanted to hit him: "We are cousins!"

Young Master Gu put his hands on the backrest with his hands open, unrestrained, unrestrained, and enlightened like a person: "Einstein and Darwin were also children of close relatives."

Yuan didn't bother to answer his nonsense words, and turned her eyes to the stage, watching the singing and dancing.

After a while, she couldn't hold back, and kicked his calf: "Why don't you ask me, what happened to the photos of me locked in a glass cabinet that were exposed on the Internet?"

When she was free today, she always wondered why Yuchi didn't ask her about the photos?Didn't ask last night, didn't ask this morning, didn't he see it?
No, everyone thought she was a "Yangzhou skinny horse" because of those three photos. He must have seen it, so why didn't he ask?Gu Jiu didn't ask until now, she just wanted to refer to them, what are those who don't ask, what are they thinking?

Gu Jiu was admiring the beauties' hot dance, and he casually replied, "Huh? Isn't it a photo?"

"If you say it's a photo, do you believe it?" Yuan also frowned.

Gu Jiu looked back at her: "It's not a photo, what is it? Are you really a Yangzhou skinny horse? Or was it caught by human traffickers when you were young and sold on the black market?"

He suddenly laughed and shook his glass: "Don't be funny, you are so heartless, how can you look like a person who has experienced suffering? And I have known you since I was a child. I don't know what you have."

So she lied so successfully that Yuchi didn't see it through?Yuan also had nothing to say: "Okay."

Yuan didn't leave the small treasury until 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, and called a surrogate driver to take her back to Wei's mansion.

Gu Jiu was originally chatting with a beautiful woman, and accidentally glanced at the wine glass on the table, thinking that Yuan seemed to have drunk a lot, so he wondered if he was drunk?
Uneasy, he chased her out, just in time to see her getting into the car, and he also squeezed into the back seat.


"Send you back."

Gu Sanshao is also a bit of a gentleman at this time.

When they arrived at Wei's mansion, Yuan also entered the door alone, and Gu Jiu asked his driver to take him back to the small treasury.

When he got out of the car, he saw the woman standing leaning against the door.

It was extremely cold in Jincheng in December, but she was only wearing a lady's suit, topless, deep V neckline, her collarbone and white snow were faintly visible, and she held a cigarette between her fingers, which was not lit, and she just sniffed it lightly in her nose .

Gu Jiu's eyes were stained with a smile, and he walked over to hug her directly: "Why are you here?"

The most important thing for an actor is his voice, and he can't smoke or drink at all. For a person like her, it's too out of place to come to the small treasury.

"I was here just now. The third young master was busy chatting up his new girlfriend, so he didn't see me." Nanyin patted the dust on his shoulders with a cigarette in his hand, and then grabbed his lapel , pulling him violently towards his body.

"Why did you come back? I thought San Shao was sleeping on the hotel bed again tonight."

Gu Jiu put his hand on the wall behind her in time so that he would not fall on her. Looking down at her hand, he first saw the lipstick mark on the lapel of the white shirt. rubbed on.

He went to look at Nan Yin's eyebrows again. Li Yuan's head Hua Dan had a pair of bright eyes, wild and charming. He laughed and said, "That's me when I was young."

Nan Yin raised her eyebrows, not believing it or not, Gu Jiu suddenly sniffed: "Have you changed your perfume?"


"What is it this time?"

He asked her, and she asked, "What do you think?"

he thinks?Gu Jiu smiled, put his arms around her waist and entered the small coffers, not to the seat, but to a room he had reserved for a long time.

Perfume is such a complicated thing, of course it takes one night to identify it.


At Wei's mansion, when Yuan also came back, Yuchi was still up.

He was working in the study, with a pair of glasses on his tall nose, reflecting the white light of the computer screen, Yuan also leaned against the door frame and reached out to knock.

Yuchi raised his head, if he is usually gentle enough, then now that he has an extra pair of black-rimmed glasses, he looks like a teacher in the Republic of China period, extremely refined and refined.

Kite's eyes seemed to be soaking in a pond under the moonlight, looking at him faintly.

"I'm back." Yuchi hooked her on the chair and let her go.

Yuan also took a step forward, suddenly felt that his action was like calling a pet, frowned, took a step back unhappily, and leaned back against the door frame.

The bright light in the study illuminated her ignorant expression, her eyelashes drooped, and she looked not sober.

"Going to drink?"

Yuan also nodded sternly, and Yuchi heard from the housekeeper that she was with friends when she didn't come back, and there were not many friends who could drink with her, so she guessed right: "With Gu Jiu?"

She continued to nod, Yuchi looked at her, picked up the water glass, coaxing: "Are you thirsty? Come and drink water."

A little thirsty, Yuan also pursed her lower lip, and finally walked towards him.

There was a carpet under the desk, and Yuan also took off her high-heeled shoes as she walked. She even forgot to change her shoes, which showed that she was at least six or seven points drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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