He is delusional

Chapter 93 Said 6 words to him

Chapter 93 Said six words to him

A woman, in the middle of the night, was so drunk, Yuchi frowned: "You came back by yourself?"

"Gu Jiu sent me back." Yuan also sat down on the carpet at his feet.

Even so, Yuchi also said: "In the future, unless it is necessary for entertainment, you are not allowed to drink too much."

"Oh." At this time, Yuan is also the most obedient, drooping her head, as if she is thinking about something, or just in a daze.

Yuchi raised her chin, his eyes wandered across her face through a layer of glass lenses.

Compared with her usual rebellious and hypocritical face, now she is a little childish, like a child who is easy to deceive, and can answer any question.

So he asked, "Why are you locked in a glass cabinet?"

Kite also raised her eyelids, and saw her own blurred reflection in his glasses: "Huh? Do you want to know?"

Yuchi seemed to laugh: "Yes."

She hooked her fingers: "Come here, I'll tell you secretly."

Yuchi listened to her, wanting to hear her secret, Yuan also suddenly showed a cunning expression, straightened up and kissed him on the cheek which was close at hand.

The cotton-like soft touch is instant, Yuchi was taken aback for a moment, and turned his head to look at her.

Yuan also succeeded, and fell down on the carpet with a smile, really drunk: "I've been waiting for you to ask, and you finally asked, but I won't tell you!"


Yuchi felt that he was really stupid talking to a drunk, so he took off his glasses, bent down and hugged her horizontally: "Don't tell me, why do you wait for me to ask?"

Yuan also leaned on his chest, murmuring in a daze: "Yeah, why do I want you to ask so much?"

The distance from the study to the bedroom is only a few dozen steps, and she seems to have come up with the answer that has troubled herself for two days in this distance.

Why do you want him to ask her so much?Yuan also smiled, hooked his neck, leaned close to his ear, and said six words softly.

The footsteps stopped abruptly, Yuchi lowered his head, his dark eyes fully reflected the woman in his arms, she was still so willful and charming, and after saying that sentence, she seemed to smile even more happily, even Yuchi couldn't tell the difference. Know whether she is genuine or false.

"Your heartbeat seems to be speeding up..." She put her ears on his chest, her eyelids drooped, and she just fell asleep like this.

Like an irresponsible arsonist, he doesn't care about the reaction of the listener after he finishes speaking.

Yuchi stayed in place for a long time, until the butler went upstairs and saw him hugging his wife motionless, and asked strangely, "Master, do you need help?"

He closed his eyes, shook his head, and carried Yuan back to the room.

After settling her down to sleep, he tucked the corner of the quilt, remembered her words again, and smiled absurdly.

After a hangover, Yuan woke up the next day with a bit of a headache, rubbed her head and went downstairs, Yuchi was already having breakfast.

"Morning." Yuan also sat down.

Yuchi asked the servant to make her a glass of honey water, and seeing her listless, warned again: "From now on, you are not allowed to drink more than three cups."

Yuan also felt aggrieved: "I didn't expect that new cocktail to have such strong stamina."

Her alcohol capacity is not bad, and she has conscious control, and she usually doesn't get drunk. This time she was simply cheated by the bartender.

After Yuchi finished eating, he took out a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth, and then straightened his cuffs: "Alcohol hurts the body, drinking too much is not good."

"Oh, okay, fine, I'll listen to you." Yuan also took a perfunctory attitude, and then remembered something, smiling a little flatteringly, "My car is still parked in the small treasury, Mr. Wei will drop me off to work."

Yuchi raised his eyebrows: "Aren't you afraid of being seen now?" He buttoned up the sleeves of his shirt one by one, his slender fingers had distinct knuckles, and when they were slightly curved, they formed a smooth line, elegant and dignified.

"Now who doesn't know that we are husband and wife?" Yuan also said recklessly.

Only then did Yuchi smile a little: "Yeah."

It seems that she completely forgot what she said last night.


In the afternoon, Yuan was also going to meet a client. It was a coincidence that he was meeting at that golf course again. The little secretary was holding on to her seat belt on the way, looking left and right vigilantly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xing doesn't dare to be a monster anymore." Mr. Wei is the best at teaching people, if Xingsen meets her on the road now, he will definitely run faster than a rabbit, how dare he provoke her again?

As a result, as soon as the words fell, Yuan felt that the car seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and it was automatically slowing down. She couldn't help blinking, stepped on the accelerator harder, and the car twitched twice on the spot and stopped.

broken again? ?Tobi also looked at the secretary in blank dismay.

"It's not...so unlucky, is it?"

Yuan also hasn't gone to the small treasury to drive. This car belongs to the company, and it looks very new. It doesn't seem like it will break down casually. This land is broken."

She lifted the hood of the car, fiddled with it a few times, and asked the secretary; "Start it and have a look."

The secretary climbed into the driver's seat and tried to restart the car. At first there was no movement, but after repeated attempts, the car finally made a loud noise.

Yuan also heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he would call the 4S shop to tow the truck again.

She clapped her hands, closed the hood of the car, and was about to get in the car. Out of the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of something flashing in the grass on the side of the road. She was taken aback, bent over to push aside the grass, and saw the brooch that Yuchi bought for her. , lying quietly in the mud.

Yuan also opened her eyes wide in disbelief, and hurriedly picked it up to look, it was indeed the one she lost, and it was here!

...Ah, the place where the car broke down last time is also in this place!When the repairman from the 4S shop came, she stood here to call Yuchi's computer, and she might have dropped the brooch out of nowhere. No wonder she searched the car inside and out and couldn't find it.

This place is remote, and there is nothing on the road, even if someone passes by, they will not stop to turn over the haystack, so the diamond brooch was not discovered until now.

Yuan also wiped off the mud on it, inexplicably, she thought of the saying that there is God's will in the dark.

At that time, because of Bai Qingqing's quarrel with Yuchi, she lost her brooch. Now that the brooch has been found, Bai Qingqing has left, and the conflict between her and Yuchi has come to an end.

Is this consummation?
And today's weather is better than that day, Yuan also raised her head to look at the scorching sun, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

After seeing the client and returning to the company, Yuan also hummed a little song and shuttled around the business department. The colleague couldn't help asking: "Deputy Jiang, are you in a good mood?"

Yuan also raised her eyebrows: "Of course, it's going to be a holiday soon."

The spring break will be in half a month. When this matter is mentioned, everyone is very excited: "Yes, yes, I am going to take my parents to Phuket for the New Year. I am looking forward to it!"

"I envy those of you who have money to travel abroad. I only deserve to be escorted by my parents to visit relatives and be a girl with a smirk."

The little secretary asked: "Deputy Jiang, do you have any arrangements?"

Yuan also pressed the printer, listening to the mechanical sound of brushing, said in a manly voice: "I'm not going anywhere, just sleep at home."

Someone said: "Deputy Jiang is accompanied by Mr. Wei even at home, much happier than us."

This remark was a bit colorful, and it immediately caused everyone to burst into laughter. Yuan was also in a good mood, and didn't care about this group of criminals. She took the documents from the printer and swept them away: "Go to work, you guys!" !"

Back in the office, Yuan also bound the documents, and the little secretary came in and said, "Deputy Jiang, someone is looking for it in the lobby downstairs."

Who will come to her at this time?Yuan also got up and went downstairs, walked to the reception area in the lobby, and saw Wei Wei sitting there alone, surprised: "Mom, why are you here?"

"I made an appointment with some old sisters to go to the theater, so I asked the driver to take a detour to Gaoqiao and give this to you." Mother-in-law handed her a thermos bucket and smiled slightly, "It's the end of the year, you and Ah Chi must be very busy with work, so he has to take care of his body."

Yuan also felt warm: "Thank you, Mom."

Mother-in-law left after delivering the soup, Yuan also took out her mobile phone to call Yuchi with a heavy heart, and wanted to ask him if he would come home for dinner tonight?

"Yuan." Yuchi accepted.

Yuan also raised the corner of her mouth, and when she was about to ask, she heard his background voice, which sounded like a child crying, and she paused: "Yes, is that child crying?"

Yuchi had no choice but to say, "Well, I'm looking for my mother, but I can't coax her well, I'm getting a little feverish from crying."

So he is in the West Garden now?

Yuan also became a little hoarse when she heard the crying, and she didn't know how long she had been crying... She suddenly remembered that last time, A Ting turned over the flower rope in her office. After repeated teaching, she finally learned to turn out a five-pointed star. At that time, he held up the stars and said: "Ma Ma, look, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle."

He sent the stars in front of her with both hands, and said, "Send Mama."

Sending a "star" to her, she was actually moved by a three-year-old child.

Alas, this is a fatal soft heart, Yuan also sighed: "Do you want me to go and have a look?"

"Are you here?" He was a little surprised.

"Well, by the way, I'll bring you the soup that Mom sent me."

Yuchi smiled warmly: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Yuan also went back to the office to pick up some things, clocked out of get off work, and ordered a car to go to Xiyuan.

I don't know if it's because the child has her bone marrow in his body, or because he called her "mom" inexplicably, but Kite doesn't even hate him.

But yes, a three-year-old child is very obedient and cute, and it is really not easy to be annoying.

Anyway, his mother had already run away, and he was about to be sent abroad after the operation, so it didn't matter if she let him stay for a few more days.

Arriving in the West Garden, Yuan also saw A Ting sitting on the sofa with a fever-reducing patch on his forehead. Yuchi wanted to feed him medicine, but he kept crying and hiding. Doctors, nurses, nannies and servants were all coaxing him. Mr. Wei, who was willing to take medicine and was always gentle, was tossed a little helplessly.

But as soon as he saw her, Ah Ting's red eyes lit up, he got up and walked towards her: "Ma Ma, Ma Ma."

There are still tears that cannot be shed.

Yuan also reached out to Yuchi: "Let me feed him?"

Yuchi looked at her, pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay."

Yuan also signaled the servant to pour out the chicken soup, pointed at A Ting and asked, "Do you want to eat this?"

A Ting went over to smell it, it was fragrant, so he sniffed and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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