He is delusional

Chapter 94 The Husband Who Didn't Eat

Chapter 94 The Husband Who Didn't Eat

"Then I'll feed you." Yuan also took a sip with a spoon, drank it by herself first, and then said to him, "I tasted the first sip, and you have a sip too?"

Ating opened his eyes and nodded.

Yuan also hooked her hands, Yuchi understood what she meant, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he quietly handed her the spoonful of medicine powder that was dissolved in warm water.

She stuffed it directly into Ating's mouth.

"Oh!" Isn't it sweet!Why is it so bitter!
A Ting felt cheated, his mouth was flattened, and he was about to cry again.

Yuan also took the opportunity to feed him another mouthful of chicken soup, which was delicious and diluted the taste of the medicine, but he couldn't react, and his expression was a little dazed.

Ah... is this bitter or sweet?

There was a big question mark in A Ting's little head, and he didn't think about it for a long time.

After taking the medicine, the child was coaxed to sleep by the nanny, and before going to sleep, he still grabbed Yuan Ye's clothes, Yuan Ye had to wait for him to fall asleep before breaking his hand, got up and left the bedroom.

Yuchi stood at the door, exhaling smoke lightly, holding a cigarette between his slender fingers, and seeing her approaching, he said softly, "You still have a way."

Yuan also leaned on the other side of the door: "Isn't dealing with children a trick?"

Yuchi smiled slightly, extinguished the remaining half of the cigarette and threw it into the trash can, Yuan also looked at him and said, "Today is over, what will we do tomorrow? He will cry when he can't find his mother, right?"

Yuchi said calmly: "Children have a short memory, just cry for three or four days."

That's all there is to it, now there is no way to get Bai Qingqing back, even if she does, Yuchi won't let her continue to take care of A Ting, he has to get used to the life without his mother.

They didn't stay long, seeing that Ating was fast asleep, they left the West Garden together.

However, when the car arrived at Wei's mansion, before the two of them got out of the car, Yuchi's cell phone rang. He answered, and there was the nanny: "Master, Ah Ting suddenly vomited!"

Yuchi frowned, "Send him to the hospital first, I'll be right over."

Yuan is also inexplicable: "What's wrong?"

"A Ting vomited." Yuchi said to her, "You rest first, I'll go to the hospital."

Fever and vomiting, coupled with his own leukemia that has not yet recovered, this three-year-old child is really full of disasters.

Yuan also withdrew her hand to open the door, pursed her lips and said, "I'll go with you to the hospital. If he cries again, I can help coax him."

Yuchi's eyes changed from light to dark, and he took a deep look at her before he said softly: "Okay."

When the driver took them to the private hospital, Ah Ting had just finished the examination. The child was crying badly. Seeing Yuan Ye, he stretched out his hand to her while calling "Ma Ma", and Yuan Ye took him from the nanny. , patted him on the back strangely.

Since A Ting himself has leukemia, he needs to be more cautious in medication, so the doctor prescribed some antiemetic medicine for him to take according to the test results, and the rest will be decided after consultation with Professor Zhang when he comes tomorrow.

After some tossing, it was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night, and A Ting fell asleep lying on the small hospital bed.

Private hospitals are expensive, but they are also very well equipped. This independent ward is decorated like a family bedroom. In addition to the hospital bed, there is also a small bed for the accompanying person, as well as a sofa, coffee table, and toilet.

Yuan also saw that the sofa was a little messy, tidied it up, picked up a shirt and shook it, suddenly felt a little familiar, turned around and asked Yuchi: "This seems to be your clothes, why are they here?"

Yuchi raised his head: "This ward belongs to A Ting. He stayed there for three months before undergoing surgery. I was here to accompany the bed. I left behind at that time."

three months?At this time... Yuan also blinked: "So during those three months, you lived here?"

During the three months when he didn't come home at night, did he stay in bed in the hospital?
Yuchi responded: "Yes."

She thought he lived at No. 14 Chunyang Road, Yuan also curled her lips, folded the shirt, and prepared to take it back to the mansion to wash it.

Yuchi got up at the same time: "I'll take you back to the mansion first."

Yuan also noticed his wording: "Are you staying tonight?"

"Well, Ating's condition is not stable yet."

"Then let the driver take me back." Why should he make another trip?

Yuchi lowered his head slightly, looked into her eyes, his eyebrows were clear and handsome: "Aren't you afraid that you will be jealous?"

Yuan also held his breath, his eyes were full of interest, he was clearly trying to squeeze her out, she was also from the Commerce Department after all, she had dealt with all kinds of clients, how could she lose to him in terms of flirting methods?

She smiled and replied: "Who made him look so much like you when you were a child? I love Wujiwu, and I can be more tolerant of him."

After she finished speaking, she took her bag and left. After Yuchi reacted for a while, he realized what she meant, that she liked him, and for the sake of A Ting's resemblance to him, she liked him too.

This woman is really...

His mouth was full of romance, and he didn't say a serious word, but a smile still appeared on Yuchi's face, and he turned his head and told: "Be careful on the road."

"Understood." Her person had already left the ward, and a brisk voice came from the corridor.

After another half an hour, someone knocked on the door of the ward, Yuchi raised his head from the computer, it was a food delivery: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Wei?"


"Your takeaway." The delivery boy put down the convenience bag, and Yuchi picked up the small ticket tacked on the outside of the convenience bag. There was a note on it—for my husband who didn't have dinner!
Still addicted to playing?Yuchi thanked the delivery guy, then picked up his phone and sent a message to Yuanye.


Yuan also clicked on the message, then shook her head sighingly, alas, why is this man so boring?Why don't you reply with "Got it, my wife".

But she thought for a while, if he really said that, she might be so shocked that she couldn't sleep tonight.

The next morning, Yuan also went to the bank for a project, applying for a loan that will be used immediately after returning to work in the next year.

Although she had made an appointment in advance, she was still asked to wait in the reception area for a while when she arrived. She picked up the magazines on the shelf and flipped through them, and just happened to see a financial report about Wei's, so she read it with gusto.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a pair of black leather shoes stopped on the ground, thinking it was a staff member who had come to invite her to see the president, he raised his head with a smile, and turned out to be gentle to the captain Chi Yan.

Huh?Yuan also closed the magazine, Yuchi first asked: "Are you here for business?"

"Well, you too?" Without waiting for her to answer, she answered the nonsense by herself, "Of course you are, it's impossible to come here for tourism."

Yuchi smiled lightly, he took Li Yi behind him, because they were talking, he took a few steps back on purpose.

Yuan also lived up to his kindness and asked a personal matter: "How is your son?"

"Fortunately, I bought him a new toy, and I'm playing with the little girl in the next ward."

Children are easy to coax, Yuan also thought, seeing a man in a suit coming down from the second floor, looking in their direction with a little joy on his face.

Yuan didn't need to guess at all, she must have come to welcome Mr. Wei - Mr. Wei came to the bank to send money, and she came to the bank to ask for money, how could he be smiling at her?

Sure enough, the man came quickly: "Mr. Wei, President Li has been waiting for a long time."

Yuchi nodded, and followed him with his assistant.

Yuan also waited for him to leave before realizing that he also came to see President Li. Does that mean that she has to wait for him to see him before President Li can see her again?
... Mr. Wei actually joined her team!
(End of this chapter)

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