Chapter 95

As soon as Yuchi walked into the chief's office, several people on the sofa stood up to greet him. President Li extended his hand and shook hands with him: "Boss President, please come over in person, it's really necessary for the formalities."

Wen Mo's eyes swept over Jiang Hongsheng who was smiling apologetically, and Yuchi replied: "It's okay."

Jiang Hongsheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to him again, wanting to shake it too: "Ah Chi, thank you for your hard work."

Before his hand came over, Yuchi sat down on the sofa, and said softly, "Yuan is also downstairs in the lobby, Dad can say hello to her later."

Jiang Hongsheng withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and when he heard this sentence, his expression became even more unnatural, and he said bitterly, "My car is at the side gate, so there is no need to pass by the main gate."

To put it bluntly, I just don't want to see Tobi.

Several documents were placed on the table, Yuchi picked it up to read, his eyes scanned the line of black and bold letters that looked up, and finally settled on four large characters among them - Guaranteed Loan.


From discussing the details of the contract to signing and confirming, it took a total of one hour. After Li Xingchang refused to send him off, Yuchi took Li Yi downstairs.

Li Yi said softly: "Mr. Wei's guarantee for Jiang's loan should spread in the circle soon."

Yuchi looked down at the stairs under his feet, and said calmly, "It's okay."

Li Yi remembered that Jiang Hongda came to Wei's that day, and cried and begged Mr. Wei in the office. Although he was not there, I don't know how he moved Mr. Wei, but Mr. Wei finally stood up for him.

He smiled: "Now everyone knows that you are Jiang's son-in-law, and you should help Jiang through the difficulties."

Walking to the last step, Yuchi glanced over and found that Yuanye was still waiting in the reception area to be received by President Li. After waiting for too long, bored, she began to fold the stars——she cut a piece of A4 paper into strips less than one centimeter wide The note, I had a great time playing with myself.

Yuan also raised her head, saw Yuchi's figure, and smiled at him, Yuchi walked towards her, glanced at the table, there were already more than a dozen stars.

Yuan also said: "You guys are finally done chatting, if it's a little later, I have to treat President Li to dinner." It's almost noon, if you don't take the initiative to invite dinner after talking about things, you just don't understand the rules.

Yuchi bent his lips: "You treat customers to dinner, don't you pay for it?"

"Report, but I still feel bad."

"Is this saving the company money?"

Yuan is not humble at all: "That's right, I'm the best at living in our Commerce Department."

Yuchi just smiled, seeing the documents on the table, he knew that she was here to apply for a loan, and said, "Go, President Li should be free to see you now."

Iris also went.

With Takahashi's capital, it is not difficult to apply for a project loan. This bank also often lends to Takahashi, and they are very familiar with each other. Kite also chatted with President Li for a few words. After submitting relevant documents, they can leave first.

Because it would take a few days to review and go through the process, I couldn't give an answer on the spot, but the possibility of success was very high, so Ibi also left very briskly.

This brisk footsteps finally stopped at the stairs, she saw Yuchi was still sitting in the reception area, he was the only one, Li Yi was no longer there, he was still folding her stars, she raised her eyebrows in surprise, and then Walk over quickly: "Why haven't you left yet?"

Yuchi was extraordinarily gentle: "I invite you to eat, and I will compensate you for being cut in line by me."

Yuan also raised the corners of her mouth: "This is more or less the same."

After eating, they each returned to the company and were busy until they got off work.

Yuan also knew that Yuchi would go to the hospital to see A Ting after get off work, so after thinking about it, she also went to the hospital.

When she arrived, Yuchi was not in the ward, and the nanny said that he was called away by old Professor Zhang.

A Ting met a few children who were also in the hospital, and they had a good time, and temporarily forgot his mother. Yuan also bought him marshmallows and asked him to share them with his friends. He kept calling her mother happily, The mother in the next ward thought she was really A Ting's mother, pulled her and asked a lot of questions such as how did you teach your child, how can you be so obedient, he doesn't eat a bite of anything given by strangers, how well-bred...

Yuan couldn't bear the words "your son", so she hurried away on the pretext of going to the doctor in charge to understand the condition.

She asked the nurse about Professor Zhang's office and went all the way there.

The door of the office was not closed. She walked to the door and heard voices coming from inside.

"... Chinese medicine believes that it is not unreasonable to be happy and sad, angry to hurt the liver, thinking to hurt the spleen, and sad to the lungs. If you want to have a good body, you need to have a good mood. What's more, a child like Ah Ting has such a disease. Crying, today is gastrointestinal bleeding, it may not be the case next time, be careful."

After a few seconds of silence, Yuchi said in a low voice, "Please worry about it."

Qingci was in a complicated mood, so after hesitating for a while, they came out of the office.

When Yuchi saw her, he didn't have much surprise on his face, but asked, "Why are you here?"

Yuan also told the truth: "I'm afraid that Ting will keep crying like last night, so come and see."

Yuchi turned sideways and introduced: "This is Yang Tong's grandmother and also A Ting's attending doctor, old professor Zhang." He said to the gray-haired but hale and hearty old professor, "My wife, Jiang Jiayuan."

Yuan also had a cute face: "Hello, Professor Zhang."

Old Professor Zhang, wearing reading glasses, looked at her carefully and smiled kindly: "A very iconic girl. Ah Chi, no wonder your mother always praises your daughter-in-law every time she sees you, Aunt Yang, which hurts you As soon as Aunt Yang finished listening, she urged Yang Tong to marry a wife quickly when she returned home."

Yuan also smiled embarrassedly, and old professor Zhang glanced at her again: "But I think you look familiar, where have you seen it before?"

"No way? I haven't seen you before." It was indeed the first time for Kite to know her.

Old Professor Zhang thought maybe he had misremembered, and said, "I'll go and see A Ting first."

Yuchi nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

Old Professor Zhang took a step first, and they had to go back to the ward afterwards, but they all tacitly slowed down, and Yuan also thought about it for a long time before saying, "Do Mom and Dad know about Ating's existence?"

Yuchi paused, before finally answering: "Yes."

Yuan also smiled self-deprecatingly: "No wonder Mom told me last time, if you treat me badly, just tell them."

Although the two elders retired, they still had good ears and eyes. How could they not know about Bai Qingqing's mother and son coming to Jincheng?Don't say it, it's just to make everyone look good.

Now that she knew about it, Yuan suggested, "Why don't you let Ah Ting live with his parents before sending him to grandpa's house."

They usually have to go to work, and they don't spend much time with their children. If they are sent to the second elder, his mood may be more stable.

But Yuchi refused: "In the future, when he goes to France, it is impossible for his parents to follow him, and then he will cry again."

While speaking, he had already reached the door of the ward, Yuchi lowered his head and glanced at her: "It's easy for a child to develop feelings for the person who takes care of him."

Then he entered the ward, Yuan also thought about his words, paused, and followed in.

(End of this chapter)

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