Chapter 174 Princess Danyang
"is it?"

Shen Mingnan was indifferent.

Zhao Huiwei nodded, afraid that he would ask who taught her such questions again, she thought about it, and decided to push Cheng Yu out to block the knife.


"Actually, I know who the man in black was at Lingshan Temple that day."

Sure enough, Shen Mingnan's attention was immediately shifted to this question.

"who is it?"

Zhao Huiwei bit her lips in fear, "Yes, it's the attendant next to the prince."

"I happened to see his face when they left that day."

Shen Mingnan frowned slightly, and tapped the armrest of the chair lightly with his slender fingers.

"Then... an arrow was shot from behind me today, and it was also a black shadow. The shooting technique was very similar to that person that day, and the arrow was also ordinary without any markings."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Huiwei looked at Shen Mingnan who was thinking with downcast eyes, and she licked her slightly dry lips: "So son... why did the prince kill me?"

Why else?

It was nothing more than the fact that Qi Yuan almost got rid of him. Who would have thought that his life would be rescued by others, but now the anger is naturally transferred to him, the savior.

He sneered in his heart, not planning to say anything more to Zhao Huiwei, but said lightly in his eyes: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

"I'll let Yu Huai follow you from now on."

Zhao Huiwei smiled slightly: "Thank you, my lord."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of the study, and only after receiving Shen Mingnan's gentle answer, Yan Yuan pushed the door open and entered.

"Master, the coachman you called Cha has found it."

"He's new to the mansion, and was arranged to drive by the old lady. There are no relatives at home, but I found 500 taels of silver in his residence, and a body deed."

After Yan Yuan finished speaking, he put the money and body deed on the table beside Shen Mingnan.

Shen Mingnan took a look at the deed, it belonged to the coachman, he guessed that he wanted to make this ticket, and took the money and the deed to fly away.

He stared: "Who let the coachman in?"

Yanyuan scratched his head: "It's a bit much..."

"First, the second lady went to the dental office to select people, and then after bringing them back to the mansion, the Duke's wife would choose them, and finally she would arrange them into each room."

"Miss Huiwei's room also has two sweeping maids, ordered by the old lady herself."

"And the coachman was also arranged by the old lady."

The person behind this was quite cautious in his tactics, and he could tell that he was very familiar with Shen's residence. He even pushed Old Madam Shen out to block the knife. Shen Mingnan sneered: "Whether it's a human or a ghost, I will find him out."

He looked at Zhao Huiwei, and slowly said a plan...

Zhao Huiwei nodded, and went down to rest.

On the second day, Zhao Huiwei had just put a layer of white powder on her face when Chao Hua came.

She was ordered by the old lady to invite Zhao Huiwei to Fumantang.

Compared with her rosy complexion in the past, her face is now as pale as a female ghost, and when she saw Chaohua she asked worriedly: "Miss Huiwei, are you alright?"

Zhao Huiwei shook her head lightly, looking like a weak willow, with melancholy on her brows: "I'm fine, let's go."

Seeing this, Chao Hua didn't have much to say, so she followed and led the way.

When she arrived, almost everyone inside was there.

The old lady sat at the top of the main room, the Duke's wife and the second wife sat at the bottom, and Shen Shu and Chen Chan sat opposite.

Seeing Zhao Huiwei coming, they all paid attention.

She blissfully said: "May the old lady be safe."

"Hi, ladies."

Seeing her lack of energy and pale face, Mrs. Shen felt a little distressed: "Little Hui'er, did you not sleep well last night?"

Zhao Huiwei nodded hesitantly: "I was frightened yesterday and had a nightmare all night."

Old Madam Shen sighed: "Why did the carriage turn over when it was fine?"

She heard someone report that the driver she had arranged to drive had overturned and died yesterday, and immediately thought of Zhao Huiwei, who also sent someone to report to her when she was going out.

Old Madam Shen looked at Zhao Huiwei: "Where is it hurt?"

Zhao Huiwei shook his head lightly, then his eyes turned red, and his voice was choked up: "Old Madam, I'm fine, it's just that coachman... he... woo woo woo."

Before she finished speaking, she covered her face and wept.

Mrs. Shen hurriedly stepped forward and put her arms around her: "Good boy, don't cry, this kind of thing happened... No one expected it, but luckily you are fine."

Zhao Huiwei wiped away her tears and looked around at the surrounding faces.

The Duke's wife frowned, and the second lady's expression was not very good.

Shen Chan's eyes showed worry, and Shen Shu always held hostility towards her, as if it was a pity that she was not the one who died.

Zhao Huiwei continued: "The carriage was fine at first, but the carriage driver insisted on turning into a long alley, saying that there is a shortcut here, and unexpectedly, he hit a big rock, overturned the carriage, and happened to hit his head on the wall died."

Old Madam Shen snorted coldly: "It's ridiculous, what kind of shortcut is there in Changchun Road, I guess it's someone who doesn't know the way very well."

As she spoke, she looked at the second lady.

"Xiuying, don't bring this kind of person to the house from now on."

The second lady Rong Xiuying who was named turned pale for a while, and she replied aggrievedly: "Yes."

Shen Shu snorted coldly: "It's really shit luck, you have avoided it all."

"Sister Shu!" Mrs. Shen shouted sharply, "If you can't speak, don't speak, your mouth might as well hurt."

Shen Shu's face turned pale for a while, her mouth was healed two days ago, and she almost vomited after taking the medicine, she didn't want to go through this again.

Seeing that Mrs. Shen was protecting the peasant girl so much, she clenched her silver teeth tightly, and the unwillingness in her eyes was clearly revealed.

Mrs. Shen continued to comfort Zhao Huiwei: "Little Hui'er is fine, I will take care of this matter, you go down and rest first, after going through this experience, you should calm your mind."

Zhao Huiwei was about to respond when Shen Shu interrupted again.

"Grandma, why don't you let Miss Huiwei go and relax?"

Zhao Huiwei looked at her, and Shen Shu restrained the malice in her eyes, as if she was sincerely thinking of her.

Old Madam Shen also looked at her. Although she hated this granddaughter, she didn't want to lose face to her, so she said coldly, "Then where do you want her to go to relax?"

Shen Shu rolled her eyes, and said with a smile: "Danyang Princess sent us a post, saying that the lotus in Houchi is blooming, she hosted a banquet there, and invited us to go together."

"By the way, Miss Huiwei is also on the invitation list."

Old Madam Shen was stunned for a moment, Princess Danyang?

But how could Princess Danyang post a message to Xiao Hui'er?

Zhao Huiwei was also taken aback when she heard that, Princess Danyang appeared in the book, she is the daughter of Prince Rui, everyone knows that she loves Shen Mingnan.

And the reason why Zhao Huiwei was so impressed with her was that she was like the cannon fodder among the cannon fodder, the kind who died when she appeared on the scene.

And the death date of Princess Danyang...

It happened to be the day of the lotus feast.

She was drowned alive.

(End of this chapter)

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