Chapter 175

Before Zhao Huiwei said anything, Shen Chan stood up and clapped her little hands and said happily: "Really? Sister Huiwei, can you go with us?"

Old Madam Shen groaned, took a look at Zhao Huiwei, if her grandson liked her, he would definitely marry her as his concubine.

She doesn't care about her family background, because the Shen family itself started from scratch, and the glory it is today is all due to the military achievements of Old Shen Guogong on the battlefield.

Besides, in their Shen family, there is no rule of taking concubines, a man should clean himself up before marrying a wife.

After marrying a wife, those born in their thirties who have no children can take concubines, and those who have children cannot take concubines.

But this rule was broken by Shen Guogong, and this was also the most painful thing for Old Madam Shen, she felt in her heart that the Shen family was sorry for Shen Mingnan's mother.

She transferred this shame to Shen Mingnan, but she tried her best to treat him well, because in this family, no one loved her Brother Nan except her.

Therefore, Princess Danyang held a banquet, and he still handed over the post, and Mrs. Shen felt that Zhao Huiwei could go.

It's okay to integrate into the circle of noble girls first, anyway, I will get in touch with them in the future.

So she nodded and asked Zhao Huiwei's opinion: "I think it's okay, little Huier, do you want to go?"

Zhao Huiwei replied respectfully: "It's all up to the old lady to arrange."

Old Madam Shen nodded, and she glanced at Shen Shu, feeling unreliable, so she cast her gaze on Shen Chan: "Sister Chan, then go to Sister Huiwei, you have to take care of her more during the banquet. "

"You can also introduce your little sisters to Xiao Hui'er."

Shen Chan nodded, eyebrows and eyes curved on her round face: "Don't worry, grandma, I will take good care of Sister Huiwei."

"Then it's settled." Old Madam Shen patted Zhao Huiwei's hand: "Go back and rest first, I'll bring you something later."

Zhao Huiwei nodded, "Thank you, Mrs. Madam."

So, the two wives were left to talk by Mrs. Shen, and she left Fumantang first, followed by Shen Shu and Chen Chan.

"Sister Huiwei, wait for me."

Zhao Huiwei stopped, and Shen Chan trotted forward.

"Fifth Miss."

Shen Chan smiled and groaned: "Sister Huiwei, I'm so happy that I can go to the banquet with you."

As she spoke, she blinked her eyes and said happily, "I'll introduce Yi Yan and Ru Xuan to you when the time comes, they are very nice people."

Shen Shu sneered from behind.

Zhu Yiyan and Zhou Ruxuan, one is the daughter of Guozijian Jijiu, and the other is the daughter of the director of the Clan Mansion.

How could they deal with a little peasant girl?

It's only Shen Chan's innocent temperament that calls this lowly peasant girl one sister at a time.

It's simply self-defeating.

Shen Shu was very shameless about this, but she immediately thought of Danyang's temperament, this little peasant girl would probably lose her skin if she dared to go there.

She snickered in her heart, with disdain on her face: "Then you can introduce a few more people to her, and I want to see who will take care of her."

A country bumpkin, it's fun to go to stage fright.

Shen Shu has already begun to vaguely look forward to what will happen in the future.

She left arrogantly, and Shen Chan showed some apology on her face: "Sister Huiwei, please don't take fourth sister's words to heart."

Zhao Huiwei replied calmly: "Why, Miss Fourth is straightforward and has no discernment, so she must be very popular."

Shen Chan twitched the corners of her mouth. With her fourth sister's pig-headedness, she has almost offended all the aristocratic circles in Beijing, and she is very snobbish, and only associates with the royal princess and princess.

What a blunt temper, no heart, just calling her stupid in a disguised form.

After a brief episode, several people went to their respective courtyards.

The population of Shen's residence is not complicated, it is estimated that it is the simplest among the very few dignitaries in central Beijing.

Zhao Huiwei was thinking about the reactions of the people in Fumantang just now, and she was the first to exclude Shen Shu. Although she is stupid, her only advantage is that she puts her emotions on her face.

People can tell what she is thinking at a glance. After hearing that the car overturned and the driver died, she was surprised for a moment, and then lost.

But Mrs. Guo couldn't see anything.

The second wife can also be ruled out. She heard that this matter was caused by her selection of people, and she probably was also affected by it.

And she has never had any contact with the second wife.

The only person who has a little contact with Erfang is Shen Chan.

She thought of those worried eyes, the expression couldn't be faked...

If it is fake, it can only show that this person has superb acting skills.

So Zhao Huiwei decided to wait for Shen Ming to come back from the south, and then tell him about it.

So it was afternoon.

Inside the palace

As soon as Shen Mingnan saw it, he took off the armor he was wearing outside.

When the time comes, go home immediately, without delay.

The imperial guards saw that their deputy envoys were extremely diligent every time they came off duty, which made it difficult for them to establish a good relationship.

Seeing that he was about to leave as usual, the head of the imperial guard stepped forward and stopped him boldly.

"Master Deputy Ambassador."

Shen Mingnan looked at him: "What's the matter?"

The head of the Imperial Guard rubbed his hands together: "That's right, you've been on duty for so long, and the brothers also want to get to know you better, so I want to invite you to Man Ting Fang for a drink, you see?"

Man Tingfang?
This is a flower building of the same nature as Xianxian Tower.

The people in it only sell their art but not their bodies. Literati and elegant guests like to go to Man Ting Fang, and individual ladies in Beijing like to go to Xian Xian Lou to listen to music.

Shen Mingnan refused lightly: "No time."

The head of the imperial guard scratched his head in distress, what should I do if the deputy envoy is too cold to approach?
He also didn't hear that the young deputy envoy got married, how could he live like an old antique, go home at three o'clock every day, and don't go out to play.

Seeing that he still refused to let him go, Shen Mingnan slightly raised his eyebrows: "Let's drink next time, this time there are people waiting at home, so we can't go."

The head of the Imperial Guard understands in seconds!
The deputy envoy is in the golden house. No wonder he lives so plainly. It turns out that someone is taking care of him.

He smiled and moved away: "Alright sir, please go slowly, let's meet again next time."

Shen Mingnan glanced at him, then patted him on the shoulder: "I'll invite you next time."

"Good sir." The head of the imperial guards immediately smiled. He thought the new deputy envoy was not easy to talk to, but he didn't expect his temper to be so easy-going.

In this way, he was relieved.

The journey from the palace to Changchun Road takes half an hour, and by the time he gets home, the sun is already setting.

He headed towards Jiangyun Pavilion, but when passing by the garden, he met Shen Chan who was picking flowers.

She was holding a few orange roses in her hand, her eyes lit up when she saw Shen Mingnan, and she trotted forward: "Third brother."

Shen Mingnan stopped, glanced at the rose flower in her hand and then moved away.

"what's up?"

Shen Chan tilted her head in confusion, and her tone was soft: "Third brother, can I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

She lowered her head, and the scent of rose flowers wafted from the tip of her nose. It smelled very good, but what she liked was the faint and cold scent from him.

She looked at the beautiful flowers and suddenly lost interest.

(End of this chapter)

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