Chapter 176

This flower suddenly doesn't look good.

Unsightly flowers should be thrown away.

As soon as Shen Chan loosened her hand, orange flowers scattered all over the ground.

Seeing this, Shen Mingnan frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Don't pick things you don't like."

Shen Chan raised her head, with a sad face on her face: "Well, if the third brother doesn't like it, then Chan'er won't pick it next time."

Immediately, she smiled again: "But what if I can't get the one I like?"

She pointed to a tree not far away: "The tree is too tall, and I can't pick the flowers I like."

Shen Mingnan looked at her, and couldn't help frowning even tighter. He felt that Shen Chan was a little sick, and even had an indescribable disgust.

He slightly moved his eyes away, and opened his thin lips slightly: "I'm sick."

After speaking, he strode away.

Shen Chan looked at his back, a little lonely.

Today's third brother scolded her again.

Just like eight years ago, no matter how much she flattered her, he never looked at her squarely.

This feeling of being ignored is so uncomfortable, I really want to destroy it...

She lowered her head, there were residual flowers at her feet, she stretched out her feet and stepped on them, the flower juice overflowed and stained her shoes.



Zhao Huiwei was practicing calligraphy in the Jiangyun Pavilion while waiting for Shen Mingnan. Seeing him coming, she hurried up to greet him.

"Master, you are back."

When Shen Mingnan saw Zhao Huiwei, the discomfort from meeting Shen Chan just now slowly faded away.

With a light reply, he strode to the chair and sat down.

"Did you see anything?"

Zhao Huiwei knew what he was talking about, so he told all about what he saw in Fumantang today.

Shen Mingnan frowned: "You mean, not Shen Shu?"

Zhao Huiwei shook his head, "It's not her, it's someone else."

Then we have to start the investigation from the beginning, Shen Mingnan thought about it, and said: "Okay, I will investigate this matter, you don't have to worry about it."

Zhao Huiwei let out a sigh of relief, she realized that since she met Shen Mingnan, she had experienced several assassinations, large and small, which was really a crime.

Immediately, she thought of the lotus feast again: "My lord, Princess Danyang invited me to attend the lotus feast in Houchi."

Shen Mingnan just glanced at her, and said with a smile: "It's ok, it's only been a while since you entered Beijing that a noble lady will send you a post."


She didn't want it. It would be more appropriate to call it a Hongmen Banquet this time. However, she had to go this time. She had to verify one thing...

Seeing that she was silent, Shen Mingnan raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't want to go? I pushed you?"

Zhao Huiwei raised his hand to interrupt him: "No need, I'm going!"

He chuckled lightly, the brilliance in his peach blossom eyes gleamed brightly.

Zhao Huiwei quietly moved his eyes away, no wonder Danyang admired him, just looking at this face, he is worth it!
"Would you like a driver for you?"

"Ah?" Zhao Huiwei blinked his eyes, and after realizing it, he nodded immediately: "Yes!"

She was relieved of Shen Mingnan's partner, seeing him ponder for a moment, then called Yan Yuan in.

"Where's the bandit?"

Yan Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then carefully probed after a while: "Master, do you mean Feng Ming?"

Shen Mingnan raised his eyebrows: "It's him, where is he?"

"Harmful." Yan Yuan almost forgot about him as a cheap little brother, thought for a while and said: "It seems to be brushing horses in a stable."

"Tell him not to swipe tomorrow, and come to drive the car."

Yan Yuan nodded, ready to go to Feng Ming again tomorrow.

Didn't he talk about changing his job early in the morning?It was a qualitative leap from being a horse groomer to a horse driver. Yan Yuan could already foresee Feng Ming's beaming chubby face when he heard the good news.

There's nothing more to talk about here.

Shen Mingnan ordered dinner, and Zhao Huiwei had another meal here very naturally.

After she was full, she was about to go back to lie down with salted fish, but Shen Mingnan called her back and said, "When you go to Houchi in the future, I will send Yu Huai to follow you secretly."

She nodded obediently: "I see, son."

"Well, you go back."

Only then did Zhao Huiwei slowly return to Yaoguang Pavilion, with Yingluo following her, and after she was full, she liked to think about things, thinking about her, she thought of her rhubarb.

In the past, when she went back to the yard, the silly dog ​​would come to greet her, but now fortunately, no dog shadow was seen.

She was a little curious: "Where is rhubarb?"

Yingluo replied, "Big Huang likes to go to the east wall recently."

east wall?where is that
Seeing that she was confused, Yingluo continued to answer: "The outside of the east wall is outside the mansion, maybe Da Huang wants to go out to play, so he digs a hole at the east wall?"

Zhao Huiwei: "..."

She thought over and over again and made a decision: "Let's go and have a look."

Yingluo looked at the sky, and followed her with a lantern in her hand.

The east wall is not far away, and it is still a bit depressed here. It seems that no one takes care of it, and the ground is overgrown with weeds.

When they arrived, the rhubarb was still digging. Zhao Huiwei walked over and found the rhubarb in a clump of weeds.

It leaned forward, its paws were digging the soil vigorously, Zhao Huiwei looked at it, and could vaguely see the shadow of the dog hole.

Dude, it really planed it.

Seeing his master coming, Rhubarb walked around the pit shaking his head, as if inviting her to appreciate the dog hole it dug.

Zhao Huiwei patted it on the head amusedly: "Don't forget that this is someone else's house, if you are careful, someone will catch you and stew you."

She rubbed the dog's head: "Let's go, go back."

Rhubarb looked at the hole, then trotted behind Zhao Huiwei.

next day
Mrs. Shen sent someone to bring her something.

It was a Jinluo jade garment that looked very light in texture, and there were some pearl hairpin jewelry beside it.

It can also be seen that Mrs. Shen really cares about her, and she feels warm in her heart when she touches the clothes.

Yingluo also touched it strangely, and then she became excited: "Girl, this is the best soft smoke, the old lady treats you very well."

As far as this material is concerned, it is estimated that the two young ladies in the mansion do not have it.

There was a smile on Zhao Huiwei's lips, yes, Mrs. Shen was very kind to her, and in order to repay this kindness, she would not let her have an accident no matter what.


The Shen residence stables.

Feng Ming was carrying tender grass, this horse could eat, so he sprinkled another handful of grass into it.

After so long, he has gotten used to being alone, and he is no longer the timid little fat man who needed company.

Before seeing Yanyuan, he always thought so, until he saw Yanyuan who suddenly appeared...


He instantly burst into tears.

"Brother, I miss you so much, it's so lonely here! I'm so scared to be alone, woo woo woo."

Yanyuan: "..."

He patted a certain fat man who was about to grab his hand, with a look of disgust: "You don't have to stay here anymore."

Feng Ming's sobbing stopped abruptly, and he couldn't help but rubbed his ears, thinking that he had an auditory hallucination.

"I don't have to stay here anymore?"

Yan Yuan nodded.

Unexpectedly, Feng Ming cried even more fiercely: "Don't drive me away, I can't clean up the horses in this mansion, brother, let me just stay here."

Yan Yuan was speechless, watched him cry, and finally couldn't bear to give him a shudder: "Whoever wants to drive you away, the master told you to stop brushing the horse and go drive the cart."

The crying stopped.

It took Feng Ming a long time to realize that he was promoted? !

 Feng Ming: Thank you for remembering me.


  If there is any pitfall I forgot, please remember to comment to remind me.

(End of this chapter)

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