The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 186 Will You Give Me Sugar When I'm Sick?

Chapter 186 Will You Give Me Sugar When I'm Sick?

The people in Dafang had almost left, Zhao Huiwei looked at Shen Mingnan carefully.

His side face was like jade, his eyelashes drooped, and he looked calm.

But when they mentioned Yunmei just now, a strong killing intent erupted from him. She looked at his hand, and unconsciously curled up her fingers, and the veins on the back of her hand bulged.

He seemed to have used a lot of strength to suppress the killing intent in his heart.

Old Madam Shen was so angry that her chest heaved violently, as if she couldn't breathe.

"Chao Hua, take the sign and go to the palace to invite Imperial Physician He to come over."

Shen Mingnan left such a sentence, stood up and left.

The rain outside the house, which had been light, picked up again.

He walked into the rain alone, even forgetting Zhao Huiwei he brought.

Zhao Huiwei looked at the old lady, and looked at Shen Mingnan's back worriedly. Seeing that there was Second Master Shen here, she rushed out with an umbrella.

The Shen residence was very big, and it was also raining heavily, so she couldn't find Shen Mingnan for a while.

She ran to the garden of Shen's mansion, the embroidered shoes and skirt were soaked by the rain, she looked around anxiously, and finally found Shen Mingnan by a hibiscus tree.

He raised his head, looked at the green leaves swaying by the rain, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhao Huiwei ran to his side, raised her hand and raised the umbrella over his head, shielding him from the wind and rain overhead.

His hair was wet from the rain, and it clinged to his porcelain-like face, making his lips even redder.

Shen Mingnan lowered his head, and saw the little girl trying to hold an umbrella for him with her feet on her feet. Her shoulders and backs were wet from the raindrops from the edge of the umbrella.

There was concern for him in a pair of moist eyes.


"You'll get sick in the rain."

"I remember you hate taking medicine the most, so let's go back, okay?"

Her voice was soft and waxy, as if she was acting like a baby to him.

The rain fell on the paper umbrella and made a pleasant ticking sound. Although such a short and thin person, he held the umbrella to prevent his body from feeling the coldness of the rain.

All his negative emotions dissipated completely because of this clean corner.

There was her reflection in Shen Mingnan's black eyes, and he asked in a hoarse voice: "Will you still give me candy when I'm sick?"


This reminded Zhao Huiwei that at the beginning, he had to prepare sugar when he was asked to drink medicine.

The invincible young man is actually afraid of suffering.

Her bright eyes were slightly curved, and she smiled brightly: "Yes."

His Adam's apple moved slightly, and he reached out and hugged her.

The paper umbrella was knocked to the ground because of his actions, and the tip of the umbrella spun around on the water.

Zhao Huiwei was panicked by this sudden movement, she struggled a bit but found that the hand holding her was getting tighter and tighter.

He buried his head in the hollow of her shoulder, and said hoarsely, "Don't move, let me hug you."

In an instant, Zhao Huiwei's heart softened.

She stood there, hesitated for a moment before reaching out to pat him on the back.

She didn't speak any more, just hugged him gently in the rain.

Shen Mingnan smelled her body, he wanted to indulge in this forever, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that if he continued like this, he would not be able to escape.

He sneered slightly in his heart.

If you can't escape, then you won't escape...

A dark cage in his heart began to loosen, and a light wanted to squeeze in, illuminating the corner, where there was a person hidden in the darkness.

He reaches out to the light...

Shen Mingnan has a secret, which he hasn't told anyone.

Actually, he wasn't afraid of taking medicine.

He was used to suffering, but suddenly someone gave him a candy.

He suddenly... fell in love with sugar.

In the distance, the two hug each other in the rain.

This scene fell into Shen Chan's eyes, she was holding a paper umbrella with red plum and white background.

The rain dripped and splashed her skirt, and her favorite sister Huiwei lied to her.

She clearly said that she doesn't like her third brother, but what is she doing now?

Shen Chan turned around holding the umbrella.

She hates people who cheat on her...

And this kind of people will be trampled into the soil by her like flowers.

Soil is the final destination of flowers.


Shen Xiujin's courtyard.

He was so beaten that he had a high fever and was talking nonsense.

Qi Shi sat quietly outside, and Shen Xiuyu came out from inside.

"Mom, you go back and rest first."

Qi didn't move, her face was haggard, she looked at Shen Xiuyu and sneered: "Yu'er, mother is wrong."

"I have been with him for 22 years, even a rock will be warmed up."

"But he still thinks about that bitch Gongyi Yunmei. She will die when she dies. Why don't you let me live in peace after she dies?"

As she said that, she laughed twice, and tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes: "For a woman who doesn't have him in his heart, he shut me out who loves him wholeheartedly. What do I pay for so many years?"

"Haha, he probably didn't expect Gongyi Yunmei to be so hot-tempered. If he said he didn't want him, he really didn't want him."

"Actually, he has hatred in his heart. Otherwise, how could he treat that woman's only son like this?"

"So, all of this is retribution, a cycle of karma, and no one can escape."

Qi's language has become confused, maybe even she herself doesn't know what she is talking about.

Shen Xiuyu looked at her quietly from the side, this is the sorrow of a woman who grew up in the back house, always sentimental for love.

All he wanted was power.

If he has power, can he trample all these people down?

Shen Xiuyu helped Qi Shi up, and said in a cold voice, "Mother, you are stunned, it's time to go back and rest."

Qi stared at him blankly, and Shen Xiuyu ordered the maid to take her back to the main room without any explanation.

"Take care of the eldest lady, it's best not to let her out of the yard."

The maid took the order and took Qi away.

Shen Xiuyu glanced at Neijian, turned around and left here as well.


Yaoguang Court

Zhao Huiwei, who accompanied Shen Mingnan in the rain, was very honored to get sick at night. She is now lying on the bed weakly, suffering from a sore throat and stuffy nose, but the culprit who took her to the rain is fine.

With a strong body, he still has time to deliver medicine to her.

Zhao Huiwei looked at him rather resentfully, and murmured: "Master, I blame you! I told you to go back, but you dragged me into the rain."

Shen Mingnan held the medicine bowl, and replied, "Well, blame me."

"Get up and drink the medicine first."

Zhao Huiwei's whole face was wrinkled, she knew that Shen Mingnan didn't like to drink medicine, but she didn't like to drink either!
Covering her head under the quilt, she said in a muffled voice, "I won't drink."

Shen Mingnan stretched out his hand, and her blushing face was exposed under the quilt.

"Drink the medicine and you'll be fine."

Zhao Huiwei turned around not to look at him.

After thinking for a while, Shen Mingnan continued: "I have prepared candy."

Zhao Huiwei still ignored him, the back of his head was facing him.

Shen Mingnan was a little helpless, knowing that he was in the wrong, he coaxed softly: "Drink the medicine, I will take you to Mingyue Lake to play when you recover."

After saying that, Zhao Huiwei turned around and faced him with bright eyes: "What's the smell?"

Shen Mingnan was a little taken aback: "What?"

"I said sugar."

His black eyes brought a smile: "Orange flavor."

Taking advantage of his illness, Zhao Huiwei was very arrogant: "I just want to eat candy, not the Mingyue Lake you mentioned."

"Ok, I know."

Zhao Huiwei snorted softly, raised his chin slightly: "Bring me the medicine."

"And orange flavored candies."

 Eat some candy, you will feel better all day~

(End of this chapter)

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