Chapter 187 Nightmare
Yingluo lay quietly by the door and watched the movement inside.

Aww, the girl is so cute!
Her master is too good at it.

If it wasn't for her bad writing skills, she would have to write these two people in the story book and pass it down through the ages!
Wu Yin: "..." This person is poisonous.

After drinking the medicine, Zhao Huiwei fell asleep, Shen Mingnan looked at her sleeping face and couldn't help pinching her face.

After putting down the bed curtain for her, he walked slowly outside the house.

Yingluo and Wuyin stood respectfully at the door when they saw him come out.

Today's rain, it has been raining all day and it has no tendency to stop.

Yingluo handed over the paper umbrella, and Shen Mingnan took it: "Take care of her."


Holding an umbrella, his black figure disappeared into the night.

Yingluo walked to Zhao Huiwei's bedside, opened the curtain, saw that she was sleeping peacefully, and the quilt was covered, so she let go of the curtain and went out.


There was thunder outside, and lightning pierced the sky.

Yingluo walked out, the thick purple lightning reflected the sky white.

She hugged her arms coldly: "It's really strange, it's only July, why is it so cold when it rains?"

It was cold outside, and Zhao Huiwei inside was also cold.

As if she was in a glacier, she woke up from the cold and opened her eyes in the rain again.

There was a daze in her eyes, and she looked at her position, which was the same as the place where she woke up last time.

She looked up, and the umbrella in front bumped into the umbrella, making a noise.

She raised her leg and found that she could move, so she walked towards the crowded place step by step.

"It's so miserable, just died like this."

"No, look at this little girl is still young."

"Oh, I don't know which one it belongs to, the corpses are all floating here."

Zhao Huiwei's face was pale, and his eyes were empty and numb.

who died?
She passed through the crowd and found a river in front of her. There was a corpse floating in the river, with her face down and she couldn't see her face clearly.


The thunder became more and more intense, and the wind was strong outside, making the windows whine.


A tree branch in the courtyard outside was snapped off by the wind.

The wind just stopped...

The next day, it was still raining.

Yingluo stood under the eaves and looked at the ground covered with broken leaves and felt a headache.

When she came to Zhao Huiwei's door, she found that the paper pasting the window had been blown away. She thought to herself that something was wrong, and when she came in, she found Zhao Huiwei, whose face was flushed and burned badly.

It’s over.

Who knew when the window was blown open. Zhao Huiwei, who was already sick, was burnt out after a night of cold wind.

Yingluo hurried to find Wuyin.

Wuyin stretched out her hand to feel her pulse, her face was solemn, and she stuffed her hand under the quilt after a while.

"Miss, this is an evil wind entering her body, and she has contracted a cold. You use an ice towel to cool her down, and I will go out of the house to get her some medicine."

Yingluo nodded anxiously: "Go quickly, come back early."

Only then did Wuyin take the house number and leave the house.

Zhao Huiwei felt that there were countless hands holding her, and there was a swamp under her feet, and she was dragged and sank as she couldn't break free.

The word Danyang faintly came to her ears, and a warm hand grabbed her, allowing her to escape from the nightmare.

She opened her eyes and met Shang Yingluo's concerned eyes: "Girl, are you alright?"

As she said that, she reached out to touch her forehead, frowned and said, "Be patient, Miss, Wuyin will boil medicine for you."

"Yingluo, I want to drink water."

Her throat was dry, her mouth was pale, and she looked as if she was terminally ill.

Yingluo hurriedly poured her a cup of hot water, and watched her finish drinking before taking the cup: "Girl, is there any discomfort for you?"

Zhao Huiwei now has no other symptoms except dizziness and weakness of limbs.

She shook her head lightly, and then asked the question in her heart: "I just... I seem to have heard you guys talking about Danyang, didn't I..."

Yingluo was a little surprised, she thought Zhao Huiwei was fast asleep, but she didn't expect her consciousness to be half awake, so she nodded her head: "Yeah, just now Wuyin came back from outside the residence and heard something about Prince Rui's residence."

Zhao Huiwei sat up, held Yingluo's hand tightly, with a nervous expression: "What's wrong with Princess Danyang?"

Yingluo froze for a moment, then hurriedly stuffed Zhao Huiwei under the quilt, and said, "You're still sick, don't catch a cold."

"Tell me quickly, what happened to Princess Danyang?"

Zhao Huiwei looked at her stubbornly, and Yingluo had no choice but to tell her the news she got: "The personal servant girl next to Princess Danyang died."

"What about Princess Danyang?"

"Princess Danyang is fine, but the body of her maid was found in Yuhe this morning."


When it overlapped with the river in the dream, Zhao Huiwei's face turned pale instantly.

"How did she die?"

Yingluo saw that she was not in the right state, but she was stubborn to know the answer, so she had no choice but to say: "It seems that she is fleeing in fear of crime. I heard that she drugged Princess Danyang, and when she escaped from the mansion, she slipped into the river and drowned. gone."

"Well, according to Wuyin, people are swollen in the water, and they should have been dead for two days."

After listening, Zhao Huiwei fainted as soon as his eyes went dark.

"Girl? Girl?!"

Hearing Yingluo's voice, Wuyin hurriedly opened the door and entered, only to see that her eyes were flushed.

Seeing Wuyin, Yingluo seemed to have seen a savior: "Wuyin, come and see the girl, she fainted suddenly."

Wuyin stretched out her hand to feel her pulse, and frowned at Yingluo: "Did you say something to the girl just now?"

Yingluo pursed her mouth: "Young lady heard about the affairs of Princess Danyang's mansion, she wants to hear... so I told her about it."

"You really..." Wu Yin didn't know what to say.

After a while, I continued to teach: "The girl is still ill, so how can you scare her with this?"

Yingluo was a little guilty, her eyes were red: "Then what should I do?"

Wu Yin sighed: "It's okay, the girl was just frightened, wait for her to rest for a while, and then wake her up to take the medicine."

Yingluo sobbed softly: "Okay."

However, Zhao Huiwei hadn't woken up until it was almost dinner time.

No matter how hard I tried to wake her up, I couldn't wake her up.

As soon as Shen Mingnan came to her, he came straight to her.

He put his hand on her hot forehead, frowning: "Is she always like this today?"

Wu Yin stepped forward, even though she was good at the medicine, she was at a loss for a while: "I gave the girl medicine, but she couldn't swallow it anyway, and it seemed to have blocked her senses, so she couldn't wake her up. We can only use ice towels to cool her down." .”

Shen Mingnan was silent for a moment, looked at Zhao Huiwei whose face was flushed with fever, and sighed slightly: "Bring the medicine."

Only then did Wuyin pass the reheated medicine to Shen Mingnan.

He took it: "You all go out."

Only then did Yingluo and Wuyin back out.

When the two were at the door, Yingluo's curiosity was instantly aroused.

It hurts like a tickle in my heart.

She looked at Wu Yin who was standing upright to one side, and couldn't help but want to chat with her: "Wu Yin, why do you think the master asked us to come out?"

Wu Yin glanced at her: "I don't know."

Seeing that she couldn't ask any questions, Yingluo stared at the door, as if she wanted to see through the door, but Wuyin reluctantly dragged her into their room.

"Eh? What are you pulling me for! I want to stay here!"

 Yingluo: The cp I knocked must be locked!
(End of this chapter)

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