The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 206 You See Me So Beautiful in Your Eyes

Chapter 206 You See Me So Beautiful in Your Eyes
It didn't take a moment for someone to move the dog on a mat.

Lin Huai'an told Song Lang: "Go and invite Kong Qingzi here."

Song Lang: "...Yes."

Song Lang went outside to the carriage, opened the curtain and there was an old man snoring inside.

The old man had white hair and a childlike face, and his face was red. Song Lang tapped lightly on the wall of the car until the people inside had some reaction, then he said: "Master Kong Doctor, I have something to ask you."

Kong Qingzi, who was disturbed and drowsy, was extremely upset, but when he heard Lin Huai'an calling, he suppressed his unhappiness again, and got out of the carriage cursingly: "I really owe you the Lin family, take pity on me. Running from Liangzhou to this ghostly place to suffer, and not letting people sleep well, is pure oppression."

Song Lang twitched the corners of his mouth and dared not speak, it was obvious that this old man wanted to go to Beijing because he was begging for nothing, eating and drinking along the way made him happy, and now he was suffering again.

Kong Qingzi walked all the way to the main hall, Lin Huai'an was waiting inside, when he saw someone coming, he said softly: "Look at it, is there any help?"

Kong Qingzi looked over, and saw a big yellow dog that was about to lose its soul, and instantly jumped up angrily: "You figured it out, I'm a miracle doctor, not a veterinarian!"

Lin Huaian glanced at him lightly: "Aren't veterinarians also doctors, don't delay, it will be dead later."

Kong Qingzi: "..."

He really didn't expect that he, the king of medicine in Tiandong Valley, would use medical skills to save dogs one day.

With a sullen face, he took out a pill from the medicine bag beside him, stuffed it into its mouth, and walked out with a dark face.

"Get someone to come and give it some medicine and bandage it. It won't die."

As soon as Song Lang heard this, he immediately went down to bandage the wound with his dog in his arms.


Outside, Zhao Huiwei was still looking for her rhubarb. It was almost dusk, and Yingluo felt a little distressed: "Girl, go back and eat something, we will look for it tomorrow."

The two of them haven't eaten since they came out in the morning.

The main reason was that Zhao Huiwei had no appetite, but she looked at Yingluo who had been with her for a whole day. She could not be hungry, but she couldn't drag Yingluo from eating.

So he nodded and agreed to go back. He met Shen Mingnan at the door, and the two walked together speechlessly. When they came to the middle garden, he stopped in his tracks: "You go back first."

As he said that, he walked towards the right, and there was a fish pond over there.

Zhao Huiwei didn't care either, and left here with a slight nod.

There was a red glow in the sky, Zhao Huiwei couldn't help but look back, and Shen Mingnan's black figure fell in the afterglow, very soft and very cold.

At the edge of this fish pond, Shen Chan throws bait into the pond one after another, Fangcao waits by the side.

She looked towards the corner arch, and sure enough, the black figure she was expecting came. She never expected Wang Li to successfully drag the dog here.

Her ultimate goal was to lure him to come, and as she expected, he really came.

She stood up, slim, with a sweet smile on her face: "Third brother."

Shen Mingnan walked to the fish pond with cold eyes: "Why did you do this?"

"The coachman, Toad, and Wang Li."

Shen Chan didn't understand, she blinked her eyes: "Third Brother, don't wrong a good person."

"The coachman is himself unable to resist the temptation."

"The toad was made by the cook in the back kitchen."

"As for Wang Li, he did it voluntarily."

Volunteering to accept the benefits she gave, so why do these things say that she did it, it is obvious that people can't stand the temptation.

Shen Mingnan sneered, the cold light in his eyes was shattered: "You left yourself completely, I didn't know that the second room of the Shen family also raised a poisonous snake."

Shen Chan didn't care what he said, she greedily smelled the cold fragrance of his body.

When I looked up, I saw her reflection in his eyes, even though it was mixed with undisguised disgust.

She couldn't help smiling.

"Third brother, do you know?"

"Only when I do bad things, will my shadow be reflected in your eyes."

"Third brother, it's so beautiful to see me in your eyes."

Fangcao's face turned pale when she heard it from one side, her young lady, unexpectedly... unexpectedly... has such thoughts!
Shen Mingnan took a deep breath before resisting the urge to cut her into pieces.

She continued: "Third brother, you have been supercilious since you were a child. No matter what I do, you will never look at me."

"Until one day, I broke a valuable vase and it stuck on your body, and you were beaten up by your uncle. From then on, I realized that you had me in your eyes."

Shen Chan smiled brightly, no one knew the secret excitement that rose in her heart the moment she stayed in his eyes, so from then on, she began to frame her in various ways.

But even if he was punished again, she would no longer be in his eyes.

Gradually, she stopped messing with him.

But suddenly one day, everything changed, as if someone lived in his eyes.

She hated this change, hated him going out with that peasant girl, hated the soft light in his eyes.

"Third brother, I still know a secret."

"You are not of the Shen family's blood at all."

The love in her eyes was undisguised, she just looked at him straight.

When Shen Mingnan heard this, there was still something he didn't understand. His stomach felt nauseous, and he even felt that his eyes were dirty.

He sneered: "Shen Chan, I really suggest that you wash your head, it's still so unclear when you grow up so big."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pushed, and Shen Chan fell into the fish pond.

Fangcao was so frightened that she knelt on the ground directly: "Please be merciful, Mr. Fifth, she doesn't know how to swim, so she will drown."

Shen Mingnan's eyes reflected her thumping figure, and she didn't sink into the pond until the thumping stopped.

He turned around and said indifferently: "If you die, you will die. Such a dirty person is not worthy of living in this world."

"Today's matter is disclosed, and I will kill you."

Shen Mingnan left, Fangcao gritted her teeth and went down to the pond to find someone, and it took a lot of effort to pull the unconscious Shen Chan up.

She was so anxious that she ran to find someone: "It's no good, Miss Fifth fell into the water!"

When Shen Mingnan returned to Jiangyun Pavilion, he went to the study room. He held a box in his hand, and when he opened it, there was a light pink hairpin.

Seeing this, his disgust subsided, and he took the box and headed towards Yaoguang Pavilion.

He wants to see her.

However, halfway through the journey, he met Zhao Huiwei who was also looking for him.

Her small face was pale, and she pinched her sleeves nervously with her fingers, the two of them looked at each other speechlessly.

Shen Mingnan walked forward, his hands concealed in his sleeves were also tense, and there was still a fine amount of sweat breaking out from his palms.

"Are you going to find me?"

Zhao Huiwei nodded lightly: "Yes."

"It just so happens." He smiled and said, "I'm going to look for you too."

Sure enough, the little girl's eyes became curious, and Shen Mingnan hesitated for a moment before taking out the box in his hand.

"open to take a look."

She took it, opened the lid, and inside was a peach hairpin, which was similar to her original one, but more delicate and gorgeous than that one.

She looked up happily: "Master, where did you buy it?"

This is made by himself, the only one in the world.

It took him a while to whisper: "Zhao Yanyan, you can't buy this."

  Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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