The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 207 I want to leave the Duke's Mansion

Chapter 207 I want to leave the Duke's Mansion

"Zhao Yanyan, you can't buy this."

This is his heart.

Zhao Huiwei looked up at him and smiled slightly: "Thank you, my lord."

Shen Mingnan hesitated for a moment before asking: "Are you looking for me for something?"

Zhao Huiwei's hand holding the box was tight, she lowered her eyes and did not dare to look at Shen Mingnan.


"I want to leave the Duke's Mansion."

The air pressure around his body dropped to freezing point, Zhao Huiwei couldn't hold back his shoulders shivering.

"Zhao Yanyan, say it again."

Zhao Huiwei raised her eyes, and met his black jade-like eyes.

She pursed her lips, her eyes were firm: "I want to leave the Duke's Mansion."

The corners of his lips were tight, and the hand covering his side was curled up and released: "Why?"


"This is not a place for me to stay."

This is a deep courtyard house, where there are many conspiracies and schemes hidden. The most powerless thing is that these are Shen Mingnan's relatives.

It was Shen Shu first, and then Shen Chan. She had an affair with the surname Shen. Except for the old matriarch, no one in the Duke's mansion liked her.

After a while, he asked quietly, "Yanyan, you are blaming me."

"Is it because I can't protect you?"

Zhao Huiwei shook his head: "No, sir."

"I just think it will be better if I leave the Duke's Mansion...It's good for you and me."

"Don't think about it." Shen Mingnan's dark eyes were cold: "Until you find your relatives, you have to stay by my side."


Shen Mingnan turned around, the breeze stirred his clothes, and he left with anger.

Zhao Huiwei stood at the same place and looked down at the hairpin after a long while. It was so beautiful, her heart couldn't help throbbing, it was really seductive...

She took out the little yellow duck purse she embroidered from her sleeve, compared the two, and silently put the purse back into her sleeve.

As for this embroidery worker, who said Yao Nanjia embroidered it, who would believe it, she was really naive...

Compared with this beautiful hairpin, even if she wanted to give it away as a thank you gift, she couldn't afford it.

So she returned to Yaoguang Pavilion, and Yingluo happened to be there.

She leaned over and saw that she was still making ties: "Yingluo, can you teach me how to make ties?"

Oh open!

After all, it was missed!
She raised her head stiffly: "Why did the girl want to learn how to tie the net?"

Zhao Huiwei scratched his head: "I want to give one more to the young master..."

Between hair and love, Yingluo resolutely chose to fulfill her girl's love.

In this way, she is also gloriously bald.

But fortunately, apart from not being able to hold the needle, she is fine with knitting, except that she occasionally strays threads.

Yingluo brushed her hair: "Girl, let's continue tomorrow."

Saying that, he hurriedly fetched water for Zhao Huiwei to take a bath.

Zhao Huiwei looked down at Luozi who had just started, rubbed his eyes and put it into the basket.

The next day, Chaohua came, because the old lady hadn't seen Zhao Huiwei for a long time, and she missed her a little, so she invited her to Fumantang.

Zhao Huiwei, who wanted to go directly to find the dog, held back and followed Chaohua to Fumantang, Yingluo was waiting for her at the door.

Old Madam Shen had a smile on her face: "Xiao Hui'er, come and sit down, I haven't seen you for a long time, but what happened recently?"

Mrs. Shen must not be able to hide Zhao Huiwei's frequent going out these days.

"My big yellow dog is lost, I want to go out and look for it."

Old Madam Shen frowned: "Why did you lose the good ones?"

Zhao Huiwei pursed her lips: "It dug a hole in the east wall, so it probably ran out to play."

She didn't tell what Shen Chan did. Old Madam Shen, like ordinary old people, only hoped for the peace of the family. There is no need for her to worry about the matter between her and Shen Chan.

Mrs. Shen sighed slightly: "Then you have to look for it."

Zhao Huiwei nodded in response.

There was a sudden noise outside, and the sound of crying and crying came over.

"Woooooo, mother-in-law, please save Sister Chan."

Erfang Rong walked in with red eyes.

After Shen Chan accidentally fell into the water yesterday, she quickly sent someone to invite the old doctor. After feeling the pulse, the old doctor said: "I was frightened and held my breath for a while. I'm fine, but I don't know when I will wake up."

Then left a patch and left.

But now that the night has passed, not only did she not wake up, she was still hot all over, and she was raving about Third Brother.

Rong made a rough guess in her heart, guessing that this incident had something to do with Shen Mingnan, so she threatened and lured Fangcao again, before she revealed that Shen Chan was indeed pushed down by Shen Mingnan, and she would not ask any more questions. out.

As soon as the day dawned, she rushed over impatiently, and begged Mrs. Shen to give her justice. No matter how overbearing you Shen Mingnan was, how could you harm your relatives!
How can she bear it?

She is a good daughter, but now she has a high fever and is unconscious, which almost killed her!When did Chan'er, whom she had loved since she was a child, ever suffer this kind of grievance.

"Mother-in-law, Chan'er's high fever has persisted all night, and the medicine can't go in. This is really hurting my heart." Rong cried, crying out of pain.

"The daughter-in-law also found out, it was Ming Nan who pushed Chan'er into the water!"

"Nonsense!" Mrs. Shen slapped the table and immediately retorted: "Brother Nan would never do such a thing."

Rong's expression mourned: "Daughter-in-law is not lying, Fangcao can also testify that Mingnan did it, mother-in-law, Chan'er is also your granddaughter, you can't favor him just because he is the eldest son!"

Mrs. Shen also had a look of embarrassment. Rong's words were so convincing that she almost failed to show the evidence to convince her, but she still felt that her brother Nan would not do such a thing. Shen Chan must have said something unpleasant, which angered her.

She rubbed the center of her brows with a headache: "I'll find out when I call him at night."

"Chaohua, take my token and go to the palace to invite an imperial physician."

Chaohua got orders, and withdrew from Fumantang.

"Okay, you all go away."

After Mrs. Shen finished speaking, she turned around and went into the inner room. It was too bad outside, she wanted to be quiet.

When Zhao Huiwei looked sideways, she saw the resentment on Rong's face, she remembered that he went towards the fish pond yesterday, so it turned out that he was looking for Shen Chan.

Before she knew it, he had done so much.

At the very least, he avenged Rhubarb.

Ben was still in a gloomy mood, because this matter inexplicably improved a lot.

Not long after staying, she took Yingluo out of the mansion again, this time they didn't go to Suimian Street, but went to the market area, a more lively place.

The coachman was still Feng Ming. When he saw Yingluo, his chubby face flushed slightly, and his small eyes kept glancing at her.

After being discovered by Yingluo, he didn't hide at all: "Miss Yingluo, don't worry, I will definitely get Rhubarb back!"

The car had already been parked by Feng Ming, and after he finished speaking, he separated from them and went to the street to look for a dog.

Yingluo turned her head indifferently: "Girl, let's go to the teahouse."

(End of this chapter)

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