Chapter 248
Shen Shu was imprisoned in her Linlang Pavilion. She knocked on the doors and windows vigorously, but no one opened the door for her.

She finally broke down and sat on the ground crying, why not help her, is it wrong that she just likes Cheng Yu?It's just that she was not born in Qi's womb, otherwise she would have been a princess, but is it her fault for her low status?
She also didn't want to have a concubine mother. While Shen Shu hated Mrs. Shen, she also hated her own mother, Aunt Han.

She even began to hate why this lowly concubine gave birth to her, and she couldn't give her the same honor when she was born. Don't look at her trying to curry favor with Danyang, but each of those noble girls is no more than a concubine, and every word makes her unable to hold her head up. She was made to feel inferior by the word concubine.

And now she wants to marry the crown prince's cousin as a concubine, but her grandmother doesn't agree, she is so begging for everything, why doesn't she know how to help her?
Her grandmother would rather be nice to Zhao Huiwei who has nothing to do with the Shen family than to be nice to her own granddaughter.


The outside door was unlocked, Shen Shu looked up, it was Mrs. Qi who came.

Qi walked forward with a distressed face: "Mother's little boy, why are you still sitting on the ground, get up quickly."

A little obedient sentence broke Shen Shu's mind in an instant, and she threw herself into Qi's arms and cried out of breath.

Only the Qi family in the whole mansion loves her.

"Woooooo, mother, I want to marry the crown prince's cousin, but my grandmother won't let me, can you help me, please mother."

Qi wiped her tears with a brocade handkerchief: "Shu'er, it's not that mother doesn't help you, it's that mother can't do anything."

Her bitterness could not be concealed in her tone, and she gently fiddled with Shen Shu's hair: "I don't have much power in the mansion, and I have to live on the nose of others, this mansion's power is firmly held by your grandmother, and I can't touch it at all. Shu'er, mother also hopes you have a good life, but I can't help it..."

There was no lack of helplessness in Qi's tone, Shen Shu was stunned, what do you mean?Couldn't her mother help her?So what should she do?
"Shu'er." Qi continued to sigh: "As long as your grandmother is here, you don't even think about marrying the prince, just accept your fate."

"I can't stay here for long. If your grandmother finds out, I will be scolded again. By the way, your grandmother has already found a good family for you. He is the son of a sixth-rank official. He is also hardworking. He is still a scholar. He will end next year." I think it's good to take the Juren examination, you are ready to prepare, and you will get married on a fixed date after you pass the Geng Tie."

After Qi left, Shen Shu sat on the chair blankly.

The son of a sixth-rank petty official?Scholar?Hehehe...

How could this person be worthy of the noble her?She is the daughter of the Duke's Mansion, and she is going to marry a nobleman. How can she marry a scholar and worry about a few buckets of rice with him every day?

no... she doesn't want to...

She refuses to accept her fate...

If she helped her mother take back the power, her mother would help her marry the prince's cousin...

So, as long as her grandmother is dead...


The exam results were released, and Huo Simo won the first place and won the prize.

At the moment they are gathering at Linglong Pavilion to eat hot pot.

They are all Huo Simo's classmates.

One of them said: "Simo really made it this time, I see that many officials have started to catch sons-in-law under the list."

"Wait for the exam in February, Simo will get the third grade directly, and then marry the daughter of a first-rank and second-rank high official, then the prosperity is just around the corner, hahaha."

Huo Simo also smiled, but what was thinking in his mind was Chi Hua. It seemed that he hadn't seen her for a long time. Usually, when he was studying hard, he didn't have time to think about others, but after the exams, he would always think about her. Think of Chi Hua.

Perhaps thinking about it, he looked down from the window, and he really saw Chi Hua.

But it seemed that there was a new person beside her, and he recognized that it was Mr. Fu Xiaolang.

And below, Chi Hua looked helplessly at Fu Junze: "Why are you following me all the time? I'm going to the list to catch my son-in-law."

Fu Junze responded lightly: "I'll help you find one."

Chi Hua: "...Thank you."

"You're welcome."

So the two came to the place where the list was released, it was overcrowded and very crowded.

Chi Hua stood on tiptoe and looked at the top of the list, Huo Simo.

She proudly pointed at No. [-]: "Look, this is the man I once fell in love with, Huiyuan. It shows that I still have vision."

Fu Junze twitched his lips and refused to comment.

"I also passed the No. 16 examination." He said beside her, "At the age of [-]."

"Oh." Chi Hua continued to look at the list: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Don't think that seeing the moon means you have a relationship with me. It doesn't matter if you are the number one scholar or not!"

The people around him stopped talking, and Chi Hua didn't bother to pay attention to him, and concentrated on finding a suitable husband-in-law on the list.

She promised her father that she would bring her husband home this year to show him.

As for Huo Simo, who was at the top of the list, she excluded him, and the twisted melon was not sweet. She started to look at the second list, and she wanted to find out the details of the one she liked, and then asked if there was anyone willing to be a son-in-law.

Fu Junze watched her seriously, his heart a little astringent, he seemed to have really lost Chi Hua.

"Chi Hua."

There was a bitter sound in the cold voice.Chi Hua, who was reading the list, froze for a moment, she turned her head to look at him, his Danfeng eyes implied an obscurity that she didn't understand.

"I regret it, Chi Hua."

Chi Hua's heart trembled, but it was several years ago that he heard in his ears, he looked at her with a joyful smile: "Hua Hua, I can finally marry you."

She and Fu Junze met when they were six years old. They grew up together as childhood sweethearts. They got engaged when she was 13 and he was fourteen.Like an ordinary girl, she has a shy face, and when she raises her eyes, she is also looking bright.

She said: "Then can we join hands to fight the enemy in the future? My coach, you follow me closely, Fu Junze, I am very good at fighting, and I will protect you well."

He complied.

Then there is no more...

He failed to fight the enemy with her, failed to go to the battlefield, his body was tortured and collapsed, and their marriage contract was withdrawn.

She was the only one who went into battle to kill the enemy.

Chi Hua's eyes were a little sore, but she suppressed it, and pulled the corner of her mouth lightly: "What are you sensationalizing here? You regret it, if you regretted it, why would you go?"

Fu Junze's eyelashes drooped, and there was a sickly beauty between his brows, like a glazed doll that shattered at the touch of a touch, Chi Hua's harsh words were stuck in his throat and he could no longer utter them.

She snorted softly: "You were the one who forced me to divorce back then, and you didn't want my Fu Junze. Don't think that you just regretted saying something and expect me to change your mind."

He suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes were as black as a pool of ink.

Seeing him like this, Chi Hua held his words in his throat again.

She breathed out lightly, with a careless smile on her face: "I have a solution, which can solve our problem, as I said last time, if you really regret it, let me whore for a night. "

(End of this chapter)

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