The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 249 I Will Never Lie To You

Chapter 249 I Will Never Lie To You (Part [-])
"To put it simply, sleep with me for one night, and the bridge will return to the bridge, and the road will return to the road."

It was the most humiliating thing she could think of to say to him.

Chi Hua thought, if a man can't stand a woman who prostitutes him for nothing.

Fu Junze gave her a cold look, turned around and left.

Chi Hua breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to continue looking at the list.

Fu Junze, who was walking in front, stopped, and he turned around: "Let's go."

Chi Hua looked at him in a daze.

Fu Junze continued: "Don't you want to sleep with me? I agreed."

Chi Hua: "..."

He smiled lightly: "Scared?"

"Who's scared! My sister whored so many men doesn't have to be afraid." Chi Hua straightened her back a lot: "Let's go."

Chi Hua directly brought Fu Junze to the Xianxian Tower, isn't the Xiaowan Tower humiliating enough?Chi Hua was waiting for him to leave in shame and anger, but he walked in without looking sideways.

Only then did Chi Hua feel scared, but she was a female general, she couldn't show timidity in front of anyone, so she followed behind him calmly.

It wasn't until they entered the dimly lit wing that Chi Hua flinched in her heart.

Fu Junze sat on the bed, looked at Chi Hua who was not far away, and smiled lightly: "I'll prostitute you, if you get scared, go out."

Chi Hua emboldened herself, but her expression was still frivolous: "If it's free, don't want it for nothing."

When she walked in front of him, Fu Junze began to undress: "Go to bed."

Chi Hua swallowed her saliva, and slowly crawled to the innermost place. She regretted it after getting on it. She looked down at her clothes, feeling tangled in her heart.

Before she could figure it out, a shadow came down.

Her red lips were covered, carrying the fragrance of pine and cypress from his body. She wanted to push him away, but when she touched his skin, she felt a chill.

She couldn't help shivering, her body was getting cold, and her clothes fell off. When she opened her eyes, she saw lust in his usual cold eyes.

"Huahua." He whispered, his voice hoarse.

Chi Hua was distracted for a while, staring at him in a daze, a tingling pain came from her body, she wanted to cry out in pain but his kiss fell again, with a very soft voice: "I love you."

The bed curtains were lowered layer by layer, and the red clothes inside were thrown on the ground.

The candles not far away were crackling, and the layered bed curtains were shaking, and there was a low-pitched sound.

Red candles warmed the tent, Fu Junze bowed his head and kissed, he admitted that he got Chihua by his despicable behavior.


In the evening, the night is as cool as water.

Shen Mingnan brought Zhao Huiwei back to the mansion.

When the two were walking in the garden, Shen Mingnan wanted to tell her about his cousin.

However, before he could speak, he heard a soft call: "Brother Nan."

Shen Mingnan: "..."

When Zhao Huiwei looked over, she was a woman with a clear appearance and a weak willow supporting the wind. At this moment, she was looking at Shen Mingnan with tears in her eyes, as if she was looking at a heartbroken person.

Zhao Huiwei put his eyes on Shen Mingnan, and looked at him coldly: "Brother Nan, why don't you explain?"

Shen Mingnan: "...She is the cousin I mentioned..." At the end he added: "I have nothing to do with her."

Gongyiyin coughed lightly, and she looked at the woman beside Shen Mingnan: "Brother Nan, who is she?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Shen Mingnan's tone was cold, he was really tired of Gongyiyin, and he always had this attitude since he was a child.

Gongyiyin's eyes were red, and she was charming: "I'm sorry, I won't ask any more, don't be angry."

Zhao Huiwei: "..."

Shen Mingnan: "..."

Zhao Huiwei shook off Shen Mingnan's hand: "Come back after you two have a chat."

As he said that, he walked straight away.

"Yanyan." Without even thinking about it, Shen Mingnan ran after her: "Don't be angry, I really have nothing to do with her."

Gongyiyin couldn't help but squeezed the brocade handkerchief tightly, she coughed softly, Qiaogu came to her side: "Miss, why are you running out again when you are not well?"

"I can't help but want to meet Brother Nan, and meet him with that little peasant girl."

Qiaogu frowned: "Go back to your room and take good care of it. I will talk to that girl, and I will let her leave my little master."

Gong Yiyin hesitated: "But Brother Nan will be angry if you are like this."

Qiaogu snorted coldly: "It's the young master who broke his promise first and got together with other women behind your back. Miss, don't worry, I will let her daughter leave obediently."

On the other side, Shen Mingnan was pulling people, Zhao Huiwei turned around, and said strangely: "How is it? Your acting skills are good, right? Otherwise, you will be dragged by your cousin."

Only then did Shen Mingnan realize that his family Yan Yan was pretending to be angry, so he must have chased him to coax him, so he would be far away from Gongyiyin.

He smiled and said, "It's really clever."

Looking at Zhao Huiwei's fair and tender face, he hesitated and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

Zhao Huiwei gave him a strange look: "Didn't you say that it has nothing to do with her? I must believe you."

Only then did Shen Mingnan feel relieved: "Well, you just need to listen to what I say, I will never lie to you."

After this little episode, the days passed peacefully for a few more days.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of August, and Gongyiyin hadn't appeared since the last time. It was said that his condition had worsened, and Shen Mingnan didn't care.

And Shen Shu, who had been imprisoned for nearly ten days, asked her maid to bring a message to Mrs. Shen. She said that she had figured it out and would not marry the prince.

Mrs. Shen saw that she seemed to have really changed her mind, so she released her restraint. It happened that the Li family would come to see her in a few days.

Mrs. Shen has found out about Li's family. His father is a low-rank official, but he is not afraid that he will not be promoted if he is under the protection of the Duke's mansion.

And his family background is also clean, in addition to the husband and wife surnamed Li, there is also an aunt in the family, who is the personal servant of the wife of the main house, and has a good relationship.

There are two sons in the family. The eldest son was born in the main house. He is eighteen this year and is still preparing for the exam. He is also a diligent person.

The youngest son was born to a concubine, and he is only five years old this year.

Shen Shu came out with a haggard face, and there were tears on her face. Seeing Mrs. Shen, she couldn't help but knelt on the ground and confessed: "Grandmother, you are right, the Tian family is the most ruthless, I shouldn't be greedy for vanity, I won't think about marrying the prince's cousin in the future, please forgive me, I will listen to whatever you say in the future."

After saying these words, Old Madam Shen also softened her heart. She was not the kind of harsh person, and she only wanted her grandchildren to live better. Once Shen Shu admitted her mistake, she didn't want to punish her anymore.

"It's good if you know you're wrong. The family I'm showing you is called Li Yu. He has a good temper, is handsome, and has a simple population. If you marry him, although you won't be rich, but you will be able to have enough food and clothing. .”

Shen Shu wiped away her tears: "I always listen to my grandmother."

Mrs. Shen was very relieved: "Get up, don't kneel down, grandma won't hurt you, wait a few days for the Li family to come, you will know it at a glance."

(End of this chapter)

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