Chapter 427 Dilemma
The gloomy and gloomy atmosphere in Beijing lasted for half a month, and Cheng Shengquan ordered the third prince and Gongyiyin to get married to dilute the bad luck.

Cheng Jiong thought about it for two months in the mansion, and suddenly he figured it out. Although this Gongyiyin is sicker, he looks good. He looks pitiful and pitiful, and he also loves the beauty very much.

And Gongyiyin has never been out of the house since being married to Cheng Jiong, and stays in the mansion all day long, staring at the sky with empty eyes.

Even on her happy day, she was at the mercy of others like a log.

The sun was shining brightly outside, but it couldn't dispel her own coldness.

She recalled that when she was in Qingcheng, although she was often sick, everyone spoiled her, she could have whatever she wanted, and it would not be an exaggeration to call her a princess.

When she was young, only Shen Mingnan was the same age as her there, but the treatment of the two was very different, she vaguely remembered when she was five years old.

The sky was blue and clear, and there was no cloud in the sky. She was eating the candy Qiaogu brought down the mountain, and accidentally saw Shen Mingnan who was practicing martial arts with his head held down.

His small body was trembling, as if he had been fished out of the water, he was still standing in the scorching sun and squatting.

Everyone said that this was her cousin and her future husband-in-law, but every time Gong Yiyin came to him, he would be frustrated.

There is no other reason, but because he sees her too indifferently, and she occasionally strikes up a conversation with him. Although he responds, he has no expression, and is different from all the people who dote on her.

They said that his temperament was just like this, so cold that even his own mother could not stay in his dark eyes, Gong Yiyin thought at that time, if she was different, she would definitely leave a heavy mark on his heart.

She tried to be nice to him, but he was too cold. How could Gongyiyin, who is used to the stars, have ever been treated like this? Hearing from them, this is her person, so she should obey her. Why should she want to? To please him?

Two days later, she changed her normal behavior from flattery to bullying.

She crushed the small wooden toys he made by herself, poured his food in front of him, and ordered him to practice for an extra hour. Even the candy she handed her on purpose was thrown into the mud by her slippery hand. inside.

Day after day, Gong Yiyin found that not only did Shen Mingnan not surrender to her, but his temperament became more and more gloomy. Apart from indifference, his delicate face was lifeless. It was hard to imagine that such emotions would appear on a young child. .

This made Gong Yiyin feel embarrassed, so she found a dog, pointed at the dog and said to him: "You are not as good as a dog, I throw a bone to the dog, and it will wag its tail at me, how about you? What will you do? Dogs are more obedient than you."

What kind of look is that?
The madness of dying together in the silence, finally hidden in the dark eyes and disappearing, Gong Yiyin suddenly became a little timid, realizing that she was afraid, she suddenly became angry from embarrassment, loosened the rope in her hand, and ordered the dog to bite him .

Bloody, bloody eyes.

The man and the dog rolled together, and the game ended with a miserable dog barking. He was bitten all over his body and didn't even snort, let alone cry.

Shen Mingnan dragged the dog that had been dismembered by him, covered in blood, and walked towards Gongyiyin step by step. The dead dog was thrown on her luxurious brocade clothes. , the smoky blood rushing straight to her forehead made her sick.

She was so frightened that she almost fell ill and began to cry uncontrollably. After hearing the news, Qiaogu rushed to comfort Gongyiyin, and ordered the guards to throw Shen Mingnan, who was frightened and crying into Gongyiyin, into the house. Closed for a day and not allowed to eat or drink.

This seemingly farce is over.

Since then, Gongyiyin has not dared to look for him again.

When she got older, she thought that the things about her childhood could be blurred, and she began to treat him better again.At that time, he didn't refuse her kindness, and Gong Yiyin thought that the matter was over.

Until they met again, when Qiaogu told Shen Mingnan that she liked him.

He also just raised his thin lips slightly, his eyes were cold, and he said indifferently: "She doesn't even like me if she likes dogs."

Turns out he never forgot.

The red Xipa blocked her sight, and her fate was contrary to her imagination.

Many times, Gong Yiyin would think that if she had insisted on being nice to Shen Mingnan when she was a child, and hadn't bullied him because of her pride, in such an environment, he would have liked her.

The sound of festive music playing outside was getting closer and closer, Qiaogu sent her out wiping her tears, and Shen Mingnan, as her only brother, was going to come and carry her onto the bridal sedan chair.

But he didn't come, and Gongyiyin only saw Cheng Huan, and then she remembered that she had a cousin she didn't know very well.

Cheng Huan carried her into the sedan chair, and Cheng Jiong came to pick her up in person. Amidst the sound of suona, she was slowly carried to the palace.

Many things were unpredictable, she thought that her destination would be Shen Mingnan.

But in the years she didn't know, he, who was cold and indifferent, would fall in love with another girl.


On July 25th, the day Cheng Jiong and Gong Yiyin got married, Shen Mingnan, as her cousin and her only relative, went to the Third Prince's Mansion to watch the ceremony.

But Zhao Huiwei didn't go, the day before yesterday, the Gu worm had another attack, she was tortured into unbearable pain, and fell seriously ill the next day.

This is the third time that she has had Gu worms, and each time it hurts more and more.

Huainan old princess was sitting beside her bed worrying: "Why do you get sick three times in a month? Yan Yan, tell grandma the truth, what is wrong with you?"

She touched Zhao Huiwei's face distressedly: "Look, why are you so thin?"

Zhao Huiwei was ashamed, the flesh on her face was still there, and she didn't know how the old Huainan princess found out that she had lost weight.

So she smiled guiltyly and said, "I'm fine, grandma, it's just... just hot."

The old Huainan princess stared at her in disbelief: "Yanyan, you have used the excuse of fever three times."

Zhao Huiwei was a little confused: " there?"

Yingluo also nodded solemnly at the side.

Zhao Huiwei's expression also became serious, so she will have to use another excuse next time.

But in her heart she hated her teeth itching, the damn Ghost Sect is really fucked by Nima, there is no way to go on like this, she is afraid that she will be tortured to death before the day when the gu is released.

It's only the third time now, if the fourth time and the fifth time are more serious each time, if she can hide it from the previous times, how can Shen Mingnan not be suspicious later?
Her face was a little pale, and her eyelashes were a little fragile when she trembled slightly. The old Huainan princess patted her hand: "You rest first, and grandma will go find Kong Qingzi. By the way, I heard that Yingluo's master is poisonous. The holy hand has returned to Beijing, let him help to take a look at it when the time comes."


She is a Gu, and has nothing to do with poison.

But in order to reassure the old Huainan princess, she nodded obediently.

After the old Huainan princess left, Zhao Huiwei got out of bed, and wrote letters only after the resignation, and she lay down on the bed again after watching the pigeons fly away.

She had to sort out the dilemma herself.

 Old Shen is really miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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