The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 428 Why is it King Zhenbei?

Chapter 428 Why is it King Zhenbei?
In the afternoon, Shen Mingnan came back, and now he can enter and leave the Huainan palace with a direct notification.

Yilan Court

"feelling better?"

Shen Mingnan touched her forehead with his hand, but luckily the fever has subsided.

"I'm all right."

When she said this, she met his Wu Zhanzhan eyes, Zhao Huiwei blinked, and Shen Mingnan asked lightly: "What's going on."

"It's okay, it's just an ordinary illness, just rest for a while and it will be fine."

Seeing him hiding his smile, Zhao Huiwei's expression became indifferent, not to mention, it was a bit scary.

When he wasn't smiling, his eyebrows and eyes were stern, and he looked like a stranger, with an evil spirit in his eyes. When he smiled a little, he was gentle and soft, and he looked very soft and easy to talk.

Zhao Huiwei smiled flatteringly at him: "Smile, you're so scary when you're not smiling."

Shen Mingnan glanced at her, as if he didn't bother to pay attention to her: "Why are you laughing?"

He stood up and left a sentence: "Take a good rest." Then he left.

Zhao Huiwei wished that he would leave as soon as possible, she was really worried, at first she thought she would just pass it, but she seemed to have underestimated the gu nature of this Gu king, and he was sick, so she couldn't hide it if it went on like this.

Outside, as soon as Shen Mingnan left the gate of Huainan Mansion, Yan Yuan handed over a small note.

"Master, it was just robbed."

Shen Mingnan took it with his hand, glanced at it, and put it in his arms, he said coldly: "Make an appointment, this king will go to a meeting."


Night came quietly, and the sky and the earth were covered with a layer of darkness, dotted with stars.

There are people coming and going in Mantingfang in the capital city. Unlike other brothels, this place is full of poetic and picturesque charm.

Man Tingfang hired an opera troupe from somewhere, and the good brothel was tampered with.

There is an Accord inside.

With a bang, the door was kicked open vigorously.

The people in the Accord were startled one after another, and looked towards the door as if facing a formidable enemy.

Seeing the person coming in wearing a black robe, the atmosphere instantly became tense.

Everyone inside looked at the old man in the middle. The old man raised his head slightly, and his voice was old: "Long time no see, Lord Zhenbei."

Shen Mingnan stepped in, his black hair tied up behind him, his black clothes shaking as he walked, his eyelids slightly lifted, without words, full of coercion.

He kicked the door, and several killers inside drew their swords in fright.

Only Cang Lan in the middle was calm. With a kick, a chair quickly flew towards Shen Mingnan.

"King Zhenbei, please sit down."

Shen Mingnan pushed his feet, hooked his toes, and the chair circled in the air and landed firmly on the ground. He sat on it boldly, leaned on it loosely, and lazily said: "Thank you, Sect Master Cang."

The door behind him was closed by Yan Yuan, who guarded the door with his arms around him. It looked like their home court, and the people inside were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

This kind of cognition made the faces of the people in the Ghost Sect darken, and Xiuxiang's face was not very good: "Why is the king of Zhenbei here, and the goddess..."

Shen Mingnan looked at the person who made the sound, and said indifferently: "Why do you want her? Wouldn't it be better to find me?"

Xiuxiang didn't dare to look at him, mainly because of that cold evil spirit, even a murderous killer like her was afraid, so she didn't dare to answer.

Cang Lan said "hehe" twice: "You hijacked the letter to the goddess, but whatever, it's all the same, I wanted to talk to the prince a long time ago."

Shen Mingnan sat up straight, and the sloppy state disappeared instantly. His eyes were sharp, and there was a half-smile on his face: "Let's talk."

 Protecting Wife Shengou is online~
(End of this chapter)

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