Chapter 437
On the first day of August, the capital was closed.

Everyone can't get out, and ordinary people can't get in except for the dignitaries outside.

The victims had already arrived at the last small border town in Jingzhou on the third day of August, and King Zhenbei was stationed at the last line of defense.

When the prophecy came true, the people were terrified, and some even worshiped Tianfa Daoist as a god-man, praying that he could tell the solution.

However, after Taoist Tianfa was invited into the palace, there was no further movement.

Royal Palace.

Somewhere a magnificent palace.

On the way out of the cell to the execution ground, Taoist Tianfa diverted his route and was invited into the palace. At this time, he was wearing the golden cloak bestowed by Cheng Shengquan, and his whole face was still wrapped in black cloth strips.

"Taoist, please tell me if there is any solution to the drought in this world."

This was Cheng Shengquan's third day here begging Taoist Tianfa. From the moment he left with a wave of his sleeves, to the moment he humbled himself now, he regarded Taoist Tianfa as a god-man.

After inquiring about his deeds again, he was like a living Bodhisattva. He regretted that he was put in the prison last time, and he was locked up for more than half a month.

Taoist Tianfa shook his head slowly, his voice carrying a sense of ancient vicissitudes: "No."

"This is how to do ah."

Cheng Shengquan was so worried that most of his hair fell out. He would have strengthened his guards when he knew the prophecy of Taoist Tianfa. Cooking cannibalism, just listening to it makes people creepy.

He felt that Taoist Tianfa was still blaming him, otherwise he would have figured out a way if he was so powerful. Nothing can threaten him.

That's why Cheng Shengquan lowered his figure, otherwise he is an emperor, why bother to ask a Taoist.

Taoist Tianfa's rolled eyes moved slightly, and he continued: "There is no solution to the current drought, but I can tell you another thing."

Cheng Shengquan was overjoyed: "What's the matter?"

"In the near future, there will be wars and chaos in Dayan. Your Majesty, please be prepared to avoid this situation where the people are in dire straits."

Cheng Shengquan's face turned pale immediately. Da Yan was suffering from drought and war broke out again. Can this country survive in this way?Cheng Shengquan didn't dare to think about that situation.

"The country that started the war is Southern Xinjiang."

Southern Xinjiang?

Cheng Shengquan couldn't believe it. He thought it was possible if it was Xirong or Beidi, but Southern Xinjiang was the least likely country to attack Dayan.

Southern Xinjiang is used to peace, and has always guarded its own one-acre three-point land to live, and the saints in southern Xinjiang have come to Dayan to make peace, so it is impossible to start a war.

Cheng Shengquan doubted the reliability of his words.

Taoist Tianfa naturally knew his worries, so he said calmly, "If Your Majesty doesn't believe me, wait another five days. After five days, Nanjiang will definitely declare war."

"I'm a little tired, Your Majesty, let's go out first."

If someone dared to say that with such a superior tone, Cheng Shengquan would have chopped off his head a long time ago, but the person in front of him was a living god, so he endured it and even wanted to verify his prophecy five days later. If it was true, he would Immediately appoint Tianfa Taoist as the national teacher, if it is fake... then don't blame him for being rude, and cut off this arrogant demon.

Cheng Shengquan said with a light smile: "So, I will go out first, Taoist, you can rest well, and you can tell these palace people if you have anything to do."

After he went out, he ordered the palace servants to take good care of him. After he walked out of this palace, a servant rushed to report: "Your Majesty, King Duan and Duke Shen have returned to the city."

(End of this chapter)

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