The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 438 Don't Worry, You Can't Die

Chapter 438 Don't Worry, You Can't Die

When he heard that King Duan and Shen Xiuyu had returned, Cheng Shengquan's face became extremely gloomy. He had clearly arranged for disaster relief, but there was such an omission.

Not only failed to stop the disaster, but also abandoned the city and ran away.

This is a serious crime, not to mention Cheng Shengquan, even the people of the world will not spare them.

He flicked his sleeves: "Announce them into the palace!"


When Cheng Shuo came back, his whole body was dirty, with scratches and blood stains on his body, and he was still in shock.

He didn't know what to think of, and couldn't help retching.

It's too scary, that kind of bloody scene, even though it's been a long time, it's more uncomfortable than seeing a person killed, those stumps, people who don't care, every scene makes him densely packed with fear , The victims are crazy.

"Your Highness, Eunuch Lan from the palace is here."

A guard came to report, and the next second, Eunuch Lan had already walked outside the main entrance.

Duan Wang knew that he would not have any good fruit when he came back this time, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Eunuch Lan walked up to Cheng Shuo, and after giving him a salute, he said: "Your Majesty, please, please, His Highness Prince Duan, please come with us."

"Eunuch Lan, can you wait for this king to wash up before going back to the palace?"

Eunuch Lan nodded: "His Royal Highness Duan Wang better hurry up, our family will wait for you outside."

finished.He backed out.

Cheng Shuo took a deep breath and walked to his room. Instead of going into the room, he turned to the study.

"Yi Xue, what should this king do?"

Cheng Shuo hurriedly asked as soon as he came in and closed the door tightly.Yixue and several of his staff were also sitting in the room wearing a black cloak.

And Tong Le stood behind Yi Xue holding a sword expressionlessly.

Yi Xue said: "Your Highness, don't worry, we haven't reached that step yet."

Not in a hurry?The knife is on the neck.

Cheng Shuo sat on the chair disheartened: "The conquest has lasted so long, if because of such an incident, the king would not be willing to fall, how can the king survive this time?"

Cheng Shuo didn't expect that after fighting with Cheng Yu for so long, he would leave like this. Cheng Yu had no rivals in this world. He clenched his fists tightly and his eyes flickered.

The other aides were also thinking about their heads, but they couldn't think of a solution. Cheng Shuo's entry into the palace this time was more than auspicious. They all looked at each other, and saw in their own eyes that the Duan Palace was about to disappear.

The atmosphere in the study became heavy for a moment, and Yixue sneered when he saw this: "Don't worry, you won't die."

Cheng Shuo looked at Yixue, his eyes dimly brightened: "The Second Hall Master, is there any way to solve this predicament."

Yixue laughed twice: "Tong Le, tell me."

Tong Le walked out respectfully, her voice was flat: "There is a way, Prince Duan just needs to make up for his mistakes."

Duan Wang frowned, waiting for her next words.

Tong Le looked up into Cheng Shuo's eyes, and smiled slightly: "I have a secret here, after the prince tells the emperor, nothing will happen."

"tell me the story."

"My lord, come here with your ears."

Tong Le's red lips parted slightly, and Cheng Shuo's expression was shocked after he finished speaking briefly: "Is what you said true?"

Tong Le stood another step away from Cheng Shuo, with a smile on his lips: "It's absolutely true."


When Eunuch Lan came to remind him for the second time, Cheng Shuo had already changed the medicine for the wound on his body and changed his clothes before entering the palace with Eunuch Lan.

When he arrived, not only Cheng Shengquan, but also Shen Xiuyu and the prince Cheng Yu were present.

He hadn't seen him for a while, and according to reports from his eyeliner, Cheng Yu didn't leave the door every day, and he stayed with Yao Nanjia wholeheartedly in the mansion.

 It felt like a long time, the prince and Yao Nanjia didn't make an appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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