Chapter 462 Ending (Part [-])
Huang Yingying finally got her wish and married Fu Junze.

On the day of her wedding, the weather was not very good, but it did not affect her beautiful mood. She was wearing a wedding dress and the most beautiful makeup.

She is the final winner, she is better than Chi Hua!

The Xu family's marriage ended, and they came to the Fu's family again. Everyone looked at the gloomy sky and worried, but they didn't look very optimistic.

Huang Yingying left the Huang's mansion, and was carried into the sedan chair by her younger brother. Huang Yingying lightly lifted the hijab with her hands and took a sneak look at Fu Junze.

She was as cold and dusty as the moon in the water, and her heart was pounding.

Marrying Fu Junze became her obsession, but luckily it came true.

The welcoming team walked through the streets and alleys, when it started to rain suddenly, Fu Junze let the rain wet his bright red wedding dress.

This dress is really ugly, and Huang Yingying is also ugly when she wears it. What he thinks of is Chi Hua's beautiful and heroic face that day.

He has gone through many hardships in his life.

From a healthy person to this body that can't survive 22 years, but he will never forget the little girl who taught him martial arts when he was a child, and the little girl who asked him to fight with her in the future.

When you are young, you must not meet someone who is too amazing, otherwise you will never forget it in your life.

Chi Hua has amazed him half his life, and he loves her forever.

When he came to the gate of Fu's mansion, Fu Junze got off his horse and stepped into the door without even holding the red silk.

Huang Yingying trotted behind him.

There were a lot of people in the lobby, Fu's mother was dressed festively, but her expression was still meticulous and cold.

In front of everyone, he took off his wedding dress, revealing the blue shirt inside.

The wedding dress was thrown on the ground by him, Fu's mother slammed the table with a livid face: "Fu Junze, what are you going to do!"

Huang Yingying saw this scene as soon as she lifted her hijab. Fu Junze knelt down and kowtowed to Fu's mother.

"Mother, I have been welcomed in by you. From now on, you can no longer order me. If you want to die, you can die. If your son is unfilial, he may have to be one step ahead of you."

After speaking, he stood up, passed Huang Yingying and walked outside.

Huang Yingying's face was pale, and she chased a few steps in his direction anxiously: "Fu Junze! Today is our big day, where are you going?"

Fu Junze paused, and his voice was very light: "It has nothing to do with you."

He rode a horse and left the capital because he was going to Feiyan Pass to find his only destination in this life.


When Chi Hua came to Feiyan Pass and took the badge, he took the command directly. Lord Yehou was not proficient in marching and fighting, so he could only wait for reinforcements from Beijing with a sad face.

Fortunately, Chi Hua is here, she is a rare talent in marching and fighting.

Chi Hua took off her red dress and put on the long-lost armor. Her black hair was tied high, her face was heroic, and her eyes were cold. In the army camp, besides Ye Houye and Ye Lanzhi, there were several other fathers of hers. His confidant generals, among them, Vice General Zhang became a general from a vice general.

He was originally in command, but because Chi Hua came, he could only retreat to the second line.

He was very upset. After finally defeating General Chi, his daughter came again, and immediately took the position of coach from him, but she had a token, so Vice General Zhang had to give up if she didn't want to.

Chi Hua observed Deputy General Zhang's expression. He was the one who accused her father of taking Dayan soldiers to die on purpose, and he was also the one who said that he was collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Unexpectedly, his father, who has been honest all his life, brought out a white-eyed wolf.

Chi Hua pointed to the map with her finger: "All the narrow passes outside Feiyan Pass are occupied by Beidi people. There are 20 enemies, and we only have less than [-]. It is difficult to win, but it is possible to defend."

She looked at Lieutenant General Zhang: "General Lao Zhang will lead a small group of light cavalry to go around at night. They are now in a loose posture and treat us like mice playing tricks, so we can catch them by surprise and quietly burn them. Part of the food and grass, without food and grass, they will not come to attack the city for a while, once the fire is ignited, they will retreat immediately, understand?"

Vice General Zhang answered with a choked voice: "Yes."

With a gloomy face, he walked out first, and said to his men: "Order troops, set off at night."

The sneak attack was successful, but it undoubtedly angered Beidi. While they continued to stock up on food, they pressed closer.

After a few days like this, people from Beidi threw stones and smashed the wall. If this continues, it won't last long, and the city gate will be smashed down.

Just when Chi Hua wanted to hold back with [-] soldiers, reinforcements came from the west.

It was her younger brother Chi Xianyu.

He came here from Liangzhou on purpose.

Thirty thousand soldiers and horses followed.

In this way, there are [-] soldiers and horses at Feiyan Pass, and Beidi is a little bit cautious, so he temporarily suppresses it and does not plan to attack the city.

"Sister Hua!"

Chi Hua heard the prestige and looked over, it was Cheng Qiqi who was dressing up as a man, she was smiling very brightly at the moment, and when she ran up, she hugged Chi Hua: "I miss you so much, Sister Hua."

Chi Hua was stunned for a moment, she looked at Chi Xianyu, then at Cheng Qiqi: "Why are you two together?"

Speaking of this matter, Cheng Qiqi had a small expression on his face: "I'm not going to southern Xinjiang, so according to my concubine's arrangement, I replaced my identity with a maidservant. She went to southern Xinjiang, and I went west to find Chi Xianyu, it is impossible for me to go back to the palace, so I followed Chi Xianyu."

Cheng Qiqi's cheeks were rosy, and he was well taken care of.

Chi Hua couldn't help looking at Chi Xianyu, seeing that he was a little shy, she couldn't help being amused, what she said was inappropriate, but when she met a guy who couldn't help being coquettish, duplicity.

She patted Chi Xianyu on the shoulder: "When you come, take someone down to rest and take good care of Qiqi."

Chi Xianyu's expression was firm: "I will be my sister."

The former Chi Xianyu didn't dare, but just didn't want to embarrass her.

Now Chi Xianyu can finally take Cheng Qiqi under his wing and protect her.

She has already taken steps towards him, and there is no need to walk the rest of the way, he walks with her on his back.

A few days later, Chi Hua usually made small things, made surprise attacks, harassed Beidi, distracted them, and the Beidi people who learned their lessons became smarter.

There are only 20 people defending the city of Dayan, and they are afraid that they will not be able to overcome a Feiyan Pass with [-]?

It was already November to get rid of the little difficulties that Chi Hua had left for them.

The winter in the north is very cold, the sky becomes dark and heavy, and there is light snow in the sky.

Chi Hua looked into the distance, and another three months had passed. Her Xiao Xi was ten months old. Did she know how to walk?Will you start to learn how to call people?
And her Ah Hui, is she in better health?
If she can go back alive, she must invite them to meet again in Linglong Pavilion.

It's like the former Beijing and China Xiaobawang group never parted.

I used to think this name was silly, but now Chi Hua thinks it is quite nostalgic.


Hearing the voice, Chi Hua looked at Chi Xianyu who was standing beside her.

"We're going to live together."

After all, the young man grew into a man with firm eyes, Chi Hua slightly curled his lips: "Okay."

Chi Xianyu smiled: "I haven't met my little nephew yet, when this battle is won, I will make him a little toy myself."

Chi Hua smiled: "Okay, Xiaoxi will like it."

"Boom, boom, boom."

The war drum resounded through the sky and the earth, and after one night, the sky and the earth were covered with a layer of white snow.

Their 8 people already have to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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