Chapter 463 Ending ([-])
Fight or die.

Zhan still has a small chance of surviving.

Chi Hua stood on the city wall, looking at the dark Beidi enemy army in the distance, she raised the battle flag and shouted loudly: "Brothers, let us kill the Beidi barbarians, avenge the dead brothers, and kill one without loss!" , kill two blood to earn money, and I will die in battle, and the city gate will never give up!"

"I would like to put the sword down from the waist to cut Loulan, kill!"




They are high-spirited and fearless.

Chi Hua turned around, put on the silver-white helmet, her red tassel fluttered with the wind, she held a spear in her hand, and pointed straight into the distance: "Open the city gate, let's fight!"

The soldiers rushed out with shields and knives. Chi Hua stood on a high place and watched the battle. She looked at Deputy General Zhang and smiled slightly: "General Zhang, please."

General Zhang's face was not very good: "You know that this is a deadly battle, we can delay it for a while, and wait for the reinforcements to come."

Chi Hua chuckled softly: "How to delay? The food and grass in the city are gone. Rather than having no strength to resist because of starvation, it is better to take advantage of the majestic momentum now. No matter how much money we have made, please ask General Zhang to guard the city gate. Don't hide here." Turtle in the back."

Vice General Zhang blushed at what she said, no one in the army would be timid. He turned around and drew out the long knife at his waist.

"Then let's fight."

War is brutal and bloody.

The blood on the ground flowed into a river, some from Dayan, some from Beidi.

Chi Xianyu was stabbed several times in the body, but she still tried her best to kill madly. Cheng Qiqi was behind him, helping her block the sneak attackers.

Chi Hua carried a spear in her hand, and rode a steed to Chi Xianyu's side.

After killing all the enemies around, Chi Hua gave Chi Xianyu a hand: "Go back with the date."

Chi Xianyu endured the pain and asked, "What did you say?"

"Go back, let me come here. If you die in battle, all the troops will retreat. Beidi must also suffer heavy casualties. There will be no more attacks in a short time. During this period, you will be relied on to hold on to Feiyan Pass. .”

Chi Xianyu's eyes widened in disbelief: "But sister, we just agreed yesterday that we will live and die together, advance and retreat together, how can you block it by yourself."

Chi Hua blocked the rain of arrows flying all over the sky with a spear: "Ah Xian, the Chi family still needs someone to support the lintel, do you have the heart to die with you on the battlefield?"

"But my sister..."

"No, but, this is an order from the marshal, you can only obey."

In the end, Chi Xianyu led Cheng Qiqi back to the city gate. The moment the gate closed, he saw the wind blowing up his elder sister's red cloak. She was holding a long gun, and she rushed into the crowd and never came back.

The war was fought for three days.

Beidi lost [-] troops, and two generals were beheaded one after another, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

And Dayan still had [-] troops left, and they managed to survive with [-] troops.

In the end, Beidi retreated and prepared to rest for a while before attacking.

Dayan's main general is dead, so the remaining [-] remnants will not be able to make a fuss.

Chi Xianyu looked at the battlefield full of corpses with red eyes, and there was snow again in the sky, ranging from light snow to heavy snow.

The snowflakes fell and were dyed red in an instant, and the dead soldiers on the ground were covered with a layer of white, leaving them with the last decency.

Cheng Qiqi's eyes were also red. Her hand was slashed and she was still unable to move. She looked at the man kneeling on one knee with his back to the city gate holding a spear in the distance.

Her helmet was long gone, and snowflakes fell on her black hair, covering it with a thin layer. When the wind blew, her hair fluttered, but she remained silent.

Chi Xianyu closed his eyes tightly, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes, he gritted his teeth, and said with difficulty: "For, Marshal, collect the body."

(End of this chapter)

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