Chapter 117 Countermeasures
That night, Huo Qiqi didn't wait for Huo Yixing and Huo Yichen to come back, and the old man and Huo Yi'an didn't ask Huo Qiqi if they could take out the fruit wine she had brewed for emergency.

After Huo Qiqi had dinner, he came to Gu Guangning's yard with Jian Yu and the others.

"Cousin Qiqi." Although Huo Qiqi repeatedly insisted that Gu Jinpei call her by her first name, Gu Jinpei is gentle and still embarrassed to call her by her first name, but added the word "cousin" after her name .

"It's time to change the cast for my cousin today. If he recovers well, it will be the last time to change the cast." Huo Qiqi explained with a smile.

"Qiqi, I'm sorry." Gu Guangning blushed slightly on his face. On the one hand, he was a little embarrassed. Although the Duke Huguo's mansion was hospitable, he seemed to have stayed in the Duke Huguo's mansion for too long.Secondly, he has been lying on the bed for convenience. Even though spices are used in the room, there is still some smell that has not been released.Of course, it might be due to his psychological influence. Anyway, Gu Guangning's psychological test still hasn't passed.

Next, Huo Qiqi wanted to check the wound on Gu Guangning's leg, and Gu Jinpei, as a female relative, voluntarily left the room.Qin Huiying stayed behind to help Huo Qiqi.

The maids in the room all retreated outside the screen.

Huo Qiqi loosened the bandage on Gu Guangning's leg, removed the plaster on his leg, and carefully unwrapped the plaster underneath, and then examined it carefully.

The wound on the broken leg has healed, leaving only a small reddish scar, which cannot be seen clearly unless one looks carefully.Huo Qiqi stretched out his hand and examined him seriously, "Cousin, how do you feel?"

"It's a little itchy, but the pain is not too obvious. Your cousin has been following your instructions and insisting on massaging me every day, so I have always felt the sensation in my legs." Gu Guangning replied seriously.

Huo Qiqi nodded, "The bones are connected, and in half a month, my cousin will work hard on the ground to practice walking."

"You can leave now?" Qin was surprised.

"Since the bones are connected, there is no major problem with his legs. If he does not exercise for a long time, the muscles in his legs will shrink, which will not be good for his recovery." Huo Qiqi explained, "When I first started practicing , you don’t need to walk too far. There may still be some pain, but as long as you persevere, you will get better in half a month.”

"It's okay, no matter how painful it is, it won't be worse than before. As long as I can stand up, no matter how painful it is, I can survive it." Gu Guangning was full of confidence.

Huo Qiqi nodded, "Cousin has this kind of heart, and he will recover faster in the future."

"Qiqi, what about the internal medicine?" Gu Guangning asked with a blushing face.

When Qin heard this, she also blushed and stood awkwardly aside.

"No rush. I'll start sorting out your inner ailments today." Huo Qiqi laughed. She is a doctor, and she won't have any taboos at all.

After hearing this, Gu Guangning and his wife immediately thanked her again with tears in their eyes.

"We're all in the same family, so don't be too polite." Huo Qiqi comforted them, and neatly adjusted his legs.

After a while, Gu Jinpei heard that the inside was packed, so she walked in with a smile.

"I heard something happened in my cousin's restaurant?" Gu Jinpei mustered up the courage to ask.

"Huh?" Huo Qiqi didn't expect that the news here was so well-informed.

"Don't get me wrong, the girl in the house went out today, listened to people talking about it in the street, and came back to report." Gu Guangning was careful that she might misunderstand, and quickly explained.

"There is no misunderstanding, I was just surprised for a while. To tell you the truth, I have been busy with my own village and shop these few days, and I don't know anything about the affairs of Zuixianlou." Huo Qiqi smiled. He continued to explain, "I don't know about things that everyone on the street outside knows. Is it negligence? It seems that the third brother and the fourth brother are really in big trouble this time."

"The Zhao family is the queen's natal family, and Prince Ling's mansion belongs to the royal family. Both families are juniors who took action. They also expected that the Huguogong would not get involved in this matter. Businessmen value profits, but they also plan. Although the family background of the Huguogong's mansion Let them be in awe, but the Zhao family and the Prince Ling's Mansion join forces, and they must have weighed it in their hearts." As the second generation of officials, Gu Guangning is not like other young masters who don't understand all the worldly things.Before he broke his leg in Shu, he also liked to make friends.Among these friends, there are actually businessmen.

Therefore, he has a deep understanding of the psychology of businessmen.

Huo Qiqi actually understood what Gu Guangning said.He was implying that from Huo Qiqi's generation, no one was an official in the court. Many people are afraid of the Duke's House now because the Duke is still there.As for the prestige of the Huo brothers, it's much worse.

Of course, even if Gu Guangning didn't say this, Huo Qiqi knew it very well.

"Cousin, have you ever heard that a dog sees people as inferior?" Huo Qiqi said with a faint smile, "Some people always think they are superior, but when something happens, it might be enough for them to drink a pot."

"I also know some wine merchants in Sichuan. If you need it, I will take the lead for you." Gu Guangning suggested sincerely.

Huo Qiqi shook his head, "Thank you, cousin. Although our Zuixianlou has a lot of customers every day, we are not really a wine merchant after all. Shu is too far away from the capital. I don’t know how much it is the cost of transportation. Such a large cost is really not worth it.”

"We've been away from the capital for too long, and we're not very familiar with the people and things in the capital. If the wine business in Shu is not available, we can't help the rest." Gu Guangning said with a sigh.

"Cousin don't need to worry too much." Huo Qiqi smiled lightly, "There will always be a way to solve things. Besides, the third brother and the fourth brother are not vegetarians. Even if the Zhao family and Li Yuanjin join forces, they can't defeat Zuixianlou .”

Seeing that she was full of confidence, Gu Guangning finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cousin, go slowly."

"Cousin Qiqi, walk slowly."

After talking with Gu Guangning, Huo Qiqi said goodbye and went back. Gu Jinpei and Qin Shi sent her to the gate of the small courtyard and turned around.

On the way back, Huo Qiqi kept thinking about how to make Zuixianlou a way out with the cooperation of Zhao family and Lingwang's mansion.

After returning to the room, after washing and refreshing, she lay directly on the bed and closed her eyes.

Jian Yu and the others thought she was tired, so they retreated silently to the next room.

As soon as the room became quiet, Huo Qiqi went directly to his own space.

There are ready-made brewing equipment in the space, Huo Qiqi has no plan to take out the fine wine in the space.So, she just brewed some fruit wine and shared it with the family.

She sat in the space looking at the brewing equipment and sighed.The appointed person went to the warehouse and took out all kinds of wine-making materials. She planned to brew a batch of baijiu for future use.

(End of this chapter)

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