Chapter 118 The Wine Merchant
After tossing around midnight, she came out of the space, lay down on the bed again, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, when Huo Qiqi went to the flower hall for dinner, he saw Huo Yichen, but he still didn't see Huo Yixing.

"There are no good wine merchants in the capital, can we find them from nearby counties?" Huo Qiqi asked directly during the meal.

Huo Yichen raised his head, and patted her hand lovingly, "There is the third brother in the restaurant, so don't worry about the bad things. The third brother has already asked people to pay attention."

"That's good." Huo Qiqi felt relieved.

"It's useless." Duke Huo gave Huo Yichen a hard look.

Huo Yichen hurriedly lowered his head to drink the porridge, not daring to speak indiscriminately again.

Huo Qiqi knew that the old man was very angry, the old man couldn't make a move, and his grandson was being bullied by others, which was actually slapping him in the face.But old people really can't come forward.

Huo Qiqi felt that even for the sake of the old man, he needed Gourmet Zhai and Yunke to look good.

Just when the Huo family brothers had a headache, the opportunity came, and it came so suddenly.

"You mean, you found a wine merchant?" Huo Qiqi grabbed the triumphant Wang Shaojie.

"Let go." Wang Shaojie stretched out his hand and patted her hand away, "Who is it, go out casually, dare not say that ten or ten on the street are friends, but at least seven or eight of them are acquaintances. How many times do you know?" What is a wine merchant, if you don't like drinking, I would have introduced them to you a long time ago."

After the initial excitement, Huo Qiqi calmed down immediately.She and Wang Shaojie are only short of wearing a pair of trousers. She doesn't know what kind of virtue Wang Shaojie is.

"To be honest, how did you know them?" Huo Qiqi asked with a straight face.

Not to mention, Huo Qiqi has a serious face, Wang Shaojie is really angry with her.

"I ran into it while listening to operas in a teahouse." He replied shyly.

"A person who doesn't know the details, you dare to bring him into the mansion?" Huo Qiqi looked at him with a sneer and asked.

"How can I be so unreliable in doing things?" Wang Shaojie gave her a contemptuous look, and tilted his head to explain, "They are sitting at a table outside my private room, and I also overheard them chatting about the business scene in the capital. The depth of the water. Their ancestors brewed wine and made good wine. When they went to the capital to test the water, they were overthrown by the Fang family and the Tang family. They said, I can’t believe what they say, so I found someone and deliberately Get in touch with them and tell them that we have a way to sell their wine. The premise is that their wine must be good enough. Those few people heard this, and immediately moved the wine for people to try on the spot. I tried it. Although the wine is inferior to Fang's or Tang's wines, their wine is soft and mellow, and it is definitely a good wine. Isn't Zuixianlou short of fine wine? Let's use their wine to top it off Some days, let's think about other drinks."

Seeing that he spoke clearly and logically, Huo Qiqi couldn't help but feel a little moved.If nothing unexpected happened, she didn't want to take out the wine in the space at all.And if you brew your own wine, you won't be able to produce new wine in the short term.

Seeing her hesitation, Wang Shaojie couldn't help fanning the flames from the sidelines, "Don't rush to conclusions, if you're not at ease, you can go and meet them first, and then we'll talk after testing."

Huo Qiqi thought about it and agreed to him.

Seeing her agreeing, Wang Shaojie was overjoyed immediately, feeling that he had done a great deed for Huo Qiqi.That morning, he contacted someone, and at noon, Huo Qiqi met the wine merchant Wang Shaojie mentioned in the teahouse.

The other party is a pair of uncles and nephews, both of them are not tall, with dark complexion, chubby looking very simple and honest.

"This is Master Qi. She is the real master. Tell her what you have to say." Wang Shaojie acted as an introducer.

"Master Seven."

"I've met Master Qi."

The two sitting people quickly stood up and saluted Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi nodded slightly, "Sit."

The two thanked Huo Qiqi and sat down quickly.

"My surname is Yang, and my name is Yang Desheng. This is my nephew, and my name is Yang Weixin." The older man first introduced himself.

"You said your family passed down the brewing of wine?" Huo Qiqi began to inquire.

"Yes, the villain's family has been making wine for generations. People in Taoping County all know the reputation of our Yang family." Yang Desheng replied cautiously.

It can be seen that they are people from a small place, and when they talk, they can't let go.

"Can you take out the wine and let me taste it?" Huo Qiqi asked.

"Yes." Yang Desheng stood up awkwardly.

Yang Weixin didn't talk much, but he was not rigid. As soon as Huo Qiqi finished speaking, he took out a small wine jar from the side, and poured wine for Huo Qiqi directly from the teacup.

Huo Qiqi doesn't like drinking, but she is good at tasting wine.

The Yang family's wine, in terms of color, is not bad, but it is not transparent enough, and there is a hint of turbidity in the dark yellow.However, Huo Qiqi didn't care too much. For ancient wine, because of the poor brewing technology and equipment, the brewed wine, even if it was good wine, was almost the same.

She picked up the cup, put it under her nose and sniffed it lightly, a spicy alcohol smell immediately hit her nostrils.Huo Qiqi took a sip lightly, sure enough, the wine seemed very spicy after entering his throat.

Naturally, this kind of wine can't be compared with modern high-end wine, but Huo Qiqi also tasted the best Huadiao wine in ancient times.

The overall evaluation of Yang's wine is indeed good.

"How much wine can you provide each year? How is the price calculated?" Huo Qiqi entered into formal negotiations.

The uncle and nephew of the Yang family were overjoyed when they heard this.They knew that Huo Qiqi took a fancy to their wine.

"The wine in the small altar costs two taels of silver, and the wine in the big altar costs five taels of silver. The workshop at home is not very big. If Qi Ye wants a lot, the small altar can provide three hundred altars in three months, and the big altar can at most Offer two hundred." Yang Desheng replied with a smile on his face.

To be honest, the amount of wine is not too much. Of course, Yang Desheng mentioned that the Yang family winery is small in scale, and it must be the limit to be able to provide such a amount.

"Don't worry, someone will come and talk to you later." Huo Qiqi waved his hand to comfort them.

Suspicion suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Yang family's uncle and nephew.

Huo Qiqi didn't want to explain either, so he directly ordered Xiao Er to serve some more snacks, and replaced it with new tea.

The Yang family couldn't figure out her details, and they didn't dare to be presumptuous. Besides, Wang Shaojie was very good at adjusting the atmosphere, so the scene was not too calm.

After a while, Huo Yixing appeared in the private room.

"He is the real master. You sit down and talk casually. Let's take a step first." After Huo Qiqi introduced them both, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Huo Yixing came here only after receiving news from Jian Yu. On the way, Jian Yu also briefly introduced the situation to him.

Huo Yixing didn't believe in Wang Shaojie's ability to handle affairs, but because Huo Qiqi was also involved, he heard it in Zuixianlou, worried, and immediately followed Jianyu to the teahouse.

It's not bad, Huo Qiqi didn't randomly agree to the other party's request, Huo Yixing finally felt relieved.His attention immediately fell on the uncle and nephew of the Yang family.

(End of this chapter)

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