The noble daughter of the splendid medical picture should be married

Chapter 138: Painting a Tiger Can't Be an Anti-Dog

Chapter 138: Painting a Tiger Can't Be an Anti-Dog

"What's the rush?" Huo Qiqi gave him a blank look.

"Do you still have the heart to stand here?" Wang Shaojie rolled his eyes angrily. He is a typical emperor who is not in a hurry and is anxious to kill the eunuch.

"My third brother is not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?" Huo Qiqi was still smiling.

"Okay, let me meddle in my own business, okay?" Wang Shaojie sat down on the ground angrily.

"I just finished my work here, let's go and have a look together." Seeing that he was really angry, Huo Qiqi coaxed him in turn.Anyway, this friend Wang Shaojie did a good job.

Hearing this, Wang Shaojie's face became more attractive, "That bastard Zhao Xiankun can't do other things, but his ability to pick people's teeth has improved. Let me tell you, there must be a traitor in Zhuangzi, Huo Qiqi, wait for him to be arrested." Live, you can't be soft."

"Yeah." Huo Qiqi agreed lightly, Wang Shaojie was furious, what should he say?

"The Zhao family's way of doing things is really getting worse and worse. Zhao Xiankun bit the seventh son, but because of the gambling game in Chunshang?" Old General Chen asked Duke Hu.

"As for the younger generation, we don't have to worry about the old ones." Duke Hu smiled and waved his hands.

Old General Chen nodded.

Wang Shaojie dragged Huo Qiqi to the Zuixian Tower impatiently.

But in Zuixian Building, everything is still the same, the shopkeeper is still standing in front of the counter, Xiaoer is busily wiping and cleaning up and down in the restaurant, and even Huo Yixing, the rightful owner, is still doing accounts in the back yard, and he doesn't see the difference from the past. what is the difference.

"Qiqi." Two people entered the room, but Huo Yixing only had Huo Qiqi in his eyes. As for Wang Shaojie, he completely ignored him.

"Third brother, I brought you some good things." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

"Oh?" Huo Yixing suddenly became interested. "What good stuff?"

For Huo Yixing, all the things that Huo Qiqi brought were good things.What's more, this time it was something that Huo Qiqi also thought was good.

Wang Shaojie saw the two brothers and sisters, and no one mentioned Zhao Xiankun's soy sauce. He couldn't help being sullen, and finally couldn't help it. He finally yelled, "You still have the mood to care about other things, soy sauce. , you don’t need to worry about it?”

"Yes, there is also the matter of soy sauce. Okay, let's sit down and talk about the matter of soy sauce together." Wang Shaojie was furious, and Huo Qiqi finally looked at it squarely. "How do you know that Zhao Xiankun also made soy sauce?"

"How do I know? It's fine if you don't know, the third son stays in Zuixian Tower all day, don't you know?" Wang Shaojie was angry.

"Third brother also knows?" Huo Qiqi looked at Huo Yixing in surprise.

"I heard you mention that it takes at least two to three months to brew a tank of soy sauce. Almost all the soy sauce in your village is sent to Zuixianlou, so how did Zhao Xiankun get the soy sauce?" Huo Yixing analyzed, " There are only two places where the soy sauce in their hands comes from, one is from our Zuixianlou, and the other is from your Zhuangzi. The Zuixianlou are all their own guys, most of them are from the family. You have a child, and the other mistresses who do odd jobs don’t have the opportunity to come into contact with soy sauce, vinegar and other seasonings at all, so it’s impossible to get out from Zuixianlou. Then the only possibility left is that your Zhuangzi has a mole.”

"It's not scary to have a traitor, not to mention the villagers in the village, even if they master the entire brewing process, they can't brew soy sauce with the same quality as ours. The last process is in the hands of Fucheng and the others." Huo Qi She was very confident. What she didn't say was that many of the ingredients used in soy sauce were soaked in diluted space water, and others couldn't really imitate them.

"The horoscope hasn't been written yet, so I didn't send anyone to tell you." Huo Yixing concluded.

Wang Shaojie let out a sigh of relief immediately, come on, he is still meddling in his own business.

"By the way, Qiqi, what good things did you bring me?" Huo Yixing continued to ask.

Huo Qiqi laughed, and ordered Jian Yu to take out the basket.

There were strange vegetables in the basket. Huo Yixing had never seen such slender vegetables.A basket of red, green and green, just looking at it is enough to please the eyes, but I don't know how it tastes.

"I'll cook some delicious dishes for you later." Huo Qiqi laughed, "Don't let grandfather know for now, his body is not suitable for such heavy tastes."

Huo Qiqi's words immediately aroused the interest of Huo Yixing and Wang Shaojie.

Huo Qiqi kept her word, the reason why she was willing to cook herself was because chili was just a new dish and the cooks in the kitchen might not be able to cook it, and secondly, it was because she also wanted to quit a few new dishes, Give Zhao Xiankun a little color.

"Seventh Young Master." The chefs in the kitchen all burst into smiles when they saw Huo Qiqi coming in.The Seventh Young Master came over, indicating that new dishes could be launched again.

Sure enough, next, Huo Qiqi ordered Jian Yu to wash the chili peppers. At the same time, she took out some dried chili noodles from a cloth bag.

"Tell the shopkeeper that four new dishes will be launched today." Huo Qiqi ordered, "Ten servings of fish head with chopped peppers, twenty servings of fried pork with sharp peppers, ten servings of Kung Pao Chicken, and some cold noodles."

Then, she quoted the price again.

The chefs couldn't help laughing when they heard the price she quoted.Seventh Young Master is ruthless enough!

The first thing Huo Qiqi did was to ask the chef to heat up the vegetable oil, then take out a vessel and pour in the red pepper powder, which was produced in her space, and a lot of white sesame seeds were put in the chili powder, " There is also a spoonful of fennel powder and star anise powder in the chili powder, the amount should not be too much, so as not to overwhelm the taste of the chili.”

The chefs all paid attention to what she said, everyone knew that Huo Qiqi was actually teaching them.

When the oil in the pot was [-]% hot, Huo Qiqi scooped up a spoonful of hot oil from the pot with a spoon in one hand, and quickly stirred in the chili powder with chopsticks in the other hand, "The oil can only It's probably hot, otherwise, it's easy to burn."

A pungent smell immediately permeated the air, and several chefs standing nearby were caught off guard for a while, and were stimulated by the smell of chili and kept sneezing.

The scalded chili oil is red, oily, and fragrant. It is very attractive both in appearance and taste.

The eyes of the chefs suddenly brightened.

At the same time, Gourmet Zhai is also preparing for a tough battle with great fanfare.

Last night, they got a jar of soy sauce from the villagers of Shanghe Village.

For this reason, the shopkeeper and chef of Gourmet Restaurant, and Zhao Xiankun studied the so-called soy sauce overnight.

Not to mention, when the jar was opened, the sauce inside tasted pretty good.

The chef of Gourmet Zhai cooked several dishes with soy sauce. After tasting them together, they all felt that the taste of the dishes was indeed a bit better.So, Zhao Xiankun and the others made persistent efforts and immediately ordered a few dishes as the main dishes for the next day.

After getting the "soy sauce", Zhao Xiankun was so excited that he couldn't help himself, he couldn't wait to see the expression on Huo Qiqi or Huo Yixing's face the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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