Chapter 192 Opportunity
After everyone had lunch, they rushed to sign a contract with Huo Qiqi.Someone also took the opportunity to propose that they want to buy a batch of tribute melons and tomatoes from Zhuangzi to take away.

Huo Qiqi took advantage of the opportunity and took out the contract that had been written long ago, and shared it with everyone.

Even though the businessmen present were veterans in the business field, they were still surprised when they saw the contents of the contract.

This contract is very strict and clearly lists the responsibilities and obligations of both parties.It's just the last one. Everyone has some objections in their hearts, but no one dares to raise it.

Huo Qiqi specifically proposed in the last contract that if the product sales were caused trouble due to the willingness of the partner, she could unilaterally break the contract and find a new partner.

Everyone has ideas in their hearts, and there are smart people who have already begun to think about going back, and then find strong people for a second cooperation.

Huo Qiqi didn't care about their sales methods, as for the watermelons and other fruits and vegetables they asked for, she also agreed to share a part of them.

Wang Shaojie was overjoyed, the watermelons were growing well, and although they could be consumed in the capital, it was still a matter of gratitude that the products in his farm could go out of the capital.

After everything was arranged properly, the sun had already started to set in the west, the merchants and Chen Desheng left first, while Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie returned to the city later.

In the evening, the servant of Duke Huguo's mansion came in to report that Wang Ruoxi had sent Mo Zhu to look for Wang Shaojie.

Mo Zhu heard that Wang Shaojie had left the city with Huo Qiqi, and had been waiting in the Duke Huguo's mansion until very late before returning.

Wang Shaojie was silent for a moment, then sighed.

Huo Qiqi patted him on the shoulder, "Maybe we will know the details at night. Then we'll figure it out."

Wang Shaojie nodded indiscriminately, with a little luck in his heart, hoping that everything was just his own random imagination, or he heard it wrong.

However, after Huo Yining and the others came back, this beautiful imagination was quickly dispelled.

"Wang Shaobai and Zhao Xiankun met in private a few days ago. Recently, the two have been in frequent contact. I have inquired about it. Wang Shaobai really wants to arrange your sister for Zhao Xianze from the Zhao family to be the sequel. The news is absolutely correct." As Huo Yining said, he looked at him with sympathetic eyes, "If you keep admitting cowardice like this, your sister may really be doomed."

"Zhao Xianze has been wandering around in flower houses all year round, and there are many aunts around him. I heard that his previous wife died because of being mad at him. Wang Shaojie, you have to be more careful." Huo Yichen also sympathized with Wang Shaojie.

Wang Shaojie's face was ashen, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Sure enough, he found a good father, a good grandfather, a good stepmother, and a good brother.

"Wang Zhanshi and your father mean that they want to get promoted through marriage with the Zhao family." Huo Yining dropped another big news.

Hearing this, Wang Shaojie felt even more uncomfortable.He almost didn't have to doubt whether Huo Yining's news was true. His good grandfather and father could really do it if he sold his daughter for glory and wanted to be promoted.

"Wang Shaojie, what do you think?" Huo Qiqi asked him softly.

Wang Shaojie didn't hesitate at all, "Qiqi, I want to take Ruoxi out of Zhanshi's Mansion, you can find a way to break the relationship between our brother and sister and Zhanshi's Mansion."

Huo Qiqi nodded, and began to think about what to do before Zhan Shifu was willing to let go.

Although Wang Shaojie and Wang Ruoxi didn't have mothers, they had other elders in name. In ancient times, stepmothers were considered mothers.If Wang Shaojie and Wang Ruoxi want to cut off their family relationship just because the elders in the mansion arranged badly for Wang Ruoxi, then the saliva of outsiders can directly drown the two brothers and sisters.

She had to think of a way to get Zhan Shifu to take the initiative to drive out Wang Shaojie and Wang Ruoxi.

"Zhao Xiankun is such a bastard." Huo Yixing was the last one to return home, and he opened his mouth to curse people as soon as he entered the door.

"He deliberately targeted Zuixianlou again?" Huo Qiqi asked, "Tell me this time, what dish does he want to introduce?"

"The eldest prince and the Zhao family joined forces to snatch away the annual poetry meeting in the academy." Huo Yixing explained regretfully.

That's it!

Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie understood immediately.

There are seven large academies in the capital, and Guozijian ranks first.Every year, the academy will send top-ranked talented scholars to choose a place and arrange opportunities to recite poems and paint.At that time, some well-known noble ladies from various prefectures in the capital will also participate.

It can be said that such poems will be a good opportunity for talented scholars and beautiful ladies to become famous.

The talented scholars and talented women on the list every year are not only eye-catching, but also easy to get the attention of major academies.In this case, as long as they take the scientific examination, the examiner will be preconceived invisibly, so as to get a good result.

After the noble ladies become famous, they will naturally find better marriages.

Therefore, poetry clubs are very important for students and ladies.

Both Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie were studying in the Imperial College, so of course they weren't talented people who got in by virtue of their real skills.Instead, it took the light of the family background, and it was regarded as a dragging bottle to get in by relying on special relationships.

People like them, in the Guozijian, where there are so many talents, are almost equivalent to pasting two big words "waste" on their foreheads.

Going to a poetry meeting as a waste is tantamount to giving away for nothing to make people laugh.

Fortunately, both Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie are self-aware, and they don't even have the urge to take a look at the poetry fairs every year.

"Wang Shaojie, the opportunity has come." Huo Qiqi suddenly chuckled.

"What opportunity?" Huo Yixing was taken aback.

"Hehe, the secret must not be leaked." Huo Qiqi deliberately pretended to be mysterious, and shook a finger at him.

The other people in the room also looked at her in surprise, not knowing what she meant.

"Third brother, when will the poetry meeting be held?" Huo Qiqi asked.

"Three days later." Huo Yixing replied, "It's a big loss, such a good opportunity was snatched by Gourmet Zhai. If the ranking comes out, Gourmet Zhai may become the number one scholar in next year's scientific examination."

"No loss." Huo Qiqi shook his head slowly, "Our Zuixianlou is taking a high-end route, even if the poetry meeting is not held in Zuixianlou, Zuixianlou will not lack guests. If the poetry meeting is really held in Zuixianlou If it is opened, I would say that it is really a big loss. If you can’t do business for three days, you will lose a lot of money. As for next year’s scientific examination, isn’t it not yet next year? Who can say for sure what will happen next year? Well, maybe our Zuixianlou is lucky enough to catch the big fat sheep, and the student who lives in our restaurant will become the champion."

Seeing that she was full of confidence, Huo Yixing held back from arguing with her even though he disagreed with her in his heart.

"Second Brother, find a way to temporarily delay the marriage between the Wang family and the Zhao family." Huo Qiqi turned to the business again.

Wang Shaojie glanced at Huo Qiqi gratefully and asked her, "Qiqi, did you think of a good solution?"

(End of this chapter)

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