Chapter 196 Bet
"Gambling?!" Huo Qiqi deliberately elongated his voice.

The brothers and sisters of the Wang family, including Zhao Xiankun on the opposite side, felt their hearts suddenly suspended.

The three of them desperately hoped that Huo Qiqi would directly agree to this competition.

Wang Shaobai felt a little more expectation in his heart, he thought of using Huo Qiqi to achieve his goal of becoming famous.

As long as he performed outstandingly in front of many students and teachers from major academies, even if his opponent was Huo Qiqi, others would notice his talent.

Huo Qiqi is destined to be the stepping stone to his success!
"I once swore that I would never gamble again. I can't break my word. Besides, why should I gamble with you? I won't get any benefits." Huo Qiqi said lazily, directly breaking Wang Shaojie's heart. fantasy.

"Huo Qiqi, if I remember correctly, you just vowed not to go to the gambling house again, not not to gamble." Zhao Xiankun sneered and interjected, "Unless you are afraid."

"If the seventh son is afraid, the seventh son has to admit that he is an idiot and apologize to my brother." Wang Ruoyun dared to make a request. She had heard that although Huo Qiqi was a dude, Huo Qiqi had some advantages. She never complained to her elders, and she even heard people guess that Huo Qiqi hated the defense of Duke Huguo's mansion very much.

"That's it." Sure enough, Huo Qiqi had a troubled look on his face.

"Brother Qi, don't be afraid of them, bet with them. You are the best." Princess Yongle couldn't understand Wang Ruoyun's arrogance, so she immediately stood up and became Huo Qiqi's die-hard fan once again.

"Qiqi, don't do it." Huo Yichen, who arrived later, stepped forward vigorously, and directly protected Huo Qiqi behind him.

"Can you find someone?" Seeing Huo Yi sinking in, Huo Qiqi's eyes lit up.

"Huo Qiqi, if you just confess your love, this matter will be over. The people who came to the gourmet restaurant today are all talents from major academies. Everyone knows who is an idiot at a glance. I don't think there is much need to say at this moment." Wang Shaobai said with a sneer.

"Does he mean that I'm an idiot?" Huo Qiqi pointed to Wang Shaobai and asked Wang Shaojie.

"Huo Qiqi, you won't be infected by the idiot too, right?" Wang Shaojie replied with disgust.

When Wang Shaobai heard the words, he immediately wanted to kill Wang Shaojie.

"Huo Qiqi, I don't want to favor anyone. But you provoked the matter, you have to give the prince an explanation." Zhao Xiankun stared at Huo Qiqi triumphantly, not giving her a chance to back down.

Huo Qiqi glanced at Wang Shaojie in embarrassment, then at Huo Yichen, and then sighed.

"Brother Seven, don't be afraid. I'll bet 500 taels of silver on you to win. You can even cook such delicious dishes, and even lose to him in reciting poems and painting." Princess Yongle jumped to Huo Qiqi The most direct support.

Xue Changrong didn't even come and covered her mouth, sighing anxiously.

It's over, we're doomed.What is the relationship between cooking and reciting poems and painting?It wasn't that he looked down on Huo Qiqi, but that Huo Qiqi didn't go to the academy for a few days all year round. It was a miracle that Huo Qiqi could understand books.As for the extra, Xue Changrong felt that a person's energy was limited, and Huo Qiqi could not beat Wang Shaobai.

And anyone could see that Huo Qiqi was timid and didn't want to take over this match.

"Manly man, it's hard to chase after a word, Huo Qiqi, you've been insulting my brother, don't you even dare to compare with the idiot. I don't know who is the idiot." Wang Ruoyun was proud.

"Qiqi, don't talk to them, go upstairs first." Huo Yichen looked at Huo Qiqi vigilantly, and then looked at Wang Shaobai with a straight face, "Young Master Wang wants to compete, I can accompany you to the end."

"Fourth Master Huo, it's not you who insulted me." Wang Shaobai smiled slyly, "Who in the capital does not know that the fourth son is educated and rich and talented. If the fourth son says that I am an idiot, in front of the fourth son, I think I am better than you." If it’s not the Fourth Young Master, I’ll admit to this idiot. But if it’s the Seventh Young Master, hehe, I’m naturally not convinced.”

"The comparison seems to be in the nature of gambling." Huo Qiqi lazily said, "Since it's a gamble, you have to bring some luck. Also, the middleman is also very important."

Wang Shaobai looked over in surprise, he didn't expect Huo Qiqi to dare to agree to the competition.For a moment, he didn't react, and just stared at Huo Qiqi stupidly.

Zhao Xiankun secretly became vigilant, thinking back then, Huo Qiqi used this trick to paralyze him first, and then let him lose in a mess.

Even Li Yuanjin who was on the side couldn't help secretly studying her, wondering if Huo Qiqi was trying to scare people, or if he really had a plan in mind.

"Since you want to gamble, let's bet bigger." As soon as Huo Qiqi opened her mouth, her speech became much more fluent, and she seemed to have thought of a countermeasure. "What are you betting on?" Wang Ruoyun had a mysterious belief in Wang Shaobai. Today, many students from the Guozijian came, and when they saw this, they all shook their heads secretly.

Both Wang Shaobai and Huo Qiqi are top-notch celebrities in the academy.However, in terms of reputation, the two are exactly the opposite.Wang Shaojie is a leader among the young generation of Guozijian, a talented person who is often praised by the masters of the academy, while Huo Qiqi is often mentioned by the masters, but he is regarded as a negative example.

In terms of talent and learning, people from one day to the next are more knowledgeable than others. This is simply the biggest joke in the capital this year.

The Third Prince and Li Yuanbai upstairs looked thoughtfully at Huo Qiqi downstairs, and then they looked at each other tacitly.

When things go wrong, there must be a demon. Based on their understanding of Huo Qiqi's true nature, this guy is never willing to suffer, let alone a person who is impulsive and has no brains.Thinking about today's events carefully, it seemed that Wang Shaobai and Zhao Xiankun started provoking, but they were onlookers who could see clearly. In fact, Wang Shaobai and Zhao Xiankun were being led by the nose by Huo Qiqi without knowing it.

"Since you want to gamble, let's bet big." Huo Qiqi smiled wickedly, "If I lose, I'll just stand on the carriage and drive around the capital for a day and a night, yelling loudly, 'I'm an idiot', besides, My fourth brother and I will be your brothers and sisters, the kind who write a contract of sale. Conversely, if you lose, you have to do the same. Do you dare?"

This bet was beyond everyone's expectations, and everyone was in an uproar.

The Third Prince and Li Yuanbai did not expect Huo Qiqi to bet so big, and the two became more and more interested in the development of the matter.

Wang Shaobai was frightened, he stood there straight, with unpredictable expressions on his face, but he didn't speak.

"Qiqi." Huo Yichen was also scared to death by Huo Qiqi, he anxiously grabbed Huo Qiqi, trying to make her change her mind.

Wang Shaojie's eyes were as wide as walnuts. He never expected that Huo Qiqi would be so blocked.

"Fourth brother, if you don't want to, I'll replace second brother." Huo Qiqi was not happy, "Fortunately, second brother is not married yet, so he will definitely agree."

When Huo Yichen saw her petulant temper coming up again, he was so anxious that he almost fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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