Chapter 197 Chapter 1
第 1
Chapter 99 hooked "Do you dare? If you don't dare, just get out of the way." Huo Qiqi looked up at the sky, one leg trembled, and his playful appearance reappeared.

To be honest, Wang Shaobai didn't dare to bet so big with Huo Qiqi, and he never thought that Huo Qiqi would bet so big.Facing Huo Qiqi's pressing questions, he suddenly became nervous.

So, he was silent.

Wang Ruoyun also became silent, she stared at Huo Qiqi in surprise, at this time Huo Qiqi was a lunatic in her eyes.

"Seventh son, the poetry club is a place for everyone to recite poems and paint pictures, not a gambling house. Why do you have to bet so much?" Zhao Xiankun spat Huo Qiqi.Although he can't understand Wang Shaobai's haughty look, but for now, he and Wang Shaobai are allies, and he certainly doesn't want Wang Shaobai to get involved.

"I know what you mean. A small gamble is fun, but a big gamble hurts your body. But I just can't understand their faces, and I want to make them unhappy. It seems that Mr. Zhao, as the boss, also wants to get involved. I This person has a good temper, and he never refuses anyone who comes. I just dare, but I don't know if you dare or not?" Huo Qiqi glanced at Wang Shaobai casually and said.

Wang Shaobai secretly hated, obviously he was the one who drove Huo Qiqi to a dead end just now, forcing Huo Qiqi to be in a dilemma, not daring to make a choice easily.Why in the blink of an eye, it was replaced by myself not daring to agree?
If he agrees to the bet, he will be famous if he wins, but if something happens and he loses, he will be plunged into eternal doom.

Can't promise, absolutely can't promise!Wang Shaobai kept reminding himself in his heart.

"Are you going to agree or not?" Huo Qiqi urged impatiently, "Quick fart, then make way for me to pass, idiot."

"Huo Qiqi." An idiot sound angered Wang Shaojie again.

"He doesn't have the guts." Wang Shaojie replied to Huo Qiqi indifferently, "It turns out that the virtues of talented people are like this. I really should invite the elders of Zhan Shifu to come and have a look. Look at the great talents in their eyes. "

"Princess." Huo Qiqi glanced at Princess Yongle with a smile.The little fat girl defended her at critical moments, Huo Qiqi had a good impression of Princess Yongle, if the little fat girl wasn't so clingy, she would be happier.

"Well, I'm here." Princess Yongle leaned closer to Huo Qiqi.

"Princess, in fact, I have a special dish. I really want to cook it for you because of your performance today." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

Seeing her chatting and laughing with Princess Yongle as if no one was around, everyone shook their heads secretly. With Huo Qiqi's virtue, how dare he compete with Wang Shaobai?A gentleman stays away from the kitchen, no matter how beautiful Huo Qiqi looks, he is still a man.Can a man who thinks about how to cook all day long know how to recite poetry and paint?

Of course, it also reflects that Wang Shaobai is really stupid from the side. Huo Qiqi just frightened him a few words, and this kid immediately admitted his cowardice.

Everyone is an elite in each academy, and they have been secretly competing with each other for a long time.So everyone was very happy to see Wang Shaobai deflated, and no one spoke out to remind him.

Of course, Huo Qiqi is a lunatic, and everyone secretly thought that they should stay away from Huo Qiqi and ignore her more.

"Unfortunately, without ingredients, it's useless." Huo Qiqi sighed again.

"Why are there no ingredients?" Princess Yongle's mouth was drooling when she heard that Huo Qiqi wanted to cook her special dishes.Then she heard Huo Qiqi's negation behind her, and she was immediately unhappy.

"This specialty dish requires the tender meat of a one-year-old calf. The princess has also seen it. Now let alone tender beef, even old cattle are about to be blown to death by some people." Huo Qiqi seriously Explanation.

When the people around heard this, they couldn't help but chuckle.

Princess Yongle has always spoken frankly. With her status there, she is not afraid of offending people at all. "It is indeed a bragging. I dare not compare. I dare to speak rudely. Shameless."

"He originally wanted to use Qiqi as a stepping stone to become famous, but it's a pity that a cowardly fool can't change his nature in his bones. Only Qiqi can cure this kind of person." Wang Shaojie glanced at Wang Shaobai contemptuously, and said Comment in a mocking tone.

"Wang Shaojie, don't forget that your surname is also Wang." Wang Ruoyun went crazy with anger.

"At first, I thought the surname Wang was pretty good, but starting today, I guess I won't dare to say my surname is Wang in the capital for a long time. Also, don't tell others, you have something to do with me, I can't afford to lose that people." Wang Shaojie warned them impatiently, "Otherwise, you mention it once, and I will hit you once."

Everyone laughed again.

Wang Shaobai could bear Huo Qiqi and Princess Yongle's humiliation to him, but he absolutely couldn't bear that Wang Shaojie also looked down on him.

"Don't be impulsive." Seeing that the situation was not going well, Zhao Xiankun quickly tried to stop him.

Wang Shaobai was so angry that Wang Shaojie lost his mind, "I bet, we will find someone right now, and the judge must have no objection from both of us."

"Brother." Wang Ruoyun looked at Wang Shaobai in horror.

However, Wang Shaobai mistakenly believed that Wang Ruoyun looked down on him too, as if he judged that he would definitely lose to Huo Qiqi, and suddenly his anger exploded, "Stop talking nonsense, stand aside."

"Fourth brother, if you don't agree, change." Huo Qiqi turned to look at Huo Yichen.

Huo Yichen is also in trouble, but he will never put Huo Qiqi in danger, "The bet is for me and my second brother."

"Okay, it's just you and me." Huo Qiqi settled down as if he didn't hear it.

Seeing Huo Yishen's face turned livid, Wang Shaobai's heart immediately calmed down.That's right, no matter how high the stakes are, what if he will lose to a big dude?

There is no objection between the two parties, and the next step is to find the right person.

It's easy to find middlemen. Today, the deans of the seven academies are all on the third floor. As deans, they will naturally be very fair.

The third prince, the sixth prince, the eldest prince who arrived later, and Xue Changrong became witnesses.

The deeds of sale of the four people were also directly handed over to the middleman. After all the preparations were done, the two parties went directly to the second floor.

No one expected that this year's poetry fair would be so exciting, and everyone started talking about it.

"Since it's a bet, why don't you let everyone place a bet." Huo Qiqi casually suggested, "It's also good for everyone to see their own popularity."

"Brother Qi, I bet you to win. 500 taels of silver." As soon as Huo Qiqi's words fell, Princess Yongle immediately stood on tiptoe and loudly supported it.

Well done!Huo Qiqi really wanted to give her a thumbs up.Okay, for the little fat girl's enthusiasm, she will reward the little fat girl after the matter is settled.

The deans of the seven academies looked at each other and shook their heads secretly.But until now, the two sides have no objections, and it is hard for them to say anything.

"It's boring to be idle, I think it's a good idea." The third prince said lazily.

The eldest prince sneered in his heart, it's ridiculous that a fool like Huo Qiqi wants to win.However, there was a gentle smile on his face, "The third brother is right, it will be more lively this way."

Without any objection, the largest gambling house in the capital entered the Poetry Club for the first time.

 Upload another week's worth.

(End of this chapter)

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