The noble daughter of the splendid medical picture should be married

Chapter 231 The old man is difficult to deal with

Chapter 231 The old man is difficult to deal with ([-])

The patients in the ward didn't trust Huo Qiqi, and Huo Qiqi didn't have much enthusiasm for seeing a doctor.

Near noon, after Huo Qiqi found a newly built pergola for Tao Niang's family of three, he pretended to be a dick and went to help Jiang Jingshi arrange the water filtration.

Seeing this, Li Yuanbai couldn't help frowning.

He was a little angry at the blindness of the patients. These people were desperate to find a famous doctor and an imperial doctor to treat them and save their lives, but they left a person who could really save their lives unused.It is simply self-inflicted!

As long as Li Yuanbai thought about how hard it was to get Huo Qiqi's sympathy after entering the ward, but the patient didn't support him, he couldn't help but get annoyed.

But he can't do too much, otherwise, if Huo Qiqi's ass temper comes up, there's nothing he can do about it.I only hope that all the patients will be able to impress Huo Qiqi when they see that the child's condition has improved tomorrow.

It looks like I have to go here tomorrow.

Huo Qiqi didn't know that Li Yuanbai had been plotting against her all the time, and she was busy with Jiang Jingshi.

"It's really effective." Jiang Jingshi watched with great interest that after filtering the water quality, there were really a lot of dirt left on the bamboo charcoal, and he was completely convinced by Huo Qiqi in his heart.

"Master Huo Qi, how did you come up with this idea?" He asked in surprise.

"When I fell into the water, I saw it on a lot of charcoal in the river. I just wondered if bamboo charcoal also has such a filtering effect." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

Jiang Jingshi was not stupid, he knew that Huo Qiqi was fooling him.

But since Huo Qiqi didn't want to talk about it, he didn't want to ask, so he wisely changed the subject.filter?This word is very fresh. If Huo Qiqi didn't know the function of bamboo charcoal in advance, she would never have thought of such a word!

"Make more bamboo charcoal, and ensure that all water sources are filtered again." Jiang Jingshi ordered loudly.

The guard agreed and continued working in full swing.

After a while, Li Yuanbai ordered people to come and look for them, saying that they would go back to the post station together.

Huo Qiqi suddenly let out a deep breath, looking at the patients all over her eyes was also a kind of torture for her.

After leaving the ward, everyone took off their coats, masks and hats. When Zhang Wu and the others saw that Huo Qiqi had changed his shoes before getting into the car, they were speechless.

Also, shoes are dirtier when stepped on the ground. Although everyone is not obsessed with cleanliness, everyone can clearly see the dirtiness of the ward.

Li Yuanbai didn't bring extra shoes, he looked in the direction of Huo Qiqi's carriage indifferently, then took off his shoes and got on the carriage.

Qingfeng went over and immediately took the shoes away and put them on the car behind which was specially used to take off clothes. Zhang Wu followed suit, took off the shoes and went straight into the carriage.

Back at the station, someone naturally handed them new shoes and socks.

Huo Qiqi was the first to return to his room, thought about it, and ordered Jian Yu to bring some pieces of soap to Li Yuanbai and the others.

"This is?" Wu Qingliang asked in surprise, looking at the purple soap exposed under the exquisite package.

"This is the soap made by the young master. You can wash your hands and face before and after meals, or take a bath. The young master said that it can disinfect and kill bacteria that our eyes can't see." Cutting Yu explained expressionlessly.

There are such good things, Zhang Wu and the others immediately ordered the young man to bring them a basin of warm water with great interest.

After the boy brought warm water, several people rushed to wash it.Not to mention, the soap has a lot of foam, and it is very gentle to use without hurting your hands. After washing, there is still a faint fragrance.

Even though this scent doesn't last long, everyone still thinks soap is better.

After Li Yuanbai looked at the exquisite colored paper wrapped in the soap, the corners of Li Yuanbai's mouth couldn't help but twitch.Huo Qiqi has a different head!

Since we came back late, we didn't have lunch until after noon.

There were few things to do in the afternoon, so Huo Qiqi simply lay down on the bed and took a nap, but Li Yuanbai didn't send anyone to look for her.

At night, the garrison came belatedly to report, and he came with Zheng Zhifu.

The guard was not too tall, he was darker, and he had a beard on his face. As soon as he entered the door, he looked at Li Yuanbai with deep admiration in his eyes.

Needless to say, this person should be a follower of Li Yuanbai.

"Your official has met the sixth prince." The guard's appearance is not outstanding, and his voice is not very pleasant, his voice is rough and rough.

"Excuse me, Mr. Yan has worked hard." Li Yuanbai said with a light smile, and asked Qingfeng and Minglang to move a chair for the guard and Zheng Zhifu.

Seeing this, the two adults were immediately grateful, and sat down obediently.

"Master Yan leads troops to chase down the bandits, will there be any gains?" Li Yuanbai asked.

"Reporting to Your Highness the Sixth Prince, I am ashamed. I only killed a dozen bandits, and the rest hid in the deep mountains." The guard was full of shame, but fortunately he did not hide it.

"Master Yan is serious. The terrain in Nanping is complicated, with many mountains and mountains. Bandits occupy the mountains as kings. It is difficult for officers and soldiers to find them if they sneak into any mountain. If officers and soldiers chase at will, they are easy to fall into their ambush." ​​Li Yuanbai said. He said with a smile, "Master Garrison is willing to personally lead troops to suppress the bandits, and his actions are admirable enough."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your understanding." The guard became even more excited.

Brain powder!Huo Qiqi pouted secretly.

She didn't know that although Li Yuanbai was talking to the guard, the happiness in his eyes was observing her all the time.

Huo Qiqi's small gesture of pursing his lips was clearly seen by him.As a result, the smile on the corner of Li Yuanbai's mouth deepened.

"Prefect Zheng, is the post down yet?" Li Yuanbai did not neglect Prefect Zheng.

"Reporting to Your Highness, the posts have already been posted. In the prefecture, all merchants or aristocratic families with a little reputation have all posted posts." Zheng Zhifu replied.

Li Yuanbai nodded slightly, "Tomorrow, I will make some preparations in the mansion. It's an extraordinary time, and you don't need to prepare too much, just four dishes and one soup."

"Yes, Your Highness."


There was a question and an answer over there, Huo Qiqi could hear it weakly.Don't take her with you to this kind of formal meeting between officials, okay?She was impatient, but fortunately Li Yuanbai was not a long-winded person.

Li Yuanbai asked about some things in the prefecture, arranged and ordered some things to go down, and let them go back.

In the afternoon of the second day, Li Yuanbai led Huo Qiqi and the others to the magistrate's home.

The magistrate's house is a courtyard with three entrances, and the furniture inside is not too luxurious, it looks like a simple house.When Li Yuanbai came over, the magistrate hurriedly led his family to salute him.

Li Yuanbai had no female relatives around, Madam Zheng led the female relatives in the mansion, and retreated after saluting.

After Li Yuanbai and his party were taken to the flower hall by Zheng Zhifu, Zheng Zhifu did not wait for Li Yuanbai to ask questions, so he took the initiative to speak first and informed the preparations in the mansion.

Li Yuanbai inserted a sentence or two from time to time, giving Zheng Zhifu full affirmation.

Zheng Zhifu was so happy that his face turned into a flower with a smile.

It's a pity that no matter how well prepared the front is, it can't compare to the cunning of the old oily boy.Soon, Zheng Zhifu and Li Yuanbai were severely beaten in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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