Chapter 232 Choose to be a bad guy

When it was time to apply, the guests who had accepted the post began to come to the door one after another.

Zheng Zhifu led the three young masters in the mansion and kept greeting the guests.After these guests entered the mansion, they sat down and chatted with familiar people, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

But until the sky turned dark, there were still less than half of the guests who hadn't arrived.

People didn't come, and their etiquette didn't fall.

"There are many reasons for not coming. Many families use the reason that there is a sick person at home and they cannot come over to infect the guests. Some also say that someone in the family has an accident and cannot come." Zheng Zhifu took the replies sent by each family, There was a wry smile on his face.

He said that the rich and powerful in the city are old fritters.

Although the imperial court has deterrent power, but the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and Nanping suffers from floods every year, so he, the magistrate, often needs their help.These people are also local gentry and local tyrants, and they don't pay attention to the government at all.

When Li Yuanbai asked him to post the post, Zheng Zhifu actually had a vague guess in his heart that someone would give Li Yuanbai a slap in the face.

However, what he did not expect was that so many people would dare to confront Li Yuanbai.These people are probably crazy, and they don't even think about it, since the people from the court came forward, can they be threatened by them?

These wealthy gentry chose to fight against Li Yuanbai, and ended up...

"How many people come, you just need to say hello." Li Yuanbai ordered lightly.

Seeing that his face remained unchanged, Zheng Zhifu secretly guessed whether he had expected such a result a long time ago.If Li Yuanbai had expected such an outcome, those who did not come would be even more unlucky in the future.

But the current task is not for him to worry about other people's business, he just needs to do well the tasks ordered by Li Yuanbai.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhifu tidied up his clothes, and walked briskly into the flower hall.

When the people who were chatting and chatting saw him coming in, they immediately stood up and greeted him.

"Everyone, please sit down." Zheng Zhifu smiled and cupped his hands to everyone, "Inviting everyone to come today, you may have guessed the intention of this government. You can come, it is also a face for this government. This government should also be grateful for this All of you are here to help.”

As soon as his words fell, the faces of some guests present became ugly.

Of course, many people followed Zheng Zhifu's words and said, "Your Excellency, our ancestors all lived in Nanping. Nanping has suffered from floods every year, and this year has added plagues. I will feel heartbroken when I see it. If your lord has any If necessary, we will naturally try our best to help."

"Master Huang cares deeply about the people of Nanping. After the people know about it, they will be very grateful to Mr. Huang." Zheng Zhifu praised him.

"How dare you dare, this is a matter of duty."

"The government invites you to come here today, and I would like to introduce some distinguished guests to you." Zheng Zhifu said with a smile.

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately understood that the Lord was coming out.

A few days ago, they heard that officials from the imperial court came to the post station for disaster relief, but they couldn't find out who it was.It seemed that all the staff at the post station had been silenced.

But even if they knew that the court was coming, everyone would not take it too seriously.It's a big deal, when we meet again, just say a few more polite words and pay a little money, and the matter will be over in a comprehensive way.

They have done things like this before.

Of course, if they can take the opportunity to show their faces in front of court officials, if they spend a little money, they will not be at a loss.

Li Yuanbai and his party stood behind the screen, and they had seen the reactions of the people inside the room clearly.

After Zheng Zhifu's words fell, Li Yuanbai and his party appeared in front of everyone.

When the more than 20 guests in the house saw them clearly, they were all dumbfounded, and some people even showed a look of surprise in their eyes.

How could there be such a beautiful person in the world!Among the people who came out, the two sons walking in the middle were even more handsome than women. Didn't the prefect Zheng recommend officials to them today?but...

Some people start to dream about things.

"These are all officials sent by the imperial court." Prefect Zheng took everyone's eyes into his eyes and suppressed the anger in his heart.These people are so presumptuous, they will be dealt with later.

"I have seen you, my lords." A group of people saluted Li Yuanbai casually.

"I don't know the surnames of a few adults?" A guest stood up and asked, clasping his hands.

A guest in the crowd suddenly changed his face.The expressions on everyone's faces were also brilliant, because the person who asked the question behaved very badly.

But smart people don't talk, and many people want to take the opportunity to see what kind of temper the new officials have.

"Bold, how dare you disrespect the sixth prince." Ming Lang pulled out the saber from his waist.

Everyone was dumbfounded once again, and no one expected that the imperial court actually sent a prince over this time.Moreover, the prince who came was also the well-known God of War in Dayun Kingdom.

The timid guest's legs and feet have already begun to weaken, and his heart is beating violently.

"Those who don't know are not guilty." Li Yuanbai said lightly.

Ming Lang lowered his head in agreement, and then put the saber back.Everyone suddenly became more relaxed.

Li Yuanbai was magnanimous, but Huo Qiqi was a villain who held grudges. Her eyes were very bright, and she could see clearly just now. What kind of eyes did the guest who asked the question look at her and Li Yuanbai.

"Sixth prince, although it is not a crime to say that those who don't know it are not guilty, but if a person who desecrates the majesty of the royal family with his eyes is simply let go, others will think that the sixth prince is too weak and can be humiliated casually." She Open your mouth casually.

Li Yuanbai's eyes immediately fell on her.

Huo Qiqi bared her teeth and smiled slightly at him, Li Yuanbai could clearly see the provocation in her eyes.

The hearts of all the guests were suddenly suspended again, and they secretly guessed the origin of the young master who dared to look so presumptuous in Li Yuanbai's face.

"Seventh Young Master." Zheng Zhifu was embarrassed and wanted to persuade him.

At this moment, they need to ask for help from the people present here. These people are all local snakes in Nanping, the sixth prince doesn't care about it, so why should Mr. Huo Qi make things difficult for others.

Since Huo Qiqi spoke, it meant that she chose to be a bad person, so she would not listen to his advice, "Why, Mr. Zheng thinks I'm wrong? Or does Mr. Zheng think that the sixth prince and I deserve to be humiliated? "

She didn't even give Zheng Zhifu any face.

Others didn't know about Huo Qiqi. As a modest official, Prefect Zheng had heard rumors about Huo Qiqi to some extent.

After Huo Qiqi stared at him with a smile that was not a smile, his legs suddenly went limp.Zheng Zhifu even secretly regretted that if he had known that Huo Qiqi was so difficult, he would not have dared to speak out.

"What do you want to do?" Li Yuanbai asked lightly.

"The sixth prince is magnanimous and doesn't care about other people's eyes, but I have always had a bad temper, but I don't want to be humiliated like this. In the capital, Fan Gang looked at my eyeballs with that kind of humiliating look." Speaking of this , she deliberately paused before continuing, "I dug them all up and fed them to the dogs."

(End of this chapter)

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