Chapter 234 Losing Your Mind

Everyone immediately looked at the speaker in surprise.

Standing up was a tall, thin man, about forty years old.He looked at Li Yuanbai with a smile on his face, cupped his hands and continued, "The little man's family is in the business of medicinal materials, and most of the money he has earned over the years has been spent on business turnover. The little man's ability is limited. Humans can only do so much. In addition, the villain is willing to donate some medicinal materials."

The crowd suddenly made a small noise.

Prefect Zheng said a few words to Li Yuanbai softly.

Li Yuanbai looked into his eyes with a hint of admiration, "Liao Zhongming, it really is a good name. Loyal and understanding, this prince will remember you. I believe that the people of Nanping will not forget you."

"Thank you for your praise, Your Highness. It is the blessing of our Liao family to do what we can for the people and to share our worries for His Highness." Liao Zhongming replied sincerely, "The villain dare not take credit."

After hearing this, everyone secretly scolded the old fox again.

The first person who sells well is naturally easy for the sixth prince to remember, and it is also easy for the sixth prince to have a good impression of him.If the Liao family took the opportunity to fall into the eyes of the sixth prince, who knows if they would take the opportunity to flourish in the future?

When some people saw this, they immediately regretted it.

Of course, the other side was very annoyed by Liao Zhongming's betrayal, and everyone passed each other when they came.Say yes, everyone is just thinking about it, just fool people around.

But when Liao Zhongming made a move, he got 1 taels of silver, plus [-] catties of grain, and there was also a supply of medicinal materials.What should they do with such a generous shot?If they send less in the future, will the Sixth Prince be dissatisfied with them?There is also the unknown son next to the sixth prince, but he dares to say anything.Will she give them a blow?

"The villain is willing to give 1 taels of silver, plus [-] catties of grain." After Liao Zhongming, another person stood up to express his opinion.

This one looks richer and chubby, with a warm smile on his face.

"The shopkeeper Yin generously donates money and is willing to share the difficulties with the people of Nanping. His spirit is commendable." Li Yuanbai praised.

The man surnamed Yin smiled even more on his face.

Unfortunately, this momentum has not been maintained.Then, there was a brief silence in the room again.

Huo Qiqi smiled evilly, "In Nanping, there are only two loyal and courageous people. No wonder people in the world say that they are rich and unkind."

All the businessmen secretly scolded her in their hearts, shameless, they just know how to instigate.If Huo Qiqi hadn't come from the capital, someone probably couldn't resist attacking her long ago.

Huo Qiqi, who provoked public anger, didn't know it, and kept talking non-stop, "Your Highness Sixth Prince, I think we should have a good talk with the emperor about this matter after we go back."

"Since it is a donation, it is natural that everyone is willing. Each family may also have difficulties, and the seventh son does not need to worry about it." Li Yuanbai still sang red.

"Oh, I am a person who is always straightforward. Your Highness, I think some people are really damned, while enjoying all the benefits and benefits that the country brings to them, for example, a stable environment, for example, the right time, place and people. But When Dayun Kingdom encountered difficulties, this kind of people used all kinds of excuses to make their own calculations, and some even took the opportunity to make money from the country, it was unbearable." Huo Qiqi said with a sneer.

Li Yuanbai glanced at her and explained, "In the land of Dayun, no matter how remote the area is, all the people are the emperor's subjects. Whether it is natural disasters or man-made disasters, the Holy Majesty will never abandon anyone. .Natural disasters, as long as everyone is united, this prince believes that man will conquer the sky. As for man-made disasters, if he dares to take the opportunity to make the country suffer, this prince is definitely not a soft-hearted person."

After hearing this, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.In particular, there are several grain merchants in the room.

The other guests were wealthy businessmen and aristocratic families. Naturally, they looked at him coldly at most, but they were not suspected of making a fortune for the country.But they are different. Almost all the grain in Nanping is in their hands. All the grain merchants have negotiated long ago to hoard the grain at a price of one day.

What they did was in line with what Li Yuanbai said about making money in trouble for the country.

what to do?Several grain merchants secretly regretted that if they had known earlier, they should have followed the example of those who did not come and pretended to be sick.

"Your Highness, our Yao family is willing to contribute 2 catties of grain and [-] taels of silver." Another person stood up.The identity of this person is not a merchant, but a family.

Prefect Zheng introduced a few words to Li Yuanbai softly.

"The Yao family cultivated and studied their own family. They are sensible and benevolent. After my prince returns, I will definitely show the righteousness of the Yao family to the Holy One." Li Yuanbai said.

The Yao family was overjoyed, this is what he wanted.

The House of Farming and Reading pays attention to reputation. Speaking of it, although the Yao family is an aristocratic family, in fact, they have been gnawing at their old roots.To be honest, the money and food in the hands of the Yao family are far worse than those of other merchants.

But no matter what their purpose is, Li Yuanbai will give them some benefits if they are willing to grit their teeth and take out the food and silver.

Seeing this, the others were forced to have no choice but to donate money one after another.

However, among the remaining people, only three or four families paid over [-] yuan in grain and silver, while the rest paid out innocuous amounts.

No matter how much, Li Yuanbai didn't say anything.

Seeing that Li Yuanbai had raised more than one hundred thousand catties of grain and sixty-seven thousand taels of silver without saying a few words, the magistrate Zheng was very excited.

After the fundraising is over, everyone enters the stage of eating and drinking.

Four dishes and one soup, plus a bowl of rice, everyone dared not eat in a hurry. It took about an hour before the dinner was over.

Everyone left one after another, and the prefect Zheng personally sent the guests out.

"All the silver will be put into the warehouse for the winter river project. As for the grain, part of it will be kept as seeds, and the other part will continue to be distributed to the people." Li Yuanbai ordered.

Prefect Zheng was in a bit of a dilemma. Even if all of the ten thousand catties of grain were distributed, it would hardly be enough.If the seeds are left, alas, it is really difficult to let them go.

However, he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Li Yuanbai, so he had no choice but to agree.

After Li Yuanbai arranged the matter, he didn't stay longer in Zheng Zhifu's mansion, and went back to the inn with Huo Qiqi and the others.

"Huo Qiqi, stay here, I have something to tell you." After returning to the inn, Huo Qiqi was about to go back to sleep, but Li Yuanbai stopped her.

Zhang Wu and the others gave Huo Qiqi a sympathetic look. They secretly guessed that the reason why the sixth prince left Huo Qiqi alone was probably because Huo Qiqi was too aggressive at the dinner party.

"The sixth prince has something to say, it's too late and I'm so sleepy." When everyone else had left, Huo Qiqi couldn't help but yawned.

"Do you have a way to infect people with a disease similar to the plague?" Li Yuanbai asked lightly.

Huo Qiqi's eyes widened in surprise when he heard the words, Li Yuanbai wouldn't want to use bad methods to make profiteers and aristocratic families succumb?
(End of this chapter)

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