Chapter 235 Forced
"If people in the world know that His Highness the Sixth Prince, who is calm, upright and fair, can be so wretched and despicable, do you think they will be annoyed and want to commit suicide?" Huo Qiqi asked with a smile.

"The seventh son knows the nature of this prince, will he commit suicide in annoyance?" Li Yuanbai asked back.

Huo Qiqi was taken aback, and asked her to commit suicide for Li Yuanbai in the next life.No, in the next life, in the next life, she is not willing either.She took so much to live a new life, if she committed suicide for a man, she would be ashamed to see Hades.

"No." Her answer was straightforward.

"Did the seventh son say it in front of so many people..." At this point, Li Yuanbai's eyes fell on her, and his voice paused. After a while, he said the rest, "I don't like it. Woman, do you only like me?"

"Hehe, if you're joking, the sixth prince won't take it seriously." Huo Qiqi laughed dryly.

Damn Li Yuanbai, he was waiting for her here.

"This prince has always taken it seriously. I just don't know, which one of the words that the seventh son said is not true? Does it mean that the seventh son does not like men, but women, or that the seventh son likes this prince?" Li Yuanbai asked lightly.

"I don't like women. It's true that I like men. The rest is false." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

She didn't want to offend anyone, but it shouldn't be a problem to offend someone who wanted something from her.

She couldn't be kept under the pressure of the man in front of her and couldn't turn over.

Li Yuanbai took a deep look at her and opened his mouth to speak.

Huo Qiqi spoke first, "Whether I like women or men, I don't think it matters to the sixth prince, right? Let's talk about seeing a doctor. To be honest, although the sixth prince is wretched and shameless A little bit, but I like it very much, it is very in line with my personal taste."

"So, Seventh Young Master has a solution?" Li Yuanbai's mouth finally curled up.

"Yes, but I'm just a non-staff member of the Ministry of Industry. I participated in other things. Did I cross the line? If someone caught me as a pigtail afterwards and said that I actually initiated the plague, I would be wronged." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

Li Yuanbai immediately understood that she was looking for benefits.

"This prince can guarantee his life, such rumors will not arise." Li Yuanbai said lightly.

"Based on my personal experience, I think other people's oaths are often unreliable." Huo Qiqi shook his head and said.

Li Yuanbai knew that Huo Qiqi saw that he wanted something from her, so Huo Qiqi started to do it again.

"Prevent a disaster for you." Li Yuanbai put out a condition.

Huo Qiqi just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing her smiling like a fox, Li Yuanbai gritted his teeth secretly, "Seventh Young Master is selfless and willing to sacrifice his reputation to help me. In the future, if necessary, when Seventh Young Master uses me as an excuse, this prince will stop fussing with you." , but only three times."

Huo Qiqi rested his chin to consider for a while, and then said, "For the sake of the sixth prince's sincerity, I can reluctantly agree."

Seeing her climbing up the pole, Li Yuanbai couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. Sure enough, when it comes to thick skin, no one in the world can compare to Huo Qiqi.

"Sixth Prince, don't be unconvinced, think about it, you are as beautiful as a flower, and I am as beautiful as a country, and we stand together. Although I have an advantage, the Sixth Prince is not at a disadvantage either." Huo Qi After seeing his expression, Qi explained dissatisfiedly.

"Huo Qiqi, it's getting too far." Li Yuanbai resisted the urge to punch someone.

Huo Qiqi blinked her big innocent eyes, and then smiled all over her face, "Okay, I was wrong. But to be on the safe side, and to give those people a warning, I still suggest that the sixth prince directly order a different medicine." It's better. For example, I know there is a medicine that can make people feel hot all over, and every hour, they will also have headaches and stomachaches."

"Tomorrow, I will." Li Yuanbai readily agreed.

"I'll be very tired at night." Huo Qiqi said lazily.

That lazy appearance, if outsiders see her, they will definitely say that she is acting like a baby.

Li Yuanbai could only think that Huo Qiqi's laziness had happened again, and he said coldly, "If you can't get it out tonight, just reduce it once."

"Sixth Prince, don't be like this. If you have something to talk about." Huo Qiqi was anxious.

Li Yuanbai ignored her, "The prince is tired. Come here, prepare hot water, the prince wants to take a bath."

Jinglei agreed, and immediately went out to prepare hot water.

Huo Qiqi pouted and stood in the room, still wanting to negotiate terms.

"Seventh Young Master doesn't want to go out, is he planning to stay with me at night?" Li Yuanbai looked at her with a faint smile and asked.

ah? !Molested!Huo Qiqi was stunned.

What Li Yuanbai said was just angry words, but when he saw Huo Qiqi in a daze, his eyes lit up. It turns out that Huo Qiqi can only move his mouth, "If the seventh son is willing to stay, of course this prince will not." mind."

"The sixth prince is really beautiful, but it's a pity that he's not my type. I won't stay, you continue to be beautiful." Huo Qiqi waved his hand, and his expression returned to normal.

beautiful? !It was Li Yuanbai's turn that he couldn't keep up with her rhythm. He looked at Huo Qiqi's back and fell into deep thought.

After walking out of Li Yuanbai's courtyard, Huo Qiqi ruthlessly kicked a small stone beside him.

Hmph, damn Li Yuanbai, you have a good idea!

Going down, her footwork was not right, she kicked it on the pillar next to her, "Ouch."

Huo Qiqi hugged her feet and jumped up.

"My lord, are you injured?" Jian Yu was shocked.

"It's okay." Huo Qiqi endured the pain and waved his hand at her, "Clean up the house, I'll make medicine later."

"Yes, young master." Jian Yu looked at her worriedly, and secretly scolded Li Yuanbai in his heart.

Huo Qiqi said that dispensing the medicine was difficult, but in fact, it took her an hour and a half to prepare the pills, and most of the time was spent rubbing the pills.

After she was done, she washed up and fell asleep on the bed.

The next morning, after Huo Qiqi washed up, he saw not only an extra egg in his breakfast, but also the rice was very thick, and even the steamed buns were made of white flour.

"You have a conscience." Huo Qiqi took a bite of the steamed bun.

After breakfast, Huo Qiqi arrived at Li Yuanbai's yard before Zhang Wu and the others. After she took out the medicine bottle, she entered the door and threw it to Li Yuanbai, "There are at most two pills in a tank of water. Don't use too much. If it's half a tank If it’s water, you can only put one grain in.”

"Put it directly in the well?" Li Yuanbai asked.

Huo Qiqi immediately gave him a thumbs up when he heard the words, "Actually, no matter how much you put in, it won't kill anyone, and the medicine will work. It's just that the degree of stomach pain varies from person to person."

"Then put a few more." Li Yuanbai said lightly.

"Up to you." Huo Qiqi gave him a blank look.

Qingfeng, Minglang and the others heard them talking about poisoning as casually as they were discussing the weather, they couldn't help but look at Huo Qiqi more.

They suddenly felt that their master had been led astray by Huo Qiqi since he was with Huo Qiqi.

(End of this chapter)

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