Chapter 334 Different Seafood
Huo Qiqi's space has been upgraded.

As she grows more plants and raises more poultry and livestock, her space becomes larger.

So far, Huo Qiqi has no plans to breed beasts in the space, but even so, the space changes a lot.First fishponds and mountains appeared, and then a small piece of ocean appeared.Although the area is small, it is indeed the sea.

Therefore, Huo Qiqi had long wanted to raise a batch of marine life in space.

It's just that the transportation capacity in ancient times was too poor. Most of the fish and shrimp in the ocean would die when they arrived in the capital.

It wasn't until she proposed the concept of low-temperature preservation and established a relationship with Caobang that seafood could be transported to the capital by water.

Taking advantage of others not paying attention, Huo Qiqi directly threw all kinds of shellfish, surviving sea fish, shrimp, and even seaweed into the ocean in his own space.

Produced in space, extraordinary.The originally dying seafood suddenly became alive and well as soon as it entered the ocean of space.

It's good to be alive, Huo Qiqi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The most lively Mid-Autumn Festival in the past ten years was held in the Duke Protector's Mansion.

After the dinner, everyone moved to the back garden to enjoy the moon together. The Lord Protector took some silver and asked everyone to guess riddles and write poems.

"I'll come, I'll come." Wang Shaojie actively signed up.

"Go away." Huo Qiqi kicked him, "It's not your turn yet, let's keep a few older sisters and sister-in-laws at bay."

Wang Chuyun and the others laughed together.

The five girls from Huojia Village seemed a little embarrassed.Although they can read and write, when it comes to poetry and painting, they are far behind.

Fortunately, in the end, Huo Qiqi and the others were just making small noises, and those who got the money also distributed the money in the end.

"You haven't really gone out to play when you come to the capital. How about it, you guys will go out for a stroll together in two days." Wang Chuyun looked at the five girls with pity and said.

"Thank you, Ma'am." Huo Mingchun had been feeling uncomfortable for a long time, but when they first arrived in the capital, they didn't bring them with them, and they didn't dare to go out at will.If Wang Chuyun had dialed someone for them, they wouldn't have to worry.

The rest of them also want to go out and have a look. After all, they came to the capital with great difficulty, and the opportunity is really rare.Huo Mingchun agreed, and they didn't have to speak again.

Everyone played for a long time, and almost all the boiled peanuts and yams that were put out were eaten, and then they dispersed.

The Qin family was pregnant, Huo Qiqi and Huo Yichen didn't let them go back, and stayed in the mansion for the night.

Early the next morning, the Huo family had just had breakfast.

Unexpected rewards follow one after another.

"The imperial decree has arrived." The first wave arrived was the emperor's decree and reward, "Follow the heavens, the emperor summoned, Huo Qiqi, the Duke of the Protectorate, has a kind heart and excellent medical skills..."

The eunuch's voice was high-pitched and thin, and Huo Qiqi's head went numb when she heard it. It's over, she seemed to be plotted by the emperor again.

The emperor rewarded many things, most of which were precious medicinal materials, and some antique calligraphy and paintings in addition.

Huo Qiqi felt that this reward was not practical at all.

"Huo Qiqi, accept the order." The eunuch looked at Huo Qiqi with a smile.

Huo Qiqi was dissatisfied, no matter how expensive the medicinal materials bestowed by the emperor were, they could not compare to the medicinal materials in her space.So this batch of medicinal materials is completely tasteless to her.However, her face was full of kindness, and she also looked at the eunuch with a smile, "The grassroots accept the order, long live the emperor, long live, long live, long live."

"Although Mr. Huo Qiqi is young, he is outstandingly talented. The emperor and the queen mother are full of praise for Mr. Qi." The eunuch did not dare to put on airs in front of Huo Qiqi.Don't say that Huo Qiqi is a celebrity now, even when Huo Qiqi is an asshole again, he dare not show the slightest dissatisfaction with Huo Qiqi in front of the Duke Protector.

"Elder-in-law, you've worked hard." Huo Qiqi grinned at him, baring her teeth.

Eunuch De was very satisfied with her attitude, and his vanity was instantly satisfied unprecedentedly. He looked at Huo Qiqi with softer eyes, "Mr. The Duke is very envious." Eunuch De laughed and chatted with Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi...

Damn emperor, if you want something to talk about, it's nothing for a eunuch to mutter in front of her.

"Just for fun, I made some gadgets. If the emperor likes it, I'll let my father-in-law take some back later." Huo Qiqi continued with a smile.

Eunuch De glanced at her again with satisfaction.

Huo Qiqi wanted to scold someone, but this time it was a big loss.The emperor got good things, and the eunuchs couldn't offend him.Huo Qiqi is very good at being a person. When Eunuch De was about to leave, she gave Eunuch De another set of cosmetics.

Sure enough, after Eunuch De got the cosmetics, his whole face turned into a flower with a smile.

The products in Huo Qiqi's skin care product store are in short supply, and sometimes they may not be able to buy them even if they have money.Huo Qiqi really knows how to behave!

After seeing off Eunuch De, Huo Qiqi quickly slipped away.

Of course, as an inexperienced rookie, she never thought of running away.But the protector is a treacherous and cunning man. He reminded Huo Qiqi that the emperor's reward comes first, and the empress dowager's reward will definitely follow.

When Huo Qiqi heard this, he ran away quickly.

She went straight to Zuixianlou.

Zuixianlou posted the menu early in the morning, and seafood is available today.

Many people see the menu and start ordering new dishes immediately.

"Senbei with leek moss, steamed egg with shrimp, sea cucumber with minced meat, grilled squid with sauce..." The third prince ordered more than a dozen seafood in one go, and there were almost no repeated dishes.

Huo Qiqi kept pointing in the back kitchen with a fan, just like that, her forehead was covered with sweat.

Many people have discovered that Zuixianlou has once again pioneered the way of eating gourmet food.It turns out that seafood is not only a few sea fish and shrimp, but also so many delicious ones.

Just shellfish, many of them can't name them.

According to different methods, it is just one ingredient, and Zuixianlou can find more than a dozen methods. This kind of rich seafood fully enriches the recipes of Zuixianlou.

There is no shortage of customers when new dishes are launched, not to mention that Zuixianlou is always overcrowded.At the end of the day, there were almost no people in Zuixianlou.

On the other hand, Gourmet Zhai was the opposite. Although it was considered full, many of the customers looked like goosebumps, and they didn't look like serious people.

To put it bluntly, many of these people came for the exotic beauties in Zuixianlou.

Zhao Xiankun knew that many people in the capital were mocking Gourmet Zhai behind their backs, but he couldn't get off the hook now.He knew very well that although his means were not glorious, serious guests would not appreciate him.But if the exotic beauties are removed at this time, it is estimated that the number of guests in the gourmet restaurant will be reduced by half.

He didn't care about the little money, but he couldn't afford to lose that face.

Damn Huo Qiqi, it's all Huo Qiqi's tricks that made him so embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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