Chapter 335
On the third day, the five girls from Huojia Village could finally go out together.Wang Chuyun was very thoughtful, she specially arranged for Lu Yi around her to follow her, and she also asked a girl and a woman from the mansion to follow her, and thoughtfully gave them some silver taels.

The five girls went out, like swallows flying.

From their point of view, everything in the capital is good, such as face-to-face and juggling, which Qingbei has never seen before.Some shops are even rarer to see, as long as you are a woman, you must like to visit shops.

Several girls are no exception, but the things in the shop are frighteningly expensive.

A few people visited several big shops in a row, and dared not go in again.

Fortunately, the guys in the shop were quite friendly, they thought it must be a big deal for five girls who looked like girls to come in at once.It's a pity that the girls only look at it but are reluctant to pay for it, and there are a few girls who want to neglect it.

It's just that as soon as a point of impatience appeared on their faces, the girls around the girls showed their aura.

Those who live in the capital must have good eyesight.

Although the store owner didn't understand why the masters were not as imposing as the girls and women, no one dared to ask, so Huo Yingchun and the others walked all the way here without encountering any trouble.

"You still have the face to go out."

"I can't go out?"

"It's just something that Zhan Shifu doesn't want, but you really have the face to come out? Do you think you are still the old lady?"

"It turned out to be the second lady of Zhanshi's Mansion, but it's a pity that she came from a concubine. In this life, with my mother on top, you and your mother can't help Zheng. Anyway, I used to be a serious daughter, but the king A girl will never really fly up a branch and become a phoenix in her life."

"What a sharp-tongued thing, come and call me."

"You dare." Qiu Shi beside Wang Ruoxi stood in front of her vigilantly.

"They're all dead, didn't you hear me? Give this lady a hard beat, and you'll have to beat this bitch until she knows who she is." Wang Ruoyun pointed and blushed.

"You dare." Qiu Shi was so anxious that he didn't know what to do when he saw the maids and mother-in-law of the Wang family surrounding him.

"Why don't you dare? If there is such a bitch, there is such a bitch. When will it be your turn to speak here? Well, if you want to protect the Lord, then let's fight together." Wang Ruoyun's attitude was very arrogant.

She has waited too long for this day.

She is obviously a decent young lady of Zhan Shifu, but she will be suppressed by this bitch Wang Ruoxi for the rest of her life.Fortunately, Wang Ruoxi finally left the Zhanshi Mansion, and finally it was her turn, Wang Ruoyun, to feel proud.

Today, Wang Ruoxi took the initiative to send it to her, it was God's will.

She had to beat Wang Ruoxi until Wang Shaojie couldn't even recognize her. It would be best if she could make Wang Ruoxi's face dirty, so that she could express the anger in her heart.

Wang Ruoyun always talked about ostentation. When she went out, she brought four women and four maids with her, while Wang Ruoxi only had Qiu Shi by her side.

Eight against two, who wins and who loses is very clear before the fight begins.

"Take a few girls back first, and then find someone to come over immediately." Seeing that Wang Ruoxi was about to suffer, Lu Yi hurriedly ordered the little girl and mother-in-law beside her.

"Miss Luyi, be careful." The mother-in-law also became anxious, "The girls hurry back."

Huo Mingchun and the others were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Although they were also worried about Lu Yi, none of them dared to step forward to help.The opponent is aggressive, and it is not easy to mess with that posture.

"Miss Wang." Lu Yi trotted over in the spirit of Wang Ruoxi.

Wang Ruoyun is also the young lady of a high-ranking family, and when she saw Lu Yi, she felt familiar.For a moment, she couldn't remember Lvyi's identity, but Lvyi was going after Wang Ruoxi, so she must be someone Wang Ruoxi knew well.

Since she wanted to hit someone, how could she let a girl ruin her business. "Fight, don't stop."

The mother-in-law and girls of Zhanshi's Mansion are also used to being arrogant and domineering on weekdays. When Wang Ruoxi was still in Zhanshi's Mansion, they never took Wang Ruoxi seriously.

Now they got Wang Ruoyun's order again, a group of people rushed up to beat Wang Ruoxi's master and servant.

"Do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes?" Wang Ruoxi was trembling with anger.

Qiushi was no longer able to fight against eight people with one punch.

When Luyi rushed to Wang Ruoxi's side, Wang Ruoxi and Qiu Shi had already been beaten many times.Those women were also very ruthless. They sensed Wang Ruoyun's intentions and even scratched Wang Ruoxi's face with their fingernails.

Qiushi sensed their intentions and tried to stand in front of Ruoxi.

Even so, Wang Ruoxi's face was still scratched twice by two women. From forehead to cheek, Wang Ruoxi's face could hardly be seen, and Qiu Shi was even worse.

"At the feet of the Son of Heaven, in broad daylight, do you still have the king's law?" Seeing this, Lu was trembling with anger.

"Who are you? It's none of your business if we fight?" A woman arrogantly pointed at Lu Yi and scolded, "I think you are a seducer just like the two little bastards."

"Slap." Lu Yi slapped the mother-in-law with a slap.

There are rules in the Duke Huguo's mansion, all servants, maids and mothers-in-law will know how to do it.

Lu Yi was no exception, with this slap, the woman was dizzy from the slap.

"You dare to hit me." The mother-in-law ran towards Lu Yi, and the other girls and mother-in-law followed suit.

"Stop, she is someone close to the Young Madam of Duke Protector's Mansion, so you dare to hit her." Qiu Shi kept yelling, regardless of the pain in his body.

Words that confused people simply don't listen to, or don't want to hear at all.

Wang Ruoxi was kicked a few more times and fell to the ground.

"Bastard." Huo Qiqi arrived just in time when the fight was fierce here, and behind her was the panting girl from Huojia Village, as well as the third and sixth princes.

Huo Qiqi has never lost before.

Her physical fitness is poor, but it doesn't mean she can't fight.

When she saw the miserable appearance of Wang Ruoxi's master and servant, the thought of murder came to her. How dare these people bully her?
In desperation, she didn't care about 21, she stepped forward and kicked Wang Ruoyun.

Wang Ruoyun was standing proudly on the side, when suddenly someone kicked her from behind, and she immediately fell to the ground.

"Who?" Wang Ruoyun turned her head angrily, trying to catch the culprit.

Huo Qiqi didn't give her a chance to get up, and directly stepped forward and kicked again and again, one kick, two kicks, three kicks, she knows medicine and knows where the most vulnerable part of the human body is, Wang Ruoyun was kicked by her until she cried like hell. "Help, you're dying, you don't know how to come and save me."

The women and girls had long been petrified by the changes in front of them.It was only when they heard Wang Ruoyun's cry for help that they came to their senses, it's too bad, the second lady was injured right under their noses, and they will have to bear it when they go back.

"I've cut their arms and chins." Huo Qiqi said.

Seeing Huo Qiqi venting her anger for her, Wang Ruoxi couldn't hold back the tears.

Seeing her miserable appearance, the girls of the Huo family shivered.

Mu Rouhe went over and gently lifted her up, "Miss Wang, your face was scratched, it's better to find a doctor to prepare some medicine first, so as not to leave scars in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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