Chapter 336 Testimony
Wang Ruoxi's state is very bad at the moment, and the hot feeling on her face made her know clearly that she has lost her appearance this time.Girls say they don't care about looks, that's a lie.But Wang Ruoxi is not like other girls, who will die after losing her appearance.

What hurt more than her face was her stomach, and the women's feet didn't show any sympathy, it was very painful.

Even so, instead of clasping her stomach with both hands, she frowned and covered it with one hand.She has to keep some dignity for herself.

"Miss, was it broken?" Qiushi saw her frowning in pain, and asked anxiously and fearfully.

"Miss Wang feels a stomachache?" Mu Rouhe asked softly.

Wang Ruoxi nodded slightly. Seeing that the two were nervous, she comforted them, "Maybe it's better to take it easy."

"You find the nearby doctor." Huo Qiqi was furious. She didn't care about dealing with Wang Ruoyun's master and servant, so she quickly put her hand on Wang Ruoxi's wrist.

Wang Ruoxi's pulse was a little thin and chaotic, but there was nothing serious about it.

Don't worry, Huo Qiqi, as long as he doesn't hurt his internal organs, it will be fine.However, this matter must not be taken lightly for Wang Ruoyun.

"Find a stool and come here." Huo Qiqi ordered.

Shu Yun immediately went to the nearby shop to find a stool, Qiu Shi and Mu Rouhe quickly helped Wang Ruoxi to sit on the stool.

Huo Qiqi took the silver needle from Jing Mu's hand, and quickly inserted it.

She is very powerful, she didn't even blink her eyes, and she just pierced through the clothes.

Someone stared at her in amazement, Huo Qiqi really dared to prick, even the imperial doctors probably wouldn't dare to give the needle like this, can she do it?

Most people still believed in Huo Qiqi's medical skills. Just the day before yesterday, with King Ling's return home, Huo Qiqi's medical skills had been passed on to everyone as miraculous.

The Duke Huguo's Mansion still doesn't admit it, and the people in Prince Ling's Mansion are also tight-lipped.It doesn't matter if they don't admit it, people's ability to gossip is completely beyond everyone's imagination.

No one doubted that Huo Qiqi's medical skills were superb, even if she did not admit that she knew medical skills.

Wang Ruoxi was sitting under the eaves, and Huo Qiqi walked over with his back to everyone.

"Seventh Young Master, I have to work." Wang Ruoxi reluctantly thanked Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi blinked at her a few times, "Don't talk, you're seriously injured, don't aggravate your internal injuries. Also, you have to be mentally prepared, you might..."

Speaking of this, she lightly blinked at Wang Ruoxi twice.

"What might happen?" Wang Ruoxi was prepared.

"It may be temporarily paralyzed." Huo Qiqi replied softly.

Wang Ruoxi...

Like thunder, paralyzed?so heavy?She is still young and her face is damaged, so she doesn't care, but if she is paralyzed, she will have to lie in bed for the rest of her life and be served like a living dead, no, never!

Wang Ruoxi suddenly felt the darkness in front of her eyes.

Huo Qiqi looked at Wang Ruoxi helplessly, come on, is she going too far and scaring people really?
Fortunately, Wang Ruoxi reacted fairly quickly. She thought of Huo Qiqi blinking at her several times, "Can it be cured?"

"Just temporarily." Huo Qiqi blinked at her twice again.

Wang Ruoxi understood what she meant this time, and deliberately nodded with a bitter face.

The two fit together seamlessly.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Huo Qiqi pulled out the silver needle from Wang Ruoxi's body.

Immediately, a mouthful of dark-colored gore spewed out of Wang Ruoxi's mouth, and then, as soon as Wang Ruoxi's body softened, she slid down from the stool.

Mu Rouhe and Qiushi were taken aback, and they immediately supported Wang Ruoxi.

"Sir Qi, please save my young lady, she can't just be ruined like this." Qiu Shi asked Huo Qiqi for help while crying.

The onlookers had already inquired about the identities of the beating and the beating parties. Seeing Wang Ruoxi's miserable appearance, and thinking of what Huo Qiqi said, they all sighed.Of course, Wang Ruoyun, who was the perpetrator, was also dubbed vicious at this time.

Seeing that Wang Ruoxi's face was scratched, Wang Ruoyun was very excited.She was even more proud when she heard that Wang Ruoxi might be paralyzed in bed for the rest of her life.

This bitch deserves to lie in bed for the rest of his life!

But when she saw Huo Qiqi's cold, murderous eyes, she felt scared.

After all, with Huo Qiqi's unpredictable temperament, she was still not sure whether Huo Qiqi would beat her up in public or break her legs.

"The patient is here, come here quickly." Huo Qiqi was annoyed.

The Third Prince and Li Yuanbai stood in the crowd, looking at the angry Huo Qiqi in surprise.With Huo Qiqi's medical skills, is it the other doctor's turn to step forward?

Huo Qiqi handed him over to Mu Rouhe and Luyi for the time being, while he went over to give Jian Yu some instructions in a soft voice.

Wang Ruoyun had a bad sense and wanted to sneak away.

"Want to leave?" Huo Qiqi sneered, "Beat me, beat me to death."

The domineering and vicious Huo Qiqi who used to be is back again.

Jian Yu and the others only listened to Huo Qiqi's orders, they went over and beat the women and girls and Wang Ruoyun regardless of 21.

They are Huo Qiqi's bodyguards, not little girls like Luyi.

The arms of the mother-in-law and the girl were taken off by her again, let alone resisting, even dodging, they couldn't keep up with their movements.In just a moment, Wang Ruoyun and the women and girls beside her were beaten terribly.

"Don't hit me, I'm a lady in the second-rank official's residence, you..." Wang Ruoyun cried while crying.

"Officials' children can hurt people in the street? The prince breaks the law and is guilty of the same crime as the people. You are just a girl from a small step-mother in Zhanshi's mansion. Do you still want to surpass the prince?" Huo Qiqi sneered.Others are afraid of Zhan Shi's mansion, so when they come to her place, they have to get out sideways.

Jian Yu's few shots were solid, they followed Huo Qiqi, and at night, they also followed Huo Qiqi to learn medical skills, and they also practiced martial arts, so the acupuncture points they found were very accurate.Where the human body hurts the most, they will beat there.

"Huo Qiqi, you will die badly." Wang Ruoyun cursed.

The girls in Huojia Village had never seen such a violent Huo Qiqi before, they were so frightened that they crowded aside, and no one dared to speak.

And the harder Wang Ruoyun scolded, the harder the cut feathers were.

In the end, Wang Ruoyun was in so much pain that he didn't even have the strength to cry.

"Stop, Huo Qiqi, you dare to commit murder in public." I don't know where Wang Shaobai came from.He glared at Huo Qiqi with fiery eyes, and he wanted to go forward and tear Huo Qiqi into pieces.

"Assault, I don't know who did it. Zhanshi's Mansion hurt people first, we are just defending ourselves. Don't worry, the people around are all witnesses. If you are worried about me cheating, there are still two princes around." Huo Qiqi sneered, the fan in his hand was pointed at the third prince and Li Yuanbai accurately.

I go!Watch the excitement, and you will become a witness if you are not careful!The third prince's eyes widened, Huo Qiqi had seen them a long time ago, and he wanted to drag them into the water, cunning little fox!

(End of this chapter)

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