Chapter 341 Soft Knife

But the damn girl was lucky, she offended the two princes at the same time as soon as she showed her head.

Now that she is in prison, if she is sentenced, it will inevitably affect Wang Shaobai's future, and even the head of his family will be implicated.

what to do?Wang Zhanshi also had a headache for this.

Mr. Wang stood tremblingly and waited by the side. Wang Zhanshi didn't speak, and he didn't dare to ask again.

"Given the importance that scoundrel attaches to the lowly girl, he will definitely come to the door. As long as he comes to the door, it will be fine." Wang Zhanshi said grimly, "You go and prepare, you have no eyes, if something happens , can’t blame us.”

"Yes, Father." Lord Wang's eyes lit up.

This might as well be a good idea, if Zhan Shifu seized Wang Shaojie's tricks, no matter how helpless Huo Qiqi was, he would have to listen to Zhan Shifu's mercy.

"Master, how are you?" Mrs. Wang saw Mr. Wang coming out, and hurriedly went up to ask him.

"This matter is very troublesome. Don't worry about it. My father and I will take care of everything." Master Wang comforted her softly.

Mrs. Wang stared at him tearfully.

Mr. Wang couldn't bear to see her cry the most, so he had to whisper his plan while walking.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang immediately gloated in her fierce eyes.

It's just that they planned well.

However, Wang Shaojie didn't come to make trouble as they expected.

At this time, Huo Qiqi was still stabbing them softly in the back.

This time, it was still an opportunity to be sent to the door.

The cause of the incident was still King Ling's sore, although Huo Qiqi, Duke Huguo's Mansion, and Prince Ling's Mansion did not explicitly acknowledge Huo Qiqi's superb medical skills.But in all the families of the rich and powerful in the capital, no one knew that it was Huo Qiqi who saved King Ling's life.

People eat whole grains, how can there be no pain or disaster all year round.A person with high position and authority cherishes his own life even more.Can't have enough good days!

No, Liu Yushi's family has recently encountered troubles.

There are two little grandsons in Liu Yushi's family, one is three or four years old, and the other is five or six years old.For some reason, the two children have become thinner and thinner in the past few months. During the period, the two children also experienced vomiting, loss of appetite and abdominal pain. The youngest one occasionally vomits blood.

Everyone in the Liu family was frightened.

The Liu family has a great business and is a family, so there is no shortage of money.So one doctor after another was invited to come to the mansion for diagnosis for the two children. Almost all the doctors who were a little bit famous in the capital were invited to the mansion by them.

But the effect of the treatment was not satisfactory, and the child's condition continued to deteriorate.

The two children belonged to the two rooms respectively, and the two rooms were so anxious that they didn't know what to do.As soon as the news of King Ling's recovery came out, the female family members of the Liu family felt as if they had seen a savior.

But they also heard about Huo Qiqi's weirdness.Huo Qiqi didn't like to talk to them if they didn't have a recommendation from someone who was a scientific examiner.

And Hu Guogong is also an old fox who doesn't like oil and salt, just imagine, even King Ling's face, Hu Guogong doesn't give it to him.

How could Liu Yushi get the Lord Protector to agree to intercede for them?
Fortunately, the old lady's eyes were quick to change. The second lady in Liu Yushi's mansion was handkerchief friends with Mrs. Jingyuan Hou, although in recent years, in order to avoid suspicion, the two wives have not been very close.

But the former love is still there.

After finding such a relationship, the second wife of the Liu family found an opportunity to go to the Jingyuan Hou's mansion and reconnect with Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang is not stupid either. If a girlfriend who hasn't moved around for many years comes to the door, she must have something to ask for.

She simply took the initiative to ask.When she asked, the second lady shed tears on the spot.

Liu Yushi is upright and stubborn, but as long as he catches any official among the officials, he will definitely advise the emperor.At the beginning, the second wife and Mrs. Wang gradually distanced themselves from each other to avoid suspicion.

The second lady did not hide anything. After explaining the situation at home, although Mrs. Wang was in a dilemma, when she saw the two children, she softened her heart and agreed to help Duke Hu to find her daughter.

"The child is small, and two more were born at once. I also came to ask her because I saw her pitiful." Mrs. Wang looked at Wang Chuyun and sighed, "They are all grandmothers. If children suffer, adults feel even more uncomfortable. "

"Mother." Wang Chuyun was a little embarrassed, "I can't change the rules set by Qiqi. But I won't push it away when my mother comes to intercede. When my husband comes over at night, I will talk to him. It's just The Liu family wants Qi Qi to treat the child's illness, but the agreement has to be signed, and they also have to find four or five witnesses."

Mrs. Wang was relieved to see that she didn't say anything to death.

"Sure, I will pass the words to her. As for how to do it, that is their business." Mrs. Wang sighed again, "This is the only way for the time being."

After Mrs. Wang went back, she told the second wife what she had said. The second wife of the Liu family was immediately grateful and rushed back to the house to find a guarantor.

And at night, Wang Chuyun really went to Huo Yi'an to discuss matters about the Liu family.

Huo Yi'an didn't dare to agree directly, saying that he would ask Huo Qiqi before making a decision.

Unexpectedly, Huo Qiqi agreed very simply this time, "As long as they are willing to put their fingerprints on the agreement, they will find a few guarantors. I can show the children."

When Wang Chuyun heard this, she immediately became happy. She knew that Huo Qiqi was doing it for her sake.If it wasn't for her mother-in-law, she wouldn't want to embarrass Qi Qi.Qi Qi was trying to save face for her.

After getting the confirmed news, Mrs. Wang also breathed a sigh of relief, and found someone to pass the message to Liu's house.

The Liu family was overjoyed and immediately found someone to go there with them.

As a family, although Liu Yushi offended many people.However, Liu Yushi still found a few colleagues to go there.

Three of them are also censors, and the other is Jingyuanhou.

The female family members of the Liu family brought their two children to Duke Huo's mansion and met with Wang Chuyun first, while the men went to meet Duke Huo and the Huo family brothers.

But Huo Qiqi was not in the mansion.

The two children hugged their stomachs and cried, and Mrs. Liu knew that the children's stomach hurt again.

The child's mother, Mrs. Shao, was so distressed that she shed tears, but no one dared to complain.

Fortunately, not long after, Huo Qiqi finally came back.It's just that her face is very ugly.

"Why, the matter hasn't been settled yet?" Huo Yichen deliberately asked in front of the Liu family and several censors.

"I don't even know how to let such a person become a second-rank official. Such a family tradition, who still cares about royal etiquette, is a big joke." Huo Qiqi replied angrily.

"Fortunately, with Qiqi here, Miss Wang's health will recover soon. Otherwise, she will be really ruined." Huo Yi'an also comforted her with a smile.

"Nephew." When Jing Yuanhou heard her speak, he immediately understood what Huo Qiqi meant, but he kept his face and deliberately did not answer, and greeted Huo Qiqi with a smile.

"Qiqi met Uncle." Huo Qiqi seemed to realize that there were other guests in the room, so she hurriedly saluted Jingyuanhou.Then he greeted others, but his attitude seemed more perfunctory.

(End of this chapter)

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