Chapter 342 Coaxing the Children

Who in the capital doesn't know that Huo Qiqi has the weirdest temper, and Duke Huo is the one who protects his weaknesses the most.

In the past in the palace, Huo Qiqi always looked at people with his nostrils upturned, or lowered his head and ignored no one, let alone them, even in front of the prince's gate, Huo Qiqi always did the same.

Today when they came to protect the country, Huo Qiqi took the initiative to salute them, which already surprised several censors.As for Huo Qiqi's perfunctory attitude, everyone unanimously ignored it.

"The child is still waiting in the pharmacy, hurry up and show it to the child. Make trouble!" the Lord Protector urged her, and then he muttered casually, "The matter of the Wang family has been handed over to Mr. Zhang, the prefect. Don't worry about it!" Nevermind."

Huo Qiqi agreed, then cupped his hands and said to the crowd, "Please go over and be a witness. You must already know that I don't have a medical certificate. Master Liu is willing to give it a try, so I reluctantly agree. But I can't guarantee the result , so the agreement must be signed, and witnesses must be present.”

She was very polite.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little more satisfied with her.

"Seventh Young Master's medical skills are superb, but there are no rules and no rules. There is nothing wrong with doing this." Huang Yushi said with a smile.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

After signing the agreement, everyone followed the aisle and arrived at the door of the pharmacy in a while.

Unlike other places in the pharmacy, many flowers are planted here.Take a closer look, all kinds of flowers are actually medicinal materials that can be used as medicine.

As soon as everyone entered the yard, they heard the cry of a child coming from inside.

Huo Qiqi walked into the yard unhurriedly, but the Liu family couldn't wait to pull Huo Qiqi in.But Huo Qiqi was not in a hurry, and they didn't dare to act rashly.

"Seventh brother, you came just in time. The two young masters are suffering from severe stomach pains right now." Wang Chuyun heard the movement, looked up to see Huo Qiqi, and his face immediately showed surprise.

To be honest, they are all mothers. In a short period of time, the two children of the Liu family have been crying non-stop. While she looks distressed, she is also a little upset.

When Huo Qiqi came over, it was as if she had taken a reassurance.

"Auntie, ladies." Huo Qiqi greeted everyone politely.

The Liu family looked at Huo Qiqi as if they were looking at a savior. Huo Qiqi saluted them, and the wives hurriedly returned the salute, wishing they could go forward and salute Huo Qiqi.

"The two children kept crying and fussing, and they didn't want to eat any snacks." Wang Chuyun said softly.

Huo Qiqi nodded, at this moment, the nurse brought two basins and put them on the basin shelf.

After Huo Qiqi went to a basin to wash his hands, he went to the child.

The older children were already sensible and had been taught well by the Liu family. Although he was a little scared when he saw Huo Qiqi, a stranger, he saluted Huo Qiqi very politely.

"You're so good." Huo Qiqi treated the child very kindly.She looks good and is pleasing in itself.With such a smile, the older child couldn't help but blush.

The crowd couldn't help but laugh.

"Very cute, but a little skinny." Huo Qiqi looked at the child as if chattering.

The child blushed even more, and lowered his head, not daring to look at her.

So Huo Qiqi asked some questions logically, the questions were very simple, what did the child like to eat, what did he not like to eat, what did he like to play with every day, and what did he eat recently.

Some of these questions were answered by several wives, some by girls and women, and some by the children themselves.

"Can you lie down on the couch and let me see your stomach?" Huo Qiqi asked, "I have to see if the glutton in your stomach is hiding, why doesn't it come out, and won't let the cute child eat? ?”

"Do you also have gluttons in your stomach?" The Liu family's family style is very strict on weekdays. The child has never met Huo Qiqi who is so funny. He thinks Huo Qiqi's questions are too amusing, so he can't help but ask her.

"Yes, everyone has gluttons in their stomachs," Huo Qiqi said mysteriously in a low voice, "Otherwise, how could I not be able to stop drooling when I smell the food?"

After hearing this, the child couldn't help laughing.

"Come on, lie down." Huo Qiqi took his little hand.

The children went to bed obediently, and the younger one also forgot to cry, staring at the older one.

Huo Qiqi unbuttoned the child's shirt, and the child blushed even more.

"Does it hurt here?" Huo Qiqi's massage technique was very unique, the child didn't feel the slightest discomfort, but felt very comfortable.

"It hurts." The child looked a little aggrieved.

"Okay, I see." Huo Qiqi touched the area around his belly button and helped him get dressed again.From the beginning to the end, she did not ask the maidservant to help.

"Can you coax my younger brother to let me rub his stomach too?" Huo Qiqi pointed to the younger child and said to the older child.

The child nodded, and went over to bite the ear with the little one.I don't know what he said, but the little one walked up to Huo Qiqi shyly.

Huo Qiqi smiled at him, stretched out his hand and unbuttoned his shirt, and touched his belly for a while.Huo Qiqi's hands were warm and comfortable to the touch, and the child kept staring at her curiously with his belly puffed out.

"Sir Qi, who are they?" After Huo Qiqi went to wash his hands in another basin, the eldest lady of the Liu family couldn't help but sounded to Huo Qiqi.

"Don't worry, I'll go get ready first." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, without further explanation.

Da Furen didn't dare to say anything more, so she just sat back in embarrassment.

Huo Qiqi went straight to the pharmacy not far away, and came out after a while.

"Come on, since we are friends, I'll give you jelly beans." When Huo Qiqi came back, he raised a bottle in his hand with a smile.

Children are very curious, and the eyes of the two children are all attracted by the bottle in her hand.

"Come on, one per person, don't grab it." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

Generally speaking, children like to eat sweets.The jelly beans are indeed jelly beans, and the jelly beans are too small. After the two children finished eating, they still didn't like it, but because of their tutoring, they didn't ask for it from Huo Qiqi.

"Take the child away." Huo Qiqi washed his hands again.

Mrs. Liu didn't know why, so she had no choice but to ask the mother-in-law and girl to carry the child to the courtyard to play.

"They have roundworms in their stomachs, and they were given anti-worm medicine just now. After a stick of incense, the children may feel unbearable abdominal pain. However, as long as the pain is over, the worms in the stomach will come down. The worms that are shot down need to be Dig a hole and put in quicklime and bury it deep. Usually, they are required to wash their hands before meals and after using the toilet. In the kitchen, the cooks at home must handle raw vegetables separately." Huo Qiqi ordered, "Shoot the bugs and come back here tomorrow morning Just eat a sugar pill."

So simple?The Liu family was a little uneasy.

Can a jelly bean cure the disease?The Liu family was skeptical about the various soups and medicines prescribed by other doctors in the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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