Chapter 383
"Go back to the emperor." Huo Qiqi secretly waved his hand to Huo Yi'an who was about to step forward, and then went to explain with a smile, "For these peaches, I almost racked my brains."

"Oh?" There was no sign of anger on the emperor's face, instead he looked at Huo Qiqi with interest, waiting for her to explain.

"Near the capital, where can there be peaches to sell in this weather? It is also unrealistic to buy and transport them from southern Xinjiang. First of all, the journey is too long. To put it bluntly, I am a businessman, and I am most particular about cost calculation. From the south The cost is too high to buy only a few peaches and ship them over. I am definitely not willing to do such an uneconomical business. Secondly, the journey from the south to the capital is a long way, and peaches are perishable fruits. The capital might turn into jam. Besides, it’s hard to say whether there are peaches in the south this season.”

"After all, I haven't gotten to the point. Huo Qiqi, you're really slippery." The emperor laughed out loud.

"Actually, the method is very easy to say. I'm worried that others will eavesdrop." Huo Qiqi said in a joking tone, "Since the emperor asks, I don't want to keep it. In fact, the fruit can be preserved for a long time if stored at low temperature. For a while."

"Cryogenic storage?" The emperor asked in surprise.

"There is a big cave on the mountain in my village. Generally speaking, the temperature in the cave is different from the temperature outside. However, the temperature in the cave is not enough to support the preservation of the fruit for such a long time, so I asked people to wait a while Time puts ice cubes in the corner of the cave to keep the temperature in the cave at all times. In this way, the fruits stored inside will not be easily spoiled. To tell you the truth, I still have some fruits stored there, just wait I will make a lot of money during the Chinese New Year this year." Huo Qiqi explained with a smile, not keeping any secrets.

Everyone was dumbfounded, I'm going, Huo Qiqi's brain is too good, right?

No one doubted her statement, after all, everyone knows that putting things in the ice cellar in summer is not easy to break.But no one thought about using low temperature to preserve the fruit!

"Huo Qiqi, did you come up with this idea?" The emperor asked with a smile.

"Master thought of half of it, and half of it was my own. Master mentioned ice storage, but that thing is too complicated, even an old man can't figure it out, let alone me." Huo Qiqi rubbed his head and explained.

"Huo Qiqi, you have a good master." The emperor sighed.It's a pity that such a powerful person died?
"During the Chinese New Year, I will order a batch of fruits first, and then let the Ministry of Internal Affairs come to pick them up." The emperor smiled and placed the order first.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for taking care of the grassroots business." Huo Qiqi answered in a spirited manner.

Everyone secretly rolled their eyes at her, she really deserves to be a descendant of Duke Protector, Huo Qiqi is as stingy as the old guy.

"The emperor opened his mouth, and the veteran also dared to follow suit. Huo Qiqi, you also leave a hundred and ten catties for the Lu family." Taifu Lu hurriedly said.

"Prince Ling's mansion also costs a hundred and ten catties."


Driven by the emperor, the voices of asking for fruit rose and fell.

The third prince stared at Huo Qiqi dumbfounded, this guy actually won the emperor's business, it's really amazing.

"Everyone." Huo Qiqi waved his hands with a smile, "There are not too many fruits, but there are also a lot of them. If you want fruits, let's wait until the Chinese New Year. You can go directly to Zhuangzi to find Butler Fucheng. There are many people. I can't remember."

"I don't care about others. But you have to keep the thousand catties I want." The emperor said with a smile.

"That's necessary." Huo Qiqi smiled even more happily.

Seeing that Huo Qiqi coaxed the emperor well with a few words, Grand Master Zhao was very angry.

The relationship between the Grand Master's Mansion and the Huguo Gong's Mansion is not good, and today's visit is just to save face.Others asked Huo Qiqi for fruit, but he couldn't open the mouth, so he could only secretly get angry on the sidelines.

"Duke Protector, haven't the juniors kowtowed to congratulate?" the emperor asked.

"If you go back to the emperor, not yet." Duke Hu laughed until his face turned into a flower.

"Then hurry up and kowtow, I'm still waiting to be seated." The emperor urged with a smile.

As soon as the emperor urged, Huo Yi'an and Huo Yining immediately got together.

The servants spread a bright red blanket on the ground, Duke Hu was invited to be the first, and the emperor took the initiative to sit on the sidelines to watch the ceremony, giving enough face to Duke Hu.

Immediately there were crowds of people inside and outside the door.

"The grandson congratulates the grandfather, wishing the grandfather a long life like Nanshan, and every year he has the present." Huo Yi'an and his wife asked the servants to present gifts, and the family of four kowtowed in a row.

When everyone found that what the couple gave was just an ordinary set of clothes and shoes, they all made a little surprised sound.

The people in the Jingyuan Hou's Mansion stood aside and felt their faces were hot, wishing they could get under the ground.How could these two children be given such a gift on such a day.

"Thousands of needles, needles are all love, so it turns out that my sister-in-law is not far away to give her hands to others because of her grandfather." Huo Qiqi sighed beside her.

"Okay." The Duke Protector was so happy that he smiled like a flower.

"My grandson wishes my grandfather to be as blessed as the East Sea and live longer than Nanshan." Huo Yining and Huo Yixing were the second batch to go up.

The gifts given by the two were also inconspicuous. The former gave a wood carving carved by himself, and the latter gave an ancient painting that he found.

The last ones to play were Huo Yichen and Huo Qiqi.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." the two sang directly.

But the singing was quite interesting, and many children couldn't help humming along.

"Grandfather, this is porcelain made by myself." Huo Yi showed off.

When Duke Protector saw the porcelain, tears immediately fell.The shape of the porcelain is villains, which are his sons and daughter-in-law who passed away.

The eyes of Huo Yi'an and others were also red.

"Grandfather, fourth brother can't steal all the limelight. Look at the cake I personally made for you." Huo Qiqi clapped his hands, and immediately rolled out a small wooden cart from the side of the main hall. The cart was several people tall big cake.

Huo Qiqi lit the candles with his own hands, "Grandfather, close your eyes and secretly make three wishes, and they will definitely come true in the new year. It's very effective."

"Alright." Duke Protector was really coaxed into laughing by her.

He obediently closed his eyes, while Huo Qiqi softly hummed the birthday song.

When Duke Protector opened his eyes, Huo Qiqi asked him to blow out the candles on the cake.

Then there is a scene where everyone is happy and the cake is divided.

The Duke's Mansion not only made big cakes, but also put small cakes on each table.

The sound of firecrackers outside immediately sounded, and the banquet in the house also began.

"Duke Protector, Huo Qiqi is really making a fuss." The emperor was a little jealous. "By the way, Huo Qiqi, if I don't bring me good wine today, I will definitely not obey."

"Your majesty, it must be good wine." Huo Qiqi personally carried two jars of good wine and put them on the table, "There are only two jars of good wine brewed from snow water in Tianshan Mountain. If there are any leftovers, the emperor can bring half of them if he likes them." Go back to the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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