Chapter 384
With half altar?The corner of the emperor's mouth couldn't help twitching, it really was the child raised by Duke Hu, the old and the young, they were all so stingy.

However, after everyone shared a cup, the emperor knew why Huo Qiqi was so stingy.

The aroma of the wine is strong and lingering, with a little bit of hotness in the sweetness, but it never burns the mouth.Good wine!
I don't know if it's an illusion, but after drinking a glass of wine slowly, the emperor felt his whole body was refreshed, and in winter, the shoulder blades that used to feel sore became very comfortable now.

"Huo Qiqi." The emperor looked at Huo Qiqi who was coaxing the child beside him, and the corner of his mouth twitched again.I didn't realize that Huo Qiqi, a violent guy, could be so patient.

"The emperor is here." Huo Qiqi turned his head and looked at the emperor with a smile, his beautiful big eyes looked very innocent.

"Book." Huo Wuyou was unhappy and kept calling.

"Worriless." Huo Yi'an felt a little embarrassed, and quickly coaxed him softly.

The little guy ignored his father, and kept tugging on Huo Qiqi's sleeve, "Book."

"How much wine is left?" the emperor asked, pointing to the wine jar.

"There are only these two jars of wine of the same quality." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

"Huo Qiqi, it's wrong to keep such fine wine privately. Your Majesty..." Taishi Zhao wanted to put eye drops on Huo Qiqi in front of the emperor.

Huo Qiqi glanced at him with a faint smile, "Master Zhao thought this kind of wine was made from Chinese cabbage in the field and could be brewed casually? If it wasn't because His Majesty was here, how could Grand Master Zhao have the chance to drink fine wine? Secretly kept? I don't know Since when did Yun Kingdom add a law that the good things made by the people are considered as private possessions?"

"Your Majesty, the grand master is devoted to the emperor, and he wants to honor the emperor with the remaining half jar of wine. If the emperor doesn't dislike it, why not take it back to the palace and taste it slowly." The Duke Protector said with a smile on the side.


"The old minister actually still has some medicinal wine in his hand, but the medicinal wine contains medicine, and I don't dare to make a decision to offer it to the emperor at will." Duke Hu said with a bitter face on purpose.

Master Zhao was so angry that his face was trembling.

The emperor didn't know what to say, he was such a protector, a stingy guy, he didn't want to say it straight.

"Huo Qiqi, what's the name of this wine?" The emperor asked, while directly ordering Eunuch De to put away the remaining half of the wine.

"It's called ice wine. It's the rootless snow on the highest peak of the snow mountain, and it's snow at midnight. In addition, the bottom water of the middle and upper reaches of the river and the spring water in the uninhabited high mountain are also taken. The three are mixed to make four jars of wine, two of which have already been drunk by the master, and the rest are all on the table." After Huo Qiqi's voice fell, everyone was filled with emotion.

The snow on the top of the snow mountain at midnight is enough to raise the value of the wine.The wine was not easy to come by, Huo Qiqi directly contributed two jars, and they were the last two jars, people also said that they were only given out for the emperor.Hehe, Taishi Zhao was directly slapped in the face.

Everyone looked at Taishi Zhao with great interest.

Grand Master Zhao blushed and turned pale, and could hardly sit still.However, when the emperor was here, he didn't lose his temper, so he could just sit there.

The wine on the table was put away by the emperor, and everyone had no wine to drink.

Everyone pestered Duke Huguo to take out the medicinal wine and share it with everyone, even the emperor said to do as he pleases.

Duke Hu had no choice but to take out a small jar of medicinal wine.

"Drink it sparingly, the medicinal materials in it are not easy to find." He told everyone distressedly.

Everyone knows his virtues, so everyone stopped being polite to him and just drank away.

"Huo Qiqi, what's this?" When the cabbage vermicelli and pork came out, the emperor took a bite of the vermicelli and looked at Huo Qiqi angrily.

"Fans." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, "It's made from sweet potatoes."

sweet potato?Everyone was surprised again.

"No wonder you want to buy so many sweet potatoes." Old General Chen said in surprise.

"It's actually a sweet potato." The emperor picked up the vermicelli and tasted it again, but he couldn't taste the taste of sweet potatoes.If Huo Qiqi hadn't mentioned the ingredients, no one would have guessed that such a delicious food was actually made of sweet potatoes.

However, the ingredients used by the Duke of the Protector's Mansion seem to be very common, but the taste is really unique.

The emperor was a little envious, although his daily meals were rich, but the taste was extremely light, so light that he almost lost his appetite every day.

It’s better to be an old fellow, Duke Hu, who can eat so well every day.

The guests at the men's table ate happily, and the women's table was also very lively.

"What kind of wine is this?" Mrs. Lu looked at the red wine in the glass and asked curiously.

"This is fruit wine. The red is brewed from hawthorn. We women drink it for beauty and health. I heard from the seventh brother that if you drink a cup every day, you can reduce stroke hemiplegia. Women's blood is also good." Wang Chuyun said with a smile.

"I said why the young lady's complexion is so good, she must have been drinking a lot on weekdays." Immediately, the lady next to her complimented her a little.

"To tell you the truth, I really didn't drink too much." Wang Chuyun smiled and touched her face. Her skin was smoother and fairer than a freshly peeled egg. "Worriless wants to drink milk, so I definitely can't touch wine. However, the seventh brother prepares all kinds of scented tea for the family. Among the scented teas, there are also nourishing qi and blood, and the effect is very good."

"That's true. We got some scented tea and fruit wine too. Take a look, isn't my complexion much better than before?" Mrs. Wang asked with a smile.

Everyone stared at the Wang family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Sure enough, the skins of the female relatives were so tender that they could squeeze out water.As a result, the women became more interested in the fruit wine on the table.

The two little girls from Miracle Doctor Valley also like to drink this kind of sweet fruit wine, but they don't pay attention to the benefits that Wang Chuyun said.No matter how good fruit wine is, it's just wine. If you really want to nourish qi and blood, you still have to rely on potions.

An Xishi was surrounded by many ladies and ladies, and everyone was asking for ways to keep themselves healthy.

An Xishi has a good temper, and she will never refuse anyone's request.It's just a few casual words that can get a good reputation. How could she refuse such a good thing.

However, thinking of Li Yuanbai's unsalty attitude towards her, An Xishi always felt a little sad.

The emperor couldn't leave the palace for too long, after a while the guards brought a large amount of rewards from the palace, the emperor left with the guards.

Huo Qiqi and Duke Hu Guo secretly filled the emperor with a small jar of medicinal wine, and gave him some fruits he likes to eat.

When the emperor left, he didn't make a sound and didn't disturb other people, but the people in the room sent him out.

After the emperor left, less than an hour later, the servant came in and hurriedly reported, "My lord, two people came outside the door, and they kept saying they were here to ask for medicine."

"Ask for medicine?" Huo Yi'an was surprised.

Isn't there a pharmacy in the mansion? !

He looked at the Duke Protector sitting at another table who was drinking happily, and stood up quietly.

"Brother, I'll go out with you to have a look." Huo Yining followed suit and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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