Chapter 406 The Role of Role Models

"Hot pot?" Huo Yixing looked at her suspiciously.

"I'll find out later." Huo Qiqi replied with a chuckle, teasing Huo Wuyou with a prawn in her hand.

Huo Wuyou had something to eat, so he focused all his attention on eating, and never paid attention to others.

After the food tasting was over, Huo Qiqi asked Jian Yu to order some finger biscuits from the pastry shop next door, and then stuffed them to Huo Wuyou in his arms.

Huo Wuyou happily held up the biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth.

This guy is a natural foodie. Huo Yixing said that when he gets married in the future, he will never have such a brat.

Huo Qiqi liked Huo Wuyou very much, and teased him while walking.

After a while, a group of people arrived at the shop next door.

"I remember that this shop originally sold wine. Why is the shopkeeper willing to sell the shop?" Gu Guangxi asked suspiciously.

"If the money is in place, he will naturally be willing to sell it." Huo Yixing looked rich and powerful.

"Zuixianlou's wine, Yunkelai's wine, and Gourmet Zhai's wine all have their own sources. He is caught in the middle, who will buy his wine?" Wang Shaojie said with a smile.

Huo Qiqi gave him a look of approval.

Wang Shaojie couldn't help feeling complacent. Gu Guangxi was a little embarrassed that he asked such a stupid question.

"Sure enough, there is a hole in the middle of the table." Wang Shaojie saw the table in the shop, and rushed towards it.

Gu Guangxi also used to study with the two of them.

"Could it be that you just put the big pot of vegetables here?" Huo Yichen asked in surprise. "Or, put it in a pot?"

"It's the pot." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

Just kidding, she has harvested so many chili peppers, except for making chili sauce this year, there are so many others in stock, and the chili peppers in her space have also become a disaster.

She had to find a reasonable reason to sell the peppers.

On the second day, Huo Qiqi urged Lan Keyi to come over to check the test drug early in the morning, and then hurriedly led them away.

Seeing her hurried appearance, Xiao Chengfeng frowned, but in the end he didn't ask any more questions.

Huo Qiqi rushed to the shop, Huo Yichen and Huo Yixing were already waiting for her in the shop.

"To make chili and seasoning." Huo Qiqi said.

"If it's too much trouble, we won't be able to make it in time for the opening at noon." Huo Yichen said.

"We will open at night." Huo Qiqi replied, and asked someone to write a notice and post it.

"Open at night?" Princess Changle looked at the notice on the shop, her eyes widened in shock, who had seen a shop that opened at night.

"Master Huo Qi does things differently than others." Lu Yaozhi commented with a smile.

"If there is a good wine pairing, my father will definitely come to join me."


"Jun Wang, Huo Qi has opened a new shop across the street." When Yun Ke came to the shopkeeper to hear the news, the first thing he did was to report it to Li Yuanjin.

"She drove hers, and it has nothing to do with us." Li Yuanjin replied unhappily.

The shopkeeper is about to cry, sir, it doesn't matter why.If Huo Qiqi opens the shop again, they, Yun Ke, will be able to close the shop.

"I'll try it at night." Li Yuanjin said coldly, "Go over and see if you can reserve a table."

"Yes, the king of the county." The shopkeeper promised to go out, and his heart was really about to cry.The owner of the hotel owned by the family, the king of the county does not support him, but rushes to book a table in other people's shop, what is this called?

Huo Qiqi ignored the noise outside, and wholeheartedly led the waiters and the chef to prepare the seasoning.

"There are so many seasonings?" Huo Yixing asked in surprise.

"Yes, in the future, if conditions permit, we can make more seasonings. These seasonings also need to be paid for." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile. "Every person costs [-] renminbi for seasoning, [-] renminbi for tableware, and [-] renminbi for paper towels."

"You have to pay for the tableware?" Now, even Huo Yichen was surprised.

"That's a must. Think about it, the guests need to put on a plate after ordering, so there are so many tableware, don't you need money to ask someone to wash it?" Huo Qiqi said, "Of course it's more reasonable for them to pay for this labor fee."

When she said that, Huo Yichen and Huo Yixing had nothing to say.But if that word came out of someone else's mouth, they'd have to make that person lose some front teeth.

Stir-frying seasoning is a technical job, but also a physical job.

Huo Qiqi put on a mask, called several chefs over, mixed a batch of ingredients by himself, and instructed them to fry them.

When the chili is put into the pot, the heat should not be too high, otherwise, the chili is easy to burn.

The oil is authentic soybean oil, and it took more than an hour to stir-fry the bottom of a large pot full of seasoning.

"Qiqi, here comes the fish." Wang Shaojie came in excitedly.

"Sort the fish into the pool." Huo Qiqi ordered.

Hearing this, the young servant who accompanied him hurriedly took buckets and nets to unload the goods.

Half of these fish are live fish sent by Zhuangzi, and half are sent by people sent by the Cao Gang. Many of them are kept in water tanks by the river, and they are sent over when they need to be picked up.

There are more fish sent, and everyone has been busy for a while.

In addition, there are a lot of vegetables, bean products and mushrooms sent from Zhuangzi. The waiters and shopkeepers in the shop are all so busy that their backs ache.

The people who ate in Zuixianlou could only smell the hot aroma, and they couldn't help their appetites.

Huo Qiqi's shops are always novel.What's more, this shop opened at night, which can be said to have completely broken the precedent of opening in the capital.

Many diners said that they must come to join in the evening.

In the afternoon, just as the sun was setting in the west, many customers were already waiting in front of the hot pot restaurant.

"Sure enough, it's a wise move for someone to book a seat." The Third Prince looked at the long queue at the door, and couldn't help gloating.

Li Yuanbai was a little impatient.

Fortunately, after a while, the hot pot restaurant finally opened. According to the old rules, the shopkeeper set off firecrackers outside, and customers can go in.

"Please order." Xiaoer said to the customer.

It turned out to be a menu, and every ingredient was very cheap, but the hot pot base was not cheap, and the tableware and seasonings had to be paid extra. All the diners were surprised and talked about it.

Both Wang Shaojie and Gu Guangxi are foodies. They brought special small bowls to the bluestone slab table next to them, and each picked some condiments and took them back. At this time, Xiaoer had already placed the dishes they ordered on the floor. on the shelf.

Xiao Er directly lit the fire at the bottom of the pot, and then the two of them poured the fish into the bottom of the pot calmly, added vegetables, the bottom of the pot boiled, and started to eat.

They are almost role models for the official match.

Let me go, there is also this way of eating, which is to bring the pot directly to the table to eat.

Is one pot stew really so delicious?Everyone stared at the two gobblers, drooling uncontrollably.These two people eat too fiercely, there is no room for everyone's imagination.

"Give me a sauerkraut and fish pot bottom." The third prince thought it was interesting, and immediately ordered smartly, "A black fish..."

Then, he ordered a bunch of ground vegetables, half and half of meat and vegetables.

Xiao Er agreed and brought the bottom of the pot soon.

(End of this chapter)

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