Chapter 407 Come join us

There are many kinds of hot pot bases, such as pickled cabbage fish, spicy, mandarin duck hot pot, hot pot, white soup, and fish hot pot. The guests who came in thought it was interesting to serve their own dishes and season them by themselves, so the room gradually became lively.

In the evening, lanterns were hung outside, and mutton skewers were also sold, and the appetizers for everyone drinking became more abundant.

"This kid has a lot of tricks." The third prince commented with a smile while eating.

Li Yuanbai ate his own dishes quietly. The sauerkraut in the hot pot was extremely sour and refreshing. The fish was fresh and tender, dipped in seasonings, and there was no fishy smell at all. He agreed with the third prince's words in his heart, Huo Qiqi did have a way of doing business.

"Third Prince, Sixth Prince." Suddenly, Jiang Wan rushed to their table, and then An Xishi and Jiang Ting also came over.

An Xishi saluted them.

"Third Prince and Sixth Prince, we came late and we don't have a place, can we join you at a table?" Jiang Wan asked with a smile.

She grew up in the valley of genius doctors since she was a child, and she has always been ignorant of the worldly affairs outside.

The third prince had something to ask of them, although he was unhappy in his heart, but in terms of face, he would never make it right.

"It's okay, it's all done in one pot anyway." He agreed with a smile.

The corners of An Xishi's mouth curled up, she knew that the Third Prince would definitely not refuse to listen to them.

"Xiao Er, add another chair." The third prince shouted with a smile, "We need to add three more sets of tableware."

Li Yuanbai quickly finished the fish in the bowl, and when Jiang Wan and the others were seated, he stood up, "Take your time, take a step first."

The smile on An Xishi's face suddenly froze.

"Are you despising us?" Jiang Wan always said whatever was on her mind.

"Miss is overthinking." Li Yuanbai did not go out, but went to the backyard to find Xiaoer, "Where is Huo Qiqi?"

"The seventh son is in the backyard." Xiao Er replied in surprise.

Li Yuanbai walked in slowly after listening.

"The sixth prince seems to have a very good relationship with the seventh son." An Xishi smiled forcedly.

"There are some business contacts." The third prince replied with a smile, "Come here, add food, order your favorite dishes. These dishes may come from his farm."

It's an explanation in disguise.

After Jiang Wan arrived in the capital, she let herself go a little bit.The food in Miracle Doctor Valley is not good, but there are delicious food everywhere in the capital.Although she didn't like Huo Qiqi, it was undeniable that everything sold in Huo Qiqi's shop was delicious.Whether it's snacks, dim sum, or this hot pot.

"The sixth prince's Zhuangzi serves the seventh son Huo?" An Xishi asked in surprise.

"Lao Liu and I bought some land near Huo Qiqi's village. The planting and sales belong to Huo Qiqi, and we just take the money." The third prince answered every question.

I see!An Xishi finally felt relieved and began to eat seriously.

The three girls were interesting, talking about interesting things in the capital while eating.

None of them noticed that since they came in, the Third Prince had never eaten a bite.

Li Yuanbai found Huo Qiqi in the backyard, and Huo Qiqi was crouching at the table and doing the accounting.

When she saw Li Yuanbai coming in, she put down the pen in her hand and closed the ledger, "The sixth prince is not dining in front, what are you doing in the backyard?"

"Chat." Li Yuanbai found a chair and sat down by himself.

Seeing him coming uninvited, Jian Yu and the others couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Serve tea to the sixth prince." Huo Qiqi ordered lightly.

Jing Feng turned around to make tea, Huo Qiqi smiled brightly at Li Yuanbai.

Huo Qiqi's smile like this often means that she wants to plot against others, or that she has something to ask for.

Li Yuanbai drank the tea without even raising his eyelids.

"Winter is here, it's a pity that the chickens in the Sixth Prince's village are only kept alive and don't lay eggs." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

Li Yuanbai didn't speak, he waited for Huo Qiqi to take the initiative to reveal his purpose.

"Sixth Prince, why don't you sell all the chickens to me. Pigs, sheep, ducks, fish, are you interested in selling them?" Huo Qiqi grinned, and as expected, he did not disappoint Li Yuanbai's expectations. He poured beans into a bamboo tube and said directly. Purpose.

"Are you still raising these next year?" Li Yuanbai asked.

"Nurture." Huo Qiqi nodded.

"As much as you grow in your farm, I will sell the seedlings in my farm." Li Yuanbai was also straightforward.

"That's it." Huo Qiqi rested her chin.

In fact, chicken seedlings and duck seedlings are really nothing to her.It is self-produced and sold in the space, and under constant temperature, it hatches quickly.Like chicklings, it takes less than 21 days at all.

"Chicken, duck, and goose seedlings are easy to handle. I'm going to let people hatch a batch first, and raise them next spring, just in time for egg production. But for sheep and pigs, your Zhuangzi can keep the cubs by yourself." Huo Qiqi said.

"That's good." Li Yuanbai said flatly. "Can the bottom material of this kind of hot pot be preserved and shipped outside?"

"The sixth prince wants to join the hot pot restaurant?" Huo Qiqi's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the business to come so soon.

"Join?" Li Yuanbai asked suspiciously.The Northland is cold, he just wants some basic ingredients, and opens a hot pot restaurant in the Northland, so that the soldiers can eat warm occasionally.

"I'm really planning to find an agent store to join our hot pot restaurant. The franchise fee is 200 taels of silver. The store is responsible for the delivery of the base material and sauerkraut. Of course, we will charge extra money for the base material and sauerkraut. The lowest price." Huo Qi Qi explained with a smile.

Sure enough, she has to collect money here, Li Yuanbai looked at her helplessly, "There is a piece of northern land, I want it."

"I'm sorry, Sixth Prince, you may have misunderstood. The so-called franchised stores are not counted by a piece of land, but by the storefront." Huo Qiqi kindly explained to him.

"I want three." Li Yuanbai replied flatly.

"Don't worry, I will only agree to one family in one county." Huo Qiqi shook her head and assured her that she was a person with great professional ethics.

After the two discussed it, they signed an agreement on the spot.

Li Yuanbai immediately ordered someone to go to the mansion to bring the money, and ordered [-] servings of base ingredients and sauerkraut.

This is considered a big family, Huo Qiqi took the money, and immediately felt that he was much more pleasing to the eye.

The hot pot became a big hit in the capital overnight, regardless of men, women and children.

Where there is business, there are business opportunities, and the merchants who cooperated with Huo Qiqi immediately came to him, wanting to inquire if they could open a hot pot restaurant like this in every state.

To Huo Qiqi's surprise, Li Yuanjin also came to him.

What Li Yuanjin wanted was the agency right in the fief, and there were only two hot pot restaurants.

Huo Qiqi would never get in trouble with Yin Zi, anyone who came to her door, as long as she was willing to sign an agreement, she would agree to all of them.

In this way, many fief princes, county lords, and county lords all became Huo Qiqi's partners. Huo Qiqi could wake up laughing at night with money in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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