Chapter 413 Invitation

Huo Qiqi's dishes must taste good.And as long as Huo Qiqi is willing to entertain, the wine is fine.

It took more than an hour for lunch to go away.

Every family has Zhuangzi, and Zhuangzi is newly built.Therefore, all rooms in Zhuangzi are reserved for the master, and all the supplies in it are also new.

It was the first time for Gu Zhenye and his wife to come here. After seeing Xinqi, after eating here, they went directly to visit their own Zhuangzi.

Princess Yongle has no Zhuangzi here, so she looks pitiful.

Although Chen Zhenzhu didn't like her, she still didn't feel at ease keeping her here, so she just dragged her to her own villa in the end.

"Book." Huo Wuyou didn't sleep after eating, and kept pestering Huo Qiqi.Huo Qiqi carried him to his room, but unexpectedly, Li Yuanbai followed her into the room without making a sound.

"Sixth prince, please stay. This is the seventh son's private room, outsiders are not allowed to enter." Jian Yu stopped him.

"Please come in." Huo Qiqi greeted from the room.

Jian Yu hesitated for a moment before turning sideways to make way for Li Yuanbai.

After Minglang gave Jianyu a hard look, he and Qingfeng stood outside the house and waited obediently.

This place is obviously Huo Qiqi's private resting place.

Li Yuanbai went in and glanced at the room calmly.

This is a suite, and the outside of the house is obviously a study room, with bookshelves on one side, pens, ink, papers and inkstones on a table, and a soft bed on the other side.The inner room could not be seen very clearly, because there was a bead curtain hanging on the door, Huo Qiqi and Huo Wuyou were having fun inside.

The house had a fire wall, and it was very warm inside.Li Yuanbai directly untied the outer cloak and put it on the back of the chair, and then directly opened the curtain.

The furnishings in the house are very simple. On one wall are three-door cupboards taller than one person, a table, a big bed, and a bed beside it.

Huo Wuyou took off the little padded jacket outside, and was sitting on the soft couch to play, while Huo Qiqi sat next to him and watched him play.

"Sixth Prince, please sit down." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, pointing to the stool.

Li Yuanbai sat down calmly, the room was filled with a faint fragrance of cold plums, but there was no incense in the room, Huo Qiqi really knew how to enjoy it.

Huo Wuyou saw another beauty coming in, and immediately smiled at Li Yuanbai with his toothless mouth.

Li Yuanbai ignored him, but he was not annoyed, still smiling happily.

Huo Qiqi... this little pervert!

"The sixth prince came here to discuss with me about nuts and mountain products?" Huo Qiqi asked lazily.

"Master Huo Qi is really smart." Li Yuanbai finally showed a smile on his face.

Hey, this person can actually laugh?Huo Qiqi was surprised.However, Li Yuanbai's beauty couldn't fascinate her, "I will never have trouble with money."

This is true.

"There are many mountains and tall trees in the north. The pine nuts you mentioned are also abundant there." Now that Huo Qiqi guessed his purpose, Li Yuanbai didn't want to go around in circles. "However, the pine wood is very tall, and the trunk is relatively thick and straight. The pine nuts are on top, so it is not easy to pick."

"I just want the pine cones of the red pine." Huo Qiqi sighed, "It's really not easy to pick them by hand. But if the sixth prince can catch a few monkeys for training, it will be much easier."

She gave suggestions with a smile, not feeling at all how difficult it is to catch a few wild monkeys.

Li Yuanbai didn't speak, maybe he acquiesced to her proposal.

"There's no shortage of pecans and hazelnuts," he said again.

Huo Qiqi has already gotten used to his way of speaking, "As long as there are no bug eyes and not bad fruits, I want them all. The same goes for mountain products. If the sixth prince wants a list, I can also give a copy."

"Can mountain products be farmed?" Li Yuanbai asked, staring at her.

"Theoretically, many things can indeed be farmed. If..." Suddenly, she stopped talking, and a slight struggle flashed on her face.

"Don't worry, if it is used in the army, I will naturally mention it to the emperor." Li Yuanbai seemed to understand what she meant.

"I heard from my grandfather that the soldiers guarding the frontier are very hard. But every year there are soldiers who are injured or old in the army and can no longer go to the battlefield. If these people don't want to go back to their hometown, the sixth prince can use these people as extra staff Organize the logistics staff and let them focus on raising chickens, ducks, pigs, and planting. As far as I know, although the Northland is vast and sparsely populated, the soil quality of the land is very good. Such a large piece of land can be reclaimed at will. As a fertile land, it can also increase a lot of income. It can barely improve the living conditions of the soldiers." Huo Qiqi sighed a little.

In modern times, she is a non-staff soldier, and she knows better than anyone how hard it is for soldiers.

In ancient times, soldiers defended their homes and the country, but they got very little.Jun Moxiao, drunk on the battlefield, how many people fought in the ancients, although it is very grand, but why not write about the sadness and sadness of the soldiers?
"There are many deer in the north, and raising deer is also a good way to get rich. If the sixth prince wants to vigorously develop the production there, I personally suggest that you'd better choose to grow soybeans and rice." After Huo Qiqi finished speaking, He no longer looked at Li Yuanbai.

"The weather over there is cold and not suitable for growing rice." Li Yuanbai said hesitantly.

"That's because their planting method is wrong." Huo Qiqi said with a sigh, "in April, use warm water in the house to promote seedlings, and then grow seedlings. In May, they can be planted in the field, harvested in autumn, and can be directly watered into an ice rink to thresh millet .”

She can only give advice, but she doesn't really get involved.

At least, not now.

Not to mention that she is selfish, if she directly participates in the construction of the Northland, she will definitely be regarded as a thorn in the side of some people.For now, she just wants to live a stable life.The reason why she is willing to say so much to Li Yuanbai today is because she feels that although Li Yuanbai's temperament is a bit cold, he is not bad.

That's all.She may not believe in others, but she believes in what the Lord Protector said.

In private, the old man spoke highly of Li Yuanbai.

After Li Yuanbai asked her some questions carefully, he left Huo Qiqi's room.

A few days later, Mrs. Marquis An of Wuyi received a message from Mrs. Zhao Taishi, inviting her to enjoy plum blossoms.

The wives of the rich and powerful in the capital get together in various names every now and then, the purpose is to maintain a good relationship with each other, and of course it is also a time for them to compare.

The emperor taboos contact between officials, but there are policies and countermeasures, but no one cares about the contact between wives.To put it bluntly, this is also a disguised form of clique formation among officials.

Mrs. An was a little surprised when she received Mrs. Zhao's post. Generally speaking, Mrs. An also paid attention to status when she got along with each other before.Only those with similar identities will join together.As for the Marquis of Wuyi, it is the Marquis's mansion on the surface, but in fact, after this generation, the title of the Marquis will come down.

Therefore, the An family has no status among the dignitaries in the capital. Mrs. An secretly wondered why Mrs. Zhao invited her to be a guest.

(End of this chapter)

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