Chapter 414 Bewitched
Although Mrs. An had doubts in her heart, she did not hesitate. The Zhao family is the mother's family of the current queen.The eldest prince is born of the empress. Although the current emperor has not established a heir, as the eldest son, the eldest son has the highest chance of becoming the heir.

From a long-term perspective, the Zhao family will naturally rise as the tide rises and all boats rise, and the scenery will be infinite.

On the other hand, the Marquis of Wuyi's mansion is not to mention riddled with holes.Others looked at the Marquis of Wuyi's mansion very glamorously, but who knew her difficulties.

Although the sons are good-looking, they are not very good at reading, and the wives they find are smarter than the other.If it's really smart, it's fine.The three daughters-in-law are very small-minded and have a lot of calculations. Everyone wants to pull things out of their own rooms.If it wasn't for her being able to hold back, there would be more conflicts in this family.

Secondly, there are several shops in the mansion, but the income is not very good. Even Zhuangzi, after removing his own use every year, there is not much left.She has to take care of the living expenses of a large family, and Master Hou is also a person who likes to enjoy...

The more Mrs. An thinks about it, the more she realizes why her life is so hard. When she was young, she was also a famous ghost girl. Among so many princes and brothers, why did she fall in love with Wu Yihou?
When the appointed day came, Mrs. An dressed up well, and after Chen Shi, she took a carriage to the Grand Master's Mansion.

Because it was a small gathering, Mrs. An did not find too many female relatives when she went to the main hall.

"Mrs. An, why did you get here?" Mrs. Zhao looked at her with a smile, her attitude was very affectionate, "Hurry up and sit down, you are the only one missing."

It turned out that she was late!Mrs. An had a shy look on her face, "Some things in the house were delayed, so I came a little late."

"Why didn't Miss An come?" Mrs. Junjun asked in surprise. "What happened last time, if she hadn't taken action, we don't know what would have happened in our house."

When Mrs. Zhao heard this, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.Coincidentally, she was still worried about how to attract An Xi.Someone took the initiative to throw bricks to attract jade, but it saved her heart.

"Mrs. An, Ms. An is a genius doctor from the Valley of Miraculous Doctors. She must be very skilled in medicine." A lady with a round face asked with a smile.

Madam an didn't know this person.However, as a mother, the proudest thing is that someone praises her children in front of her.Mrs. An's face suddenly turned into a flower when she heard all the wives kept saying good things about An Xishi.

"This time, Xishi didn't come back alone. The elder of the genius doctor Gu Zhong and the two younger junior sisters also went to Beijing together, Xishi had to accompany them, and there was no time to go outside." Mrs. An finally explained .

Everyone nodded in understanding, "Miss An's medical skills are so good, those ignorant people outside even compared the seventh son of the Huo family with her. According to the theory, Huo Qi was so favored because of receiving the holy grace." respected by people."

Hearing the round-faced lady mentioned Huo Qiqi, all the ladies couldn't say anything.None of the people present were stupid, let's not say whether Huo Qiqi was powerful or not, but there was a reason for it, Huo Qiqi did save several lives before An Xishi returned to Beijing.If it was said that Huo Qiqi didn't know anything about medicine, it would be a complete deception.Moreover, Huo Qiqi is a treasure in the Duke Protector's mansion, it can be said that An Xishi and Huo Qiqi are incomparable in terms of status.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mrs. An was secretly angry, but she couldn't turn against everyone, so she smiled and said politely, "I heard that Mr. Huo Qi is also a doctor of strange medicine, and her medical skills are indeed very good. It's just pity She is also praised from time to time.”

"Look at my mouth, I just can't speak." The round-faced lady smiled lightly, "I, it's just hearsay. Those skin care products in the beauty trap are created by Huo Qiqi. Our Wanjia, but It’s a shame.”

Mrs. An suddenly understood who she was!It turned out to be Mrs. Wan Jia who specialized in making rouge powder.

Wanjia is a merchant, and the status of the official family will always be higher than that of the merchant.To be honest, if Mrs. Wan didn't have a special relationship with Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. An wouldn't even bother talking to such a person.

"The business in the beauties is really good. Mr. Huo Qi's shop is making a lot of money every day. But the business of your Wanjia's rouge and gouache shop is not bad. Every year, the house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs alone is enough to make others envious." No way." Someone said with a smile.

Mrs. Wan was immediately overjoyed when she was praised, but what she said was pleasant, "Ladies, this is a joke. According to me, you ladies are holding Jinshan in your hands without knowing it, and you don't feel ashamed like us." Let's do business. Otherwise, there is no way out for us."

"Who has Jinshan in their hands?" Some wives couldn't help laughing.

"If others don't talk about it, let's talk about Mrs. An. She holds more than one golden mountain in her hand. According to me, there are more than ten or eight golden mountains." Madam Wan smiled very happily.

"Mrs. Wan is really good at joking. Don't say ten or eight in my hand, even if I can hold one, I can wake up with a smile." Mrs. An responded with a smile. Even if she didn't like Mrs. Wan, she had to Give Mrs. Zhao face.

"My younger brother and sister are telling the truth. Mrs. An, don't be modest. The more modest you are, the more enviable you will be." Taishi Zhao said with a smile.

Everyone was surprised, not knowing which play she was singing, even Mrs. An looked at her suspiciously.

Mrs. Zhao smiled and said nothing, but Mrs. Wan explained with a smile, "Huo Qiqi has formulated various skin care products with his medical skills. Anyway, with the reputation of the genius doctor Gu, Ms. An's medical skills will definitely not be better than Huo Qiqi's." Poor. If Ms. An can make a few skin care products, Mr. Huo Qi will not be able to dominate the family. To tell you the truth, a good skin care product must be a huge profit. I said that Mrs. An holds Jinshan in her hand. Are you right?"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that they laughed, and they looked at Mrs. An with a trace of envy in their eyes.

Mrs. An's face was smiling, and she seemed to be calm, but in fact, her heart had already set off a storm.

The method Madam Wan said may not be a good method, why didn't she think of it?
Huo Qiqi is currently seeing a doctor in the mansion.

"Teacher, this is the last time for acupuncture. From now on, you don't need to come here again." Huo Qiqi pulled the silver needle from the old master and told him lightly.

After hearing this, the old lady felt very reluctant.After recovering from his illness, he will never have the opportunity to come to Duke Huguo's mansion to buy food, and to take some good things back with him.

"Thank you for taking care of me these days." Tai Tuo thanked her with a smile.

"Okay, get the hell out of Duke Protector's Mansion." Duke Protector urged impatiently from the side, "A few more times, and almost all the good things I have here will be taken away by you."

"Guo Hugong, are you still worried about not having any good things in your hands? You have so many good things, it's not good to be stingy." The Tai Tuo glared at him.

(End of this chapter)

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