Are you familiar with Chapter 420?
The three merchants who spoke were suddenly stunned.

As a businessman, shouldn't you pay attention to making money with harmony and not offending others?Why didn't Huo Qiqi follow the routine?Besides, they didn't say anything exaggerated.

Huo Qiqi was about to unilaterally cut off their cooperation, which was too embarrassing for them.

The faces of the three merchants suddenly turned ugly, and one of them wanted to explain a few words.

In fact, the three of them were very anxious. There were only three skin care products of Beauty Trap that were really affected by Wanjia. Even if these three products did not make money, other products still made a lot of money.Secondly, Huo Qiqi is doing business to save trouble, and they cooperate with the Huo family for more than one product.

After the cooperation is broken, where can they find such a good partner?

"I just want to discuss it with the young master, and I have no other intentions." A businessman spoke after pondering.

Huo Qiqi smiled faintly, "I've always disliked flirting with others. Since the three of you think it's not profitable, and I don't want to do business at a loss, then there's no need to discuss the business. Of course, who among you thinks it's a loss? , you can also bring it up. In business, what matters is your love and my willingness, and I am not a tiger, so I have to force everyone to cooperate with me. As the saying goes, business is not about friendship, and we will still be friends when we meet in the future.”

Of course it is a friend who added double quotes!Huo Qiqi added another sentence in his heart.If it was a normal day, if these people had any opinions, she would not take them to heart.

Just when Wanjia started to run on the beauty trap, they immediately proposed to cut the price. These people clearly wanted to threaten her.Hmph, they didn't even ask, is she, Huo Qiqi, the one threatened by others?
"Seventh Young Master, since the accounts for one year have been settled, can you sign the bill for next year as soon as possible. We are still in a hurry to go back to deliver the goods." Cao Zhenghan interjected with a smile.

As he spoke, he deliberately glanced at everyone.

He knew a little bit about Huo Qiqi's temperament.

These people are simply pulling their teeth out of the tiger's mouth-looking for death.

"That's right, I also want to sign the agreement as soon as possible. It's almost New Years Eve, so I have to catch up with this gust of wind." Chen Defu also interjected with a smile.

Just kidding, where can I find a good partner like Mr. Huo Qi?He was originally a medicine merchant, but after cooperating with Mr. Huo Qi, his business has involved many aspects, and he still makes money in everything, only a fool will find fault at the crucial point.

Two people opened their mouths, and other merchants urged Huo Qiqi to sign the agreement quickly.

"Seventh Young Master, it's not..." The three merchants were anxious.

"Okay, that's it." Huo Qiqi waved his hand, "Three, you have also seen that I am very busy now, so I won't take up the time of the three."

Three merchants….

The agreement has been signed, all partners only need to sign their names.

"When you go to Zhuangzi to buy goods, you might as well look at other products. The Zhuangzi only makes wind chicken, wind duck and wind goose, as well as ham and ham sausage. There are also a few small varieties of dim sum. Taking advantage of the age, Don’t dare to say too much, it shouldn’t be a problem to earn 2000 taels.” Huo Qiqi smiled and sold his own products, “As for the beauty trick products, that’s the only way to go.”

"Young Master Qi, don't worry. Even if Wanjia launches a new product, it won't have much impact on us." Chen Defu said with a smile.

"That's right, the quality of Meirenjia's products is good, and regular customers all recognize it. And we are a series, unlike Wanjia, which only has single products."

Everyone nodded and said yes.

Huo Qiqi smiled and interjected, "I'll bring you some things back later and hang them in the beauties shop, maybe it will start to make a difference."

Cut Yu and the others immediately came out with the rolls in their arms, and distributed them to everyone.

Someone wants to open it.

Huo Qiqi said, "Everyone, don't be in a hurry. There are other guests here, so it's inconvenient."

When everyone heard this, their eyes immediately fell on the three merchants sitting beside them.

The three merchants were so anxious that they almost cried, and in a blink of an eye, they were excluded by Huo Qiqi and became others.Several people saw that other merchants had signed an agreement with Huo Qiqi, and only the three of them were left out in the cold. They regretted so much that they wished they could slap themselves a few times. Why are they so greedy?It is obvious that the goods in the beauty trap are profitable, but now it is all right, and there is nothing left.

"Seventh Young Master, can you send a message to let us bring back some more goods?" The other merchants didn't give the three people a chance to talk, and pestered Huo Qiqi to ask for goods.

The end of the year is the time when the flow of customers is the largest, and all the prefectures want to buy gifts, give gifts, and entertain, and with the consumption of each prefecture, no matter how many goods can be sold.

Lack, lack, lack, lack of any commodity.

Huo Qiqi said lazily, "I'm not stingy, everyone. You've seen that my shop is only that big, and my daily production is fixed. I also want to sell more products, right? We're not strong enough. Let's find the goods quickly, everyone."

She was chased by everyone and fled.

"Seven sons."

"Seven sons."

"Seventh son, wait a moment."

Compared with the people clamoring for the goods, the three merchants clamoring for a price cut were even more anxious and sweating.But Huo Qiqi was chased without a trace. They wanted to squeeze forward, but they were squeezed out by a group of people.

Seeing that Huo Qiqi was hiding, the merchants had no choice but to rush away.

"Three please." The boy came over to chase people away.

"My little brother, please be more accommodating. We want to have a few words with Mr. Huo Qi." The three merchants quietly gave the young man money.

"Don't embarrass the little ones. There are rules in the mansion. What kind of person is the seventh son? How can a dog or a cat see him. The seventh son was here just now. If you don't seize the opportunity, who will you blame?" ?” As he said, the servant drove people out.

"Brother, please be accommodating." If they could kneel down to solve the problem, the three merchants would rather kneel down to the servant of the Huo family.

It's a pity that the boy is very heartless, which is very similar to Huo Qiqi. After repeated persuasion to no avail, the boy called some people over, and directly carried them out.

The partners that Huo Qiqi chose were basically three from each state capital. From food, wine seasoning, and skin care products and washing products, three positions were clearly vacant now. People would come to inquire about what happened in the morning in the afternoon.

Seeing this, the three merchants guarding the gate of Huo's house became even more anxious, but they couldn't find anyone who could talk to Huo Qiqi.

At the moment, Huo Qiqi is reconciling accounts with Li Yuanbai.

"How about giving me the candidate?" Li Yuanbai looked at Huo Qiqi and asked lazily.

ah?Huo Qiqi was taken aback, but didn't recover for a while.

"Washing supplies and skin care products, I will find someone to cooperate with you." Li Yuanbai repeated.

"The sixth prince is really direct." Huo Qiqi sighed.Being so straightforward, on the contrary, made her very embarrassed.

"You and I didn't have to be so polite before." Li Yuanbai replied without changing his expression.

Forehead?Are they that familiar?
(End of this chapter)

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