Chapter 468
"Can animals be the same as humans?" Imperial Physician Wen asked suspiciously.

"Why not, isn't there proof of that sentence?" Huo Qiqi smiled wickedly.

"What are you talking about?" Not to mention that Imperial Physician Wen was suspicious, even the emperor and the others cast doubtful eyes on her.

"Isn't there a saying in the world that there is a wolf-hearted dog lung, but after being proficient in the golden ulcer technique, courage and talent are needed. Doctor Wen, I am optimistic about you." Huo Qiqi looked at him with a smile. Fish out the dead, wash it with water, disassemble it, sew it up, put the water in it, this kind of process can be said at least twice a day, and it’s all when people are alone in the dead of night.”

Doctor Wen's legs were trembling a little, Huo Qiqi, can you stop speaking in such a creepy tone, he is afraid.

The emperor and all the ministers were also dumbfounded.

After Huo Qiqi frightened Doctor Wen, he left happily.

When the people standing outside saw her coming out, they quickly made a way out in fright. The Huo brothers gave the onlookers a hard look, and then looked at Huo Qiqi worriedly.

Huo Qiqi bared her teeth and smiled at them. She didn't like the attitude of these people at all.

Huo Qiqi didn't know about the rest.But the next day, no one in the capital said that Huo Qiqi was the murderer, and no one dared to mention anything about the murderer and Huo Qiqi.

The emperor knew he was wrong, and on the second day, the rewards sent from the palace entered the Duke Huguo's mansion continuously.

Huo Qiqi didn't care about rewards at all, so he was directly put into the warehouse.

"Want to go to the trial?" Three days later, Li Yuanbai came to the door.

"Do not want to."

"Don't want to know who is hurting you?"

"Do not want to."

Huo Qiqi didn't want to think about it, which made Li Yuanbai have no choice.

"Go." Li Yuanbai grabbed her wrist.

"The sixth prince is also tempted by me?" Huo Qiqi looked at him lazily and smiled.

"I found someone to sew stitches on the man with the broken leg, would you like to go over and have a look?" Li Yuanbai asked again.

"Do not want to."


"Don't go."

Seeing Li Yuanbai attacking Huo Qiqi, Jian Yu and Jing Mu were so angry that they immediately wanted to go forward to rescue Huo Qiqi.

Li Yuanbai seemed determined to let Huo Qiqi follow him, he grabbed Huo Qiqi's wrists left and right, and stopped a few girls with his right hand.

"Forget it, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll go with you." Huo Qiqi was forced to watch the excitement for a while, then suddenly let go.

The corners of Li Yuanbai's mouth curled up slightly.

After Jian Yu and Jing Mu glared at Li Yuanbai angrily, they all stood beside Huo Qiqi.

Li Yuanbai held on to Huo Qiqi's hand, and the two walked out of the gate side by side.

"You?" When Huo Yichen saw their hands head-on, his face turned pale with fright, and then his eyes turned dark when he looked at Li Yuanbai.

"The sixth prince invited me over to watch the excitement, and fourth brother will go with us?" Huo Qiqi asked with a smile.

"Can the sixth prince let go of Qiqi's hand, and go out like this, it is easy to be misunderstood." Huo Yi stared at Li Yuanbai threateningly.

For him, the most urgent thing to do is to keep an eye on Qiqi and not be tempted away by the big-tailed wolf.

"The suspect who framed Qiqi has been caught." Li Yuanbai said flatly, but he still didn't let go of his hand.

Huo Yichen's attention was immediately attracted by him, "Where is it?"

"In the prison of the government office."

Huo Qiqi glanced at his wrist indifferently, turned his wrist, and moved his palm under Li Yuanbai's palm, then pushed it along Li Yuanbai's wrist like a knife.

pain!Li Yuanbai didn't expect that Huo Qiqi could easily break free from his imprisonment. It seemed that he still underestimated Huo Qiqi.

"Fourth brother." Huo Qiqi stretched out his hand to protect Huo Yichen's arm. "Come and see with me."

Huo Yichen, who was controlled by the younger sister, lost all resistance immediately, "Okay."

Li Yuanbai's eyes fell on the arms hugged by the two, and he suddenly felt that Huo Yichen was so annoying.

A group of people soon arrived at the government office, and it seemed that the place was still a separate room.

"I'm wronged, my lord, I'm wronged."

"What did I do wrong?"

Li Yuanbai hadn't brought them in when he heard cries coming from the private room.

"Sixth prince." Seeing Li Yuanbai coming in, the guard hurried forward to greet him.

"Open." Li Yuanbai said.

"Injustice..." The people in the house were crying out for injustice, and they were startled when they saw the door open from the outside.

"Why are you willing to break your legs? Who ordered you?" The person who followed Li Yuanbai stepped forward and asked.

"My lord, I am wronged, the villain is wronged. The villain doesn't know what the adults mean." The prisoner's mouth was tight.

"Huo Qiqi, how long will it take to open and sew the broken leg?" Li Yuanbai asked suddenly.

Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, "It depends on who is going to do it? If you let me do it, don't worry about it. If you are a novice, it's hard to say."

"Sixth prince, this subordinate is willing to try his hand speed." A man came out dragging a plate, which contained daggers, needles and thread.

Li Yuanbai nodded, and the man smiled lightly and stepped forward. At this moment, several men were chained and brought over. When they saw Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai, their expressions suddenly changed.

Huo Qiqi couldn't help chuckling, it seemed that these people knew her.She didn't know that her popularity was so good.

Soon there was a loud scream in the room.Then the sound stopped abruptly.

"The needle technique is wrong." Huo Qiqi wasn't afraid of the bloody scene at all, instead he was in a good mood and began to give some advice to the man who used the knife.

The prisoner was tied to the bed, his hands and feet were tightly bound, and a cloth was stuffed in his mouth.

His broken leg had just started to improve, but it was re-severed at this moment. He could feel the separation of flesh and bone in the leg. It hurt so badly that he couldn't take it anymore and wanted to pass out.But these people didn't know what kind of medicine they gave him. Even though the pain was extreme, he still remained awake.

Unable to bear it anymore, he hummed and stared eagerly at Li Yuanbai.

Li Yuanbai stood aside indifferently, his eyes kept on Huo Qiqi.

Under Huo Qiqi's guidance, the man finally finished sewing stitches within half an hour.

The cloth ball in the prisoner's mouth was finally pulled away, and he looked timidly at the few people in front of him. In his eyes, these people were even more terrifying than evil spirits.

"Your technique is not proficient enough, you need to practice more." Huo Qiqi suggested with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Huo Qi, for your guidance. The villain is willing to try again." He quickly grabbed the dagger.

"No, I said." Just as he was about to cut the knife again, the lying prisoner couldn't stand it anymore, and finally let go.

"The technique is good, and you can also practice opening the abdomen. If the technique is fast enough and the knife is accurate enough, even if you cut the intestine in half and sew it up and put it back, you should not die." Huo Qiqi casually looked outside and was forced to The prisoner who came to watch, "You are very lucky, there are so many people for you to practice, and they are aboveboard."

(End of this chapter)

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