Chapter 469 The Murderer
When everyone saw her teaching people how to cut a knife without changing their expression, they all looked at her with terrified eyes.

Perverted, completely perverted, it turned out that the rumors in the capital were true, Huo Qiqi was indeed a pervert.

"Generally speaking, there are still differences between the body tissues of the dead and the living. The blood cannot flow through the blood vessels of the dead, but the living is different. It's so good to have so many experimental products. You can slowly observe them with a knife, and then Sew it up layer by layer. Because people are alive, the muscles will throb due to pain without the control of anesthesia, so it is very interesting..." It is obviously a bloody scene, but when it comes to Huo Qiqi's mouth, it becomes A very common thing.

Funny size!Hearing it made people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

They are not dead soldiers from any government, let alone death squads trained by the country.

They were either hooligans or some shady businessmen. To them, Huo Qiqi's intimidation was even more terrifying than the torture tools under the yamen.

"Choose one of them and try it out." Seeing Huo Qiqi's expression brightened, Li Yuanbai raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and gave the order cooperatively.

The young man inside who had just stitched up the wounds of the deceased immediately came out excitedly upon hearing the order, his eyes circling excitedly at the group of people outside.

Don't look at me!The people who were watched almost screamed, and almost all lowered their heads subconsciously to avoid his gaze.

"Go in." It's a pity that no matter how much they deceived themselves, someone was selected.

The other people who were not selected immediately breathed a sigh of relief secretly, while those who were selected were dumbfounded.

This is also a young man. He stared blankly at the smiling person opposite him, and for a moment he didn't know how to react.

"Good choice." Huo Qiqi said again with a smile, "Skin and tender meat, the knife will feel good when it goes down the muscle. Come, let me mark it for you."

After hearing this, Jian Yu and the others immediately brought Huo Qiqi a pen and ink.

Qingfeng stepped forward and took off the young man's jacket. Although it was not too cold in the spring noon, the young man still shivered a few times after taking off his coat.

Huo Qiqi took a pen and dipped it in ink slowly, and then drew on the young man's body, "Here is the heart, here is the stomach..."

The soft brush fell on the skin and walked, goosebumps all over the young man's body, his eyes were straight, sweat was all over his forehead, and it kept falling down his cheeks, and his legs were even weaker.

"Don't faint. If you faint and go under the knife, it will be even more uncomfortable to wake up from the pain." Huo Qiqi kindly reminded him with a smile.

An unpleasant smell of urine wafted into the air, and the pants on the young man's legs were wet. Of course, he was not the only one who wet his pants.

"I said, I said, don't kill me." Before the young man could speak, someone looked at the schematic diagram of the young man's entire frontal body and collapsed in fright.

"It's none of my business, Mr. Yao ordered me to do this." Someone reminded, and the young man with straight eyes quickly came to his senses, and he cried out crazily.

Someone opened his mouth, but the rest dared not continue to hide it, so they all shouted.Of course, no one is a fool, and almost everyone chooses to recruit the instigator behind the scenes.

There was no need for torture tools at all, Huo Qiqi's few random strokes made all the prisoners confess.

What happened was very bizarre. To be precise, this incident had something to do with Huo Qiqi.

"Bring this person in." After everyone confessed, Li Yuanbai pointed to the young man who opened his arms and ordered his own people.

"Don't kill me, I've already said it." The young man collapsed.

In fact, Li Yuanbai was just drawn according to the human body display picture in front of him.

As a result, the young prisoner nearly went mad.

After having the confession, Li Yuanbai was not in a hurry to arrest people, but went to other places to investigate based on the testimony provided by the witnesses.

Huo Qiqi retired and watched the excitement, she was not happy anymore.

"It's already noon, let's go have dinner together." Li Yuanbai invited with a light smile, "How about going to Zuixianlou? I'll treat you."

Huo Qiqi looked at him in surprise.

Li Yuanbai only had a faint smile on his face, looking at her with strange eyes.

This person was possessed, and Huo Qiqi gave him a rating in his heart.

"Thank you, Sixth Prince, but I've been on fire recently, so I prefer to eat at home." Huo Qiqi lazily declined.

Any fool can tell that she is really perfunctory to Li Yuanbai.

According to Li Yuanbai's original temperament, he would never pester Huo Qiqi again.But Li Yuanbai seemed to have taken the wrong medicine today, "Since you are like this, you should bother me."

What does this mean?Huo Qiqi didn't bother to think, and left with his own people.

After Huo Yi glared at Li Yuanbai, he walked side by side with Huo Qiqi.

At noon, Li Yuanbai appeared in the Duke Protector's mansion on time.

"Troubleshooting." Li Yuanbai sat down next to Huo Qiqi amidst everyone's surprised gazes.

The Huo family...

Even if he is not happy with his initiative, since people come to sit down at the door, no one can drive them out.

Everyone ate the meal very tastelessly, but Li Yuanbai ate it with gusto.

But fortunately, after eating the food, he didn't stay in the mansion, so he immediately went back to the Yamen to investigate the case.

"What does he mean?" Huo Yi'an asked in surprise.

"I have a plan." Huo Qiqi replied lazily, but she could guess what Li Yuanbai was thinking.

"I probably want Qiqi to bring him some apprentices." Huo Yichen also guessed what Li Yuanbai was thinking.

The Lord Protector shook his head, but did not speak.

"I didn't become a teacher myself, so he thought too much." Before Huo Yian could ask again, Huo Qiqi took the initiative to explain with a smile.

The Huo family nodded unanimously, yes, the two governments have no friendship at all, so why should Qi Qi give him face.

A few days later, the heart-stealing demon in Beijing was finally caught.

The murderer was very unexpected. When Man Jingcheng knew about it, he was all surprised.

Yao Shangshu wished he could get under the ground, because the murderer was his good son——Yao Mo.

"Master, you must save Mo'er." Aunt Qing cried and knelt in front of Yao Shangshu.

"Save him? Digging up someone's corpse and blaming someone else, all the witnesses and evidence, how do you ask me to save him?" Yao Shangshu's face was livid with anger.

Mrs. Yao saw Aunt Qing crying, she felt extremely happy in her heart, but this kind of schadenfreude was only fleeting, because the matter was too big, and the person framed was Huo Qiqi from the Duke Protector's Mansion Well, the sixth prince is the one who is judging the case, so if it is not done well, the entire Yao family will be affected.

"Father, this matter is not small. Let alone the Sixth Prince who intervened, the emperor attaches great importance to this matter. If father intervenes again, I'm afraid that the emperor and Duke Huo will blame father." Yao Bin reminded Yao softly. Shangshu.

Mrs. Yao listened from the side, very satisfied.There are some things that are not easy for her to say in the main room, but it's different for her son.

(End of this chapter)

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