Chapter 501
Generally speaking, as long as everything starts, similar developments later will become a matter of course.

When Huo Yi'an saw that the guests sitting in rows in the main hall of his house were unwilling to leave when it was time for dinner, he had no choice but to go to the kitchen to inform Huo Qiqi to add more dishes.

The protector was so angry that he forgot to pretend to be sick, and ran directly to the main hall to chase away people, "It's getting dark outside, and I saw it when you came to see me. Should you go back home?"

"Seeing that the Huguogong is alive and well, the king is relieved." Ling Wang replied with a smile, his buttocks landed on the chair as firmly as Mount Tai, "The Huguogong is the pillar of the Dayun Kingdom. What a joy to congratulate. Today, the king must respect and protect the Duke with a few glasses of wine."

"When you come to the door, you are a guest. Duke Hu, you can't chase people away." Duke Ding also sat firmly.

"That's right, you won't go home if you don't get drunk later." Lord Zhen Guo also echoed with a smile.

Not all officials in the court can enter the gate of Duke Huguo's mansion at will. Among the guests who came tonight, except for the Gu family and Marquis Wuyi, almost all the important officials in the court.

Such a group of people would never dare to get together to drink together on weekdays, because everyone has to worry about the emperor.But today was different, they were ordered to visit the Duke Protector's mansion, such a good opportunity, only a fool would miss it.

Not only that, among the several adult princes in the current dynasty, apart from the fifth prince, several other princes were also present.In addition, Sangong and Lingwang have always maintained neutrality, so they are not afraid of others saying that they form cliques.

"Can't you sit at three tables?" Huo Qiqi was unhappy.

She is not a cook, why should she cook for everyone herself?
Of course, at this moment, she regretted that she was too much in the hall.

"People have already entered the door, so we can't drive them out, right? They are veterans of the court again, and they came here with a heavy gift. The emperor's favor for the Duke of the Kingdom is seen by outsiders. At this time, it is even more important." You can't drive the guests out. You have already cooked a few dishes, and the rest of the dishes can be arranged by the kitchen staff." Huo Yi'an has always been steady, and his explanation finally calmed Huo Qiqi.

There are too many guests at the three tables, and the most annoying thing is the lack of Buddha jumping over the wall.Huo Qiqi didn't care, anyway, she didn't intend to invite those people.

Although Huo Qiqi hated her very much, but when guests came to her door, she was still reliable in her work, and this reliability was reflected in the supply of fine wine.It's just that what makes people angry is that Huo Qiqi doesn't seem to intend to make everyone jump over the wall.

"Seventh Young Master, this is not right. When you come to the door, you are just a guest..." King Ling said cheekily.

"It's true that the door-to-door is a customer. Didn't I provide you with good wine and food?" Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

"But this Buddha jumps over the wall..." the third prince said.

"Miscellaneous vegetables are not worth mentioning, so I won't bring them over to make a fool of myself." Huo Qiqi quickly refused.

Hearing the words, everyone couldn't help but glanced at the Buddha Jumping Wall exuding a strong aroma on the table. Let me go, Buddha Jumping Wall is not just mixed vegetables. Everyone stared at the scallops, chicken, duck, meat, and some unnamed ingredients in the jar. Completely speechless.

It's not that they are ignorant and haven't eaten good food, but because Huo Qiqi himself is a weirdo, and some of the ingredients used in this dish are really unused in the market.

This dish contains all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas. Almost all of them are used in the sky, in the water, and on the ground.After being fired in a high fire and stewed in a low fire, the century-old wine jar is sealed with lotus leaves. Once it is opened, the aroma can almost kill a person.

"The protector is sick, so how can he eat mixed vegetables. Instead, let the protector eat more light and refreshing food." King Ling suggested shamelessly.

Duke Hu gave him a hard look, and then said flatly, "This dish is the medicinal food that Qiqi made for me."

Medicinal food and nothing else, it's delicious, it's really delicious.Everyone stared at the dish with salivation.

"If your lords don't dislike it, how about having the Buddha jumping over the wall over here?" A crisp voice came from behind the screen.

"Cousin." Huo Qiqi sighed.

Gu Jinpei laughed softly, "We don't need to drink, and we eat very little, so let's take it."

Although the officials were thick-skinned, their cheeks were still red.Grabbing food with women and spreading the word, how shameless are they?
However, before they could speak, the third prince thanked them.

Whether to jump over the wall will be sent over there soon.

Now, everyone was instantly satisfied.

A dinner party took an hour to end, and although everyone was not drunk at the end, they were all satisfied.This trip came really straight!

Huo Yi'an sent the guests to the gate of the mansion one by one before returning. The mansions had already sent carriages to guard outside the mansion, and soon everyone dispersed.

When the third prince went out, he saw Gu Jinpei coming to the door, raised his eyebrows and smiled at her.

Gu Jinpei felt baffled, but thanked him politely.

The Imperial Physician in the palace was very skilled in medical treatment. Imperial Physician Wang prescribed a few doses of medicine for Nuer Dun, and Nuer Dun's face disappeared the next day.

But he couldn't swallow this breath, and sent people to harass the eldest prince and Li Yuanbai all day long, urging them to ask when they could get the real culprit.

Li Yuanbai and the eldest prince ignored him, and just kept perfunctory him.Nuer Dun was furious by them, and when he got angry, the porcelain in the station would suffer.

At the same time, the palace became even more busy, and the various prefectures also got important news.

"Xi Shi, when you walk around in the palace, you must find a way to show your face in front of the Queen Mother and Queen." On this day, Mrs. An took advantage of Jiang Wan and Jiang Ting's absence in An Xi Shi's room, and she hurriedly pulled An Xi Shi Tell me something from your heart.

Although this daughter didn't grow up beside her since she was a child, she loves An Xishi a lot because of the bond between mother and daughter.

"My daughter is just making medicine in the Tai Hospital." An Xishi looked at her helplessly and replied.

Mrs. An couldn't help sighing when she saw her perfunctory herself.My daughter has everything, but she is too simple.That's right, Xi Shi has stayed in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors for many years, so why care about these mundane things?

"Even one pill from Miracle Doctor Valley is hard to find. You are not only a disciple of Miracle Doctor Valley, but also a citizen of Dayun Kingdom. Mother is very happy that you can share the worries of the emperor. However, it is just to share the worries of the king. There are many ways." Seeing that she was not enlightened, Madam An simply said clearly, "There is news from the palace that the emperor and the queen mother intend to marry several adult princes at the queen mother's birthday banquet. My son is talented and beautiful. , the chance is great. Mother knows that you are arrogant, but women, you will marry in this life. Looking at the entire Dayun Kingdom, how many people can be worthy of my son?"

The news Mrs. An said was not a secret, and there were people in the Tai Hospital who were whispering in the dark, but An Xishi actually knew about it a long time ago.

She already has a candidate in her heart, but she will not be as eager for success as Mrs. An's performance.

"Your Majesty, my daughter won't think about anything else at the moment, she just wants to do the job well." She replied with a chuckle.

Although the words were tactful, they did not refuse.After hearing this, Mrs. An chuckled and patted the back of her hand, "You know what's in your heart, so mother can feel at ease. Tell mother, among the several princes, which one do you like?"

(End of this chapter)

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