Chapter 502
Which one do you like, do you need to say?Following Mrs. An's words, a figure immediately appeared in An Xishi's mind.This figure took root at a very young age.

Seeing that she was in a daze and didn't answer, Mrs. An thought she was shy or hadn't thought about it. Her daughter's mind was too simple.She sighed and continued, "The fifth prince's temper is a bit irritable. The status of the concubine mother is not high or low in the harem, which is a bit embarrassing. The third prince is not bad. Although the concubine Shu is not the head of the six palaces, the emperor has treated her well over the years. She is always favored. The Ninth Prince is not bad, but with the First Prince and the powerful Sixth Prince on top, it may be difficult to stand out."

Because the topic involved royal affairs, Mrs. An couldn't help lowering her voice even though she was telling the truth.

Seeing that An Xi didn't make a sound, she paused and said, "Mother and Lord Hou want to favor the eldest prince. The eldest prince is the queen's descendant, and he is the oldest among the princes. But you should have heard of it, The eldest prince already has a concubine."

The meaning is very clear, if An Xishi chooses the First Prince, no matter how good her conditions are, she can only be a side concubine.

Not to mention that An Xishi already had Li Yuanbai in her heart, even without Li Yuanbai, she would not be willing to be the eldest prince's side concubine.

She has stayed in the Valley of the Divine Doctor for many years, and the arrogance of being superior to others has already penetrated into her bone marrow.

Facing Mrs. An's temptation, she replied impatiently, "My daughter thinks that the sixth prince is good. The sixth prince is the God of War in Dayun Kingdom. He is so outstanding in terms of talent and martial arts. My daughter has long admired him." .”

Mrs. An didn't expect Li Yuanbai to be her favorite.

Although Li Yuanbai is outstanding, it's a pity that his nature is very elusive.Over the years, the Sixth Prince had a good reputation in the court and among the people, but he never got too close to any ministers in private.

To put it nicely, he sat upright in his actions, but in fact, to put it bluntly, Li Yuanbai was a cold-hearted and unkind person.

As a woman, Mrs. An said that she had never dealt with Li Yuanbai, but Lord Hou had privately lamented many times that if the sixth prince was more gentle and tactful, the Marquis of Wuyi would definitely stand by his side without hesitation. .

Think about it, if you really let your daughter marry someone like Li Yuanbai, I am afraid that Li Yuanbai will not be willing to help if something happens to the Marquis of Wuyi in the future.That being the case, with An Xishi's good conditions, why not climb another branch?
"There are only rumors in the palace, and there is no definite news yet. Daughter, you can think about it again." Mrs. An couldn't help but sigh when she saw the serious look on An Xishi's face.

what to do?No, she still has to go back and discuss it with Master Hou.After all, Lord Hou chose to stand with the Zhao family.

An Xishi nodded with a smile, but she didn't think so in her heart.

However, she has secretly planned it out, no matter what, she will not let go of this good opportunity.As long as the emperor and the sixth prince see her usefulness, I believe she will be able to achieve her wish soon.

Mrs. An left An Xishi's yard worriedly.

When Marquis Wu Yi learned of An Xishi's thoughts, his face suddenly sank, "Of course, you should listen to your parents when it comes to getting married. This matter cannot be left to her."

"My daughter grew up in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, and she has learned all kinds of skills, but we are not close as parents. I think she has big ideas. If Master Hou pushes her, I'm afraid she..." At this point, Mrs. An was about to say something. And stop.

"Why, is it possible that she can still turn against us and deny us as parents?" Wu Yihou was angry.

Mrs. An's eyes turned red immediately, "What if she goes away with the people from Miracle Doctor Valley again? According to me, the sixth prince may not be worse than the first prince, and Lord Hou, don't worry about the sixth prince's coldness. If our daughter really If he gets what he wants, even if he doesn't want to take care of it, can our daughter just watch the Hou Mansion decline? Besides, when it comes to that, I don't believe that the sixth prince doesn't want a reliable help. Although the eldest prince is good, But he already has a concubine, even if he can cherish the time in the future, mother can be more expensive than his son, but who can see that it will really be like this? It would be better to marry the sixth prince and be a concubine without looking at other people's faces."

Marquis Wu Yi thought for a while, then sighed, "A woman's opinion, yes, the matter has not been settled anyway, let's take a look first and then talk about it."

The interests among the ministers have always been strange, which is not so easy to unravel, and for the sixth prince, Wu Yihou is more inclined to the eldest prince.In any case, the eldest prince is the descendant of the empress, according to the rules, the eldest prince is the orthodox one.

In the future, his own daughter will be the one who will depend on mother and child, and she might be able to rule the Six Palaces. As for being the prince's concubine, to be honest, he has no interest at all.

It's just that he can't say this to Mrs. An.

An Xishi wanted to seize the opportunity, and the opportunity was soon presented to her.

"Miss An, the two girls from Gu, the genius doctor, the son of Prince Chen is seriously ill, are you willing to help him see a doctor?" On this day, the emperor invited An Xishi, Jiang Ting, and Jiang Wan to the main hall. In addition, Huo Qiqi was also present.

Huo Qiqi was in a daze, and when An Xi came in, she didn't even look at them, the impatience in her eyes was obvious.

An Xishi didn't dare to peek at the emperor's expression, but secretly guessed the emperor's intention in her heart.As a child of an official family, of course she also knew what the Prince Chen was like in private.

Chen Wang is not a good person, back then...

What is the real intention of the emperor inviting their teachers and sisters to come over?

Jiang Ting and Jiang Wan were a little unhappy, they were not imperial physicians, let alone government physicians, why would they be called here whenever something happened in the palace?

People in Miracle Doctor Valley have always had their own pride, so Jiang Wan was so angry that she just wanted to express her inner dissatisfaction face to face.

An Xishi was the first to speak, "My daughter is willing to try if I can share the emperor's worries."

What Jiang Wan wanted to say was immediately blocked in her chest.

"Qiqi, you can't refuse." The emperor saw that she was savvy, and gave Huo Qiqi another look with a smile.

Huo Qiqi sighed, "The grassroots are also willing to share the emperor's worries, but the emperor, the grassroots are ignorant, and the prince's illness, the grassroots are probably helpless. Prince Chen, prince, am I right?"

"The words are all yours alone, who knows if what you said is true or not." Li Yuanjue counterattacked coldly in front of the emperor.

Chen Wang also glanced at Huo Qiqi, and said casually, "There is someone with the genius doctor Gu, maybe after Huo Qiqi talks in detail, he can find a solution."

What is this called? If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Huo Qiqi really wanted to spray him in the face.I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people as Chen Wang and his son.

Huo Qiqi knew in her heart that Chen Wang and Li Yuanjue were trying to test her, to see if she had discovered that Li Yuanjue was actually planted with mother Gu.

Thinking of this, she also deliberately put on the attitude of being defiant in the past, looking up at the sky, and rolled her eyes directly at the air.

(End of this chapter)

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