The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 231 Li Canran

Chapter 231 Li Canran (1)
"That kind of man feels disgusting even at a glance, why are you wasting your lips?" It's better to spend more time with yourself when you have this time.

"You don't understand this, do you? Isn't he very confused about today's incident? I made a special trip to explain his doubts. How kind, there are very few people in the world who are as kind as me. By the way, return those things to He looks intrusive." He picked up a cardboard box, which was full of gifts that Mu Yanbin had given her before.

"It really is the most poisonous woman's heart!" Confused?I'm afraid someone is going to vomit blood.

"Non-toxic and not a husband, you are not bad either!" Each other, do you need to amuse her?
"Go and come back, I'll be waiting for you."

"Don't bother your lord Earl to wait, you'd better go back and forth!" Open the door, slam the door and go away.

"An'an, why did you come down?"

"Grandpa, I'm here to send off my uncle and aunt." An Qianxi carried the paper box and walked to the Mu family couple, "Uncle and aunt, I don't want things to turn into this and make you suffer."

"Good boy, I didn't teach Yanbin well, and you are the one who suffers. Don't say anything, Auntie is very pleased that you have such a heart. After a long day of tiring, you should take a good rest."

"I want to return these things to him myself."

"Hey! What a pity!" Xiao Jingyi glanced at the paper box, which was filled with gifts that Mu Yanbin had given to An Qianxi, "Then you go, your uncle and I will go to the car and wait for that unfilial son."

"Well, please go, uncle and aunt." An Qianxi bowed politely, carried the box and walked in front of Mu Yanbin, "I will pay you back, and I will not owe you anything from now on."

"Are you proud?" Mu Yanbin's eyes flashed while holding the box.

"I am able to successfully withdraw the engagement, be maintained as a victim, and let you suffer the consequences. Of course, I am proud of it. It is really thanks to your cooperation."

"It really is you! You are so vicious!" His eyes turned cold, and veins appeared in the hand holding the paper box.

"I kindly wish you and An Zihui to be together, and now even the marriage contract is settled. If you don't thank me, it's fine. Why do you say me the other way around? You can't be like this!" An Qianxi said He brushed Mu Yanbin's shoulder, "I'm vicious? When you framed me, didn't you ever think about whether what you did was human? If you succeeded, I would be the one who was scolded. If you say vicious, I was just Forced, it doesn’t make sense for someone to harm me. I know and I will take the initiative to send it to my door? Would you like to change it? Isn’t that a brain twitch! Think about it for yourself, is it you who are vicious or am I vicious?”

"To be honest, your tricks are really nasty, despicable enough! But thank you for your despicableness, otherwise it wouldn't have such a good effect. I'm just treating the other person in the same way, you can Don't blame me. By the way, I really didn't expect the relationship between the two of you to develop so fast, it really is a new human being with a fresh blood, hehe."


"Why are you angry? If you can do it, you have to admit it. See how magnanimous I am. How about I just turn my back on you?" An Qianxi raised her eyes and smiled slightly, "To be honest, when my old lady is ugly, you are so special Why don’t you know where to drink milk! Fight with me, you really have to practice for hundreds of years. And as I said, if you want to dump, I will dump you. Have you forgotten? Why are young people so poor in memory? Dementia is Sickness, must be cured!"

"An Qianxi—"

"Speak louder, it's better to yell out, and do it again if you can. I'm just giving you something back. If you're going to get angry, I'll take advantage of it and drop a few golden beans by the way. Let's see who has the upper hand. !"

"You have kind!"

"I'm not a man, I really don't have that thing, but you..." An Qianxi smiled and looked Mu Yanbin up and down, "You really don't have any, the appraisal is complete!"

"An Qianxi, don't bully people too much!" Forbearable anger jumped in her eyes, if it wasn't for Mr. An watching from a distance, she really wanted to get rid of that dazzling smile.

"Skills are not as good as people deserve to be bullied by me! Are you not convinced?" An Qianxi sneered, her eyes full of sarcasm, "My surname is Mu, let me tell you, what I said before to let you see me take a detour is not a lie, don't be with me in the future." Don’t even think about revenge, this time I showed mercy to you and that idiot, if you don’t have eyes and hold grudges, hehe… I don’t think you want to see my methods. This time it's just to make you embarrass yourself in front of others, there will be another time—"

Approaching Mu Yanbin, his eyes turned cold, as if looking at a dead person: "I will make your life worse than death! You'd better remember my words, do you understand?"

Under An Qianxi's ruthless gaze, Mu Yanbin involuntarily took a few steps back, and was startled to realize that he was suddenly short of breath. An Qianxi turned around, and said with a smile: "It's really nothing more than that!"

I can't be mad at you today!
"An Qianxi—"

Mu Yanbin stared at An Qianxi's leaving figure with gloomy eyes, knowing clearly that An Qianxi was intentionally embarrassing herself, her breath was stuck in her heart, and she couldn't get up or down, feeling extremely depressed.For the first time, I felt that I underestimated, no, it was because I never saw clearly the woman who grew up with me.Glancing at the trash can not far away, he stepped up and then retracted. He really wanted to throw all these things into the trash can, but he couldn't.Firstly, if someone is watching, if he does this, it will only make people feel that he has a small stomach; secondly, although these things look intrusive, they can only remind him of the humiliation he received today when he is in front of his eyes. Come to spur and alert yourself.One day, when his wings are full, he will collect debts with interest.

With a firm mind, Mu Yanbin got into the car with the box in his arms.

"You're going too far!" Xiao Jingyi glanced at her son in the rearview mirror, shook her head and sighed softly, "Even if you don't like An An, what you did today is really chilling. Not to mention anything else, the two families Do you care about face? Although you and An Zihui are now engaged, there is still a rift between our two families, and it will be difficult to mend!"

"Mom, I'm the one who was framed, don't bend your elbows too far." Mu Yanbin let out a low growl with his calm gaze.

"You still feel wronged?" Xiao Jingyi lowered her eyelids, how could she not understand what happened today?Naturally, he also knew that his son was following other people's advice, "If you hadn't thought of harming others first, others would have caught you? How dare you say that the person in the photo is not you? The person speaking in the recording pen Isn't it you? I said earlier that An Zihui is not a good person, and it's outrageous to plot against my sister like this."

"Mom, it was all my idea—"

"Shut up!" This time it was Mu Shengtong who said, "Son, marry a wife and a good woman. A good woman can not only make the family harmonious, but also make the family prosperous. Women are like water, and water is wealth. A good woman is the most precious wealth in life, and your mother is my treasure. Although it was your idea, she is An An's sister after all, she has the same blood and is a family. You have impure thoughts, she should dissuade you at this time You are not adding fuel to the flames and instigating you to harm her family. What is a family? A family can support each other, share joys and sorrows, unite as one and never give up no matter what difficulties they face. They belong to each other. Rely on it. Obviously, An Zihui is too far behind. Your mother is right, she is not worthy of being our Mu family's daughter-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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