The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 232 Li Canran

Chapter 232 Li Canran (2)
"Dad, why even you..."

"Seeing that your father is usually foolish and not serious, you really think your father is careless? The Mu family has a great career, and it has been able to make it to where it is today. Do you think it's just a rich foundation? Pursuing me back then is like a past. Jiangzhi crucian carp, but why did I only choose your father? Is it just because of his handsome face? If your father is not promising, I really look down on you. Son, you are too young, you still have to learn A lot. Remember, you have to look at people with your heart!" Xiao Jingyi said earnestly, looked at her son who was still not looking so good, and changed the topic, "Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, it is useless for us to oppose it. Since you chose it yourself , you have to bear all the consequences yourself. As for the future wedding, do whatever you want, we won’t embarrass her on the surface, but don’t expect me to like her either. "


"This is already my biggest concession. You don't have to say good things for her." Xiao Jingyi raised her hand to stop Mu Yanbin's words, "She is very good in your eyes, but she is no match for An An in my heart. Alas, what a pity, really Pity!"

"An'an, you only have An'an in your heart. What's so good about her? Since you know that I was framed, you should see her true face..."

"Wife, it is said that whether the son is smart or not is inherited from his mother, why is he not like you at all?" Mu Shengtong shook his head and sighed, then turned his head to look at Mu Yanbin, "An An is the one we grew up with, although he is a bit arrogant, But that girl really has no evil intentions. As for how to treat you, you can tell with your conscience, what did she do to you? "

"Why isn't he smart? Let's see what happened today from the beginning to the end. Your son has a strong heart. If this really happens, Miss An will criticize everyone. Your son's heart is more ruthless than yours!" It's really shameless to say that it's extremely difficult to deal with a woman. Even her mother is chilled, "It's okay if you don't know. You were the one who made the scandal about Gu Zirui before I dared to love you. You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. Gu Zirui Who is it? Now in the capital, it can be said that the wind and the rain, you even plan on him, can he let you go? You don't want to pour dirty water on An An. "

"Your mother is right, you are too stubborn. You know that An An and Gu Zirui are good friends. If you frame An An like this, Gu Zirui has a problem with you and can let go of it? You deserve it today! Even if this It's all because of An An, that's her ability, I admire this girl quite a bit. Son, you really missed a good woman, don't regret it in the future. "

Mu Yanbin had nothing to say for a moment, and thought about it carefully, even though An Qianxi personally admitted that she did all of this, it was absolutely impossible for her alone to do it.Are you good at it?Climbing up to Gu Zirui's big Buddha is indeed a good skill.

Gu Zirui calling the wind and rain in the capital?The strength of one's own family lies in its solid foundation, and it is not impossible to fight. The parents' worries are too much, and they will only grow others' ambitions and destroy their own prestige.Of course, at this time, Mu Yanbin would not say these words, everything should be considered in the long run, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and what my mother said was right, he is still young, and he has plenty of time and capital.

Although the couple said that Mu Yanbin had to deal with the aftermath by himself, no matter how outrageously wrong they were, they were still their own flesh and blood, so how could they really ignore it?What's more, this is not only a matter of the reputation of the children, but the most important thing is the face of the Mu family. This matter cannot cause the stock price to plummet.So the couple used all means, bribery and pressure, to minimize the damage.

It was reported that Mu Yanbin did not hesitate to frame An Qianxi and Yan Feimo for the sake of An Zihui, but unexpectedly, the secret collusion between himself and An Zihui was exposed.An Qianxi confidante was furious, and she dumped Mu Yanbin with a high profile. Reporting this way, the whole matter was not biased, but the sex was not exposed, but the reputations of Mu Yanbin and An Zihui were also ruined.

This kind of result is acceptable to the Mu family.They clearly understood how many people were there at the time. Although the people in the photo venue didn't see it, they could imagine it.Moreover, those conversations were all in people's ears without saying a word. Everyone has their own conclusions about what is right and what is wrong. It is absolutely impossible to fabricate the facts. Even if they can stop the media's mouth, can they still stop Yoyo?Furthermore, the couple sincerely admitted their mistakes in front of the two families. If the content of the report did not match the facts, wouldn't the anger that had just been suppressed by the An family and the Yin family burn even more?And since the slap in the face, where is the integrity of the Mu family?Do you want to hang out in the capital in the future?Since it was caused by his son, he should learn some lessons, the so-called jade can't be made into a tool, but he will not force his son to a corner.In this way, it is the best explanation for everyone.I only hope that after going through this time, the son can grow up, and then their painstaking efforts as parents will not be wasted.

Mu Yanbin knew what the Mu family and his wife had done for their children, but he was grateful in his heart and issued a long statement in a very sensible manner.One is for filial piety, and the other is to restore some of my own image.In the statement, they sincerely apologized to An Qianxi and Yan Feimo, every word "from the heart", and conducted a profound review.At the same time, he also admitted his love affair with An Zihui, saying that he failed to handle the emotional relationship between the three of them properly, and the fault was that he couldn't help himself and was indecisive.This is an eloquent article, full of remorse and self-blame between the lines, I implore the public to treat An Zihui with tolerance, and push all the faults on themselves.

It's hard to say whether the image can be restored. After all, what he did was despicable and shameless, but the attitude of admitting his mistakes is indeed sincere and responsible.

"This Mu is able to bend and stretch." The young master of a famous family publicly issued a statement admitting his mistakes. How much courage does it take?Ordinary people really can't do it, which shows that Mu Yanbin is a smart person.And for the sake of An Zihui, he took all the faults on himself, which is quite impressive.Gu Zirui put the newspaper on the table, raised his hand and took a sip of tea, "Miss An, he's not that heartless and useless, he's just looking for someone."

"Gu Zirui, which side are you on? Why are you dissatisfied with Ms. An, and you don't have such a yin and yang aura to hurt people." Looking at the target?Isn't it just saying that An Qianxi can't get into Mu Yanbin's eyes?Yue Ling stood up furiously, and snatched the teacup from Gu Zirui's hand, "If you say anything wrong about Miss An, I...I will break up with you!"

Gu Zirui hugged Yue Lingyi with a chuckle, and sat on his lap: "Beauty is in the eye of a beholder, the one surnamed Mu is just blind and loves the wrong person, but we cannot deny his sincerity towards An Zihui." no?"

"It's a good thing he's blind." Yan Feimo sipped his tea leisurely, then raised his eyes to An Qianxi who was at the side.

An Qianxi raised her glass and chuckled, "Gu Zirui, thank you this time."

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Gu Zirui nodded, thanking him?You should thank his master well.

(End of this chapter)

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