The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 274 Let's play together

Chapter 274 Let’s play together (3)
"Okay, okay, you dare to bully my daughter with despicable means, and I have no end with him. An'an, wait, Daddy will ask you for an explanation!" While speaking, he rushed out like a gust of wind.

"Hey, Daddy——" I couldn't hold back anymore, watching Eric disappear without a trace, An Qianxi immediately retracted her outstretched hand, smiling through tears, "Hey Daddy, and Is he not finished? I guess I caught a loophole, and you are also an insider. Heh heh, then you guys have a good time."

An Qianxi drove to the campus in a good mood. All the way, there were children carrying jack-o-lanterns or small baskets going from house to house saying "trick or treat". Adults and children dressed up in strange costumes, and the atmosphere of Halloween was very strong.The same is true in the campus, carved pumpkins can be seen everywhere, and the vitality of the students is fully reflected in the costumes.Some wear clown costumes with painted faces, some wear ghost masks to pretend to be ghosts and gods, and some wear fairy sticks full of fairy spirit. In a word, Halloween is full of joy everywhere.

Looking at the grotesque faces, An Qianxi smiled lightly and said nothing. How many non-humans are there?It must be very lively tonight.

"Ah, doll, Little Red Riding Hood? It's more like a doll this time." Beata was dressed in aristocratic attire, and just opened his mouth to reveal two fangs.

Yo, are the teeth of this guy fake or your own?It also fits his identity as a vampire, so it's all because of Halloween, which should be his favorite festival.

"Beate, are you pretending to be a vampire?" He knocked on those two teeth twice, "It looks pretty good."

"Hehe, does it look like it? Corian and I are both playing vampires today. Isn't it handsome?"

An Qianxi smiled at the two and nodded: "Handsome!"

Sure enough, they were all handsome men and beauties as they were shown on TV, so why didn't she see a few ugly ones for her to see?

"Baby, your boyfriend is not here this time, can you do a dance?" Mr. Beat stretched out his hand, his eyes sparkling.

An Qianxi slapped Beate's hand with a smile: "Don't make fun of me if you don't dance well."

"The baby is humble, you were the focus of the audience that time." Along the waist, he led people into the dance floor, lowered his head and sniffed, "The baby smells so good."

Don't wait, let's not say that it is not offensive to say such flirtatious language in such a cute way. People really have to pretend, and they have to pretend to be natural, just like the one in front of them.

"Beate, is this how you usually chase after girls?" There are quite a few people in this society who like cute girls, isn't Beater really following this route?There are also many people who want to throw themselves into their arms.

"Baby, do you feel that I'm chasing you?" She brows with joy.

When she is stupid?Even if I don’t feel like I watch a lot of TV, isn’t this episode outdated?

"But I have a boyfriend."

"It's okay, it's okay, I just have a boyfriend, and I'm not married, everyone has the right to pursue." Beata didn't care at all, "Look at me, I'm actually very good, sunny and handsome, and can make you happy. The most important thing is for the two of you to be happy together, right?"

"But my boyfriend is also very good. I am very happy with him."

"Baby, your boyfriend is a star. There must be many girls who like him. I also watched the concert that day. He is indeed very charming. Such a man is a lover of the masses. Aren't you jealous? I am different, and I am not afraid of the media. There will be no extra women hanging around in the filming, I can only like you."

"Are you sure there are no other girls around you?" An Qianxi swept her eyes away, didn't she see so many girls at the ball staring at you?
"But I only like you, so just give me a chance, okay? I didn't ask you to accept me right away. If you know me better, you'll find that I'm very dedicated."

"Beate, you are very good. Many girls like your vigor and straightforwardness, but there are also many who like mature and steady ones, such as——Corian." He raised his eyebrows and pouted, "Look, Those girls are waiting for Corian's invitation."

"The doll likes the type of Corian?" Neyat's eyes flashed, and he looked back at the elegant and calm Corian, feeling a little jealous in his heart.

"Ah? What do I mean? Don't talk nonsense. It's not good for Corian to misunderstand, and it's even worse for my boyfriend to hear you." A provocative seed.

"It's because I can't speak, baby, don't be angry." Beate held An Qianxi tightly with his hands, and looked down at the exposed snowy neck, so attractive.

"I'm not that stingy, I know you're just outspoken." She raised her eyes and smiled.

Beat smiled a little forcedly, and his outspoken words undoubtedly gave him another stab.

After the song, Beat led An Qianxi back to the outfield, intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Corian who smiled lightly, why did he find this smile so dazzling?
"Ann, can I ask you to dance?" Corian was still elegant, bent over and stretched out his hand, carrying out his gentlemanly demeanor to the end.


The two stepped onto the dance floor together, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Corian, you and Beat have a really good relationship, and you are in the same school to take care of each other. Moreover, one is stable and the other is energetic, and the one is quiet and the other is moving. It's really enviable to look at. If my brother also Just stay with me." Only one provocation is enough, the person in front of him is meticulous, but he can be suspicious if he says too much, gossiping and playing the family card to make people feel pity is the best strategy.

"Oh, Ann has a brother?"

"Yeah, and my brother and I are twins, and we have a very good relationship. There is also a sister, but..." Yuyan stopped and lowered his head, "Today is a holiday, so let's not talk about spoiling things. Just seeing you Cousins ​​love each other, it's just a matter of feeling, don't take it to heart."

"Ann, are we friends?"

"Of course, you and Beate are very kind to me, making me not so lonely in this strange country. It's because I'm your friend that I don't want my troubles to disturb your good mood."

"Can it ruin my good mood? Then I have to listen to what kind of troubles. As long as you are willing to talk, I will listen."

"Corian, has anyone ever told you that you are a gentleman and gentle?"

"Well... I'm glad it came out of Ann's mouth."

An Qianxi smiled mischievously, and turned her beautiful eyes: "We have a saying in China: we miss our relatives every festival. Although Halloween is not a traditional day of reunion in our country, this joyous atmosphere makes me homesick and misses Naturally, all the previous things will follow."

Corian remained silent, knowing that An Qianxi had already started talking, so she listened quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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